Hate Watching with Dan and Tony
Hate Watching with Dan and Tony
Unraveling 'Freejack': Time Travel, Dystopias, and Swiss Escapades
What happens when memories of a mediocre film collide with contemporary reflections on identity and time travel? Join us as we navigate the tangled narratives and bizarre performances of "Free Jack,” where past meets future in the most unusual ways. The episode dives into nostalgia, societal commentary, and the innate humor tied to exploring what makes this film a curious relic.
• The discovery of "Free Jack" leads to deeper reflections on cinematic value
• Character analysis of Emilio Estevez and the intricacies of time travel
• Discussion of the social implications tied to the film's narrative
• Humor interspersed through commentary on Mick Jagger's villain role
• An invitation for listeners to rethink past cinematic experiences and memories
Written lovingly by AI
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Dan: @shakybacon
Tony: @tonydczech
And follow the podcast on IG: @hatewatchingDAT
I was doing my morning walk and I found a Mean Jeans pizza sign in the trash.
Speaker 2:Oh, wait, what why?
Speaker 1:Why did I find it in the trash, or was?
Speaker 2:it like folded up and crumpled. My question is how did you find something in the trash One?
Speaker 1:Because it was out by the trash and it's a giant plastic sign that's like oh, like a big one, Three feet by four feet, Really. You can see it on my instagram.
Speaker 2:It's amazing did you take it?
Speaker 1:oh, yeah, yeah, attaboy, that's awesome that's a good vibe, covered in dust, but I mean that you can.
Speaker 2:You can fix that. I thought you were digging in the like the trash bins and like just pulled out a little like a little sign no, it's gigantic.
Speaker 1:I was like wait what?
Speaker 2:dan goodsell puts on his waders and jumps into the dumpsters, going through it.
Speaker 1:Good for you, man welcome to ain't watching with Dan and Tony. I'm Dan, I'm Tony. On this show we watch a movie. This movie that we watched this week Was well watched over a course of many weeks.
Speaker 2:Yeah, when did you watch it? Did you re-watch it? Because I assume you watched it at the original time?
Speaker 1:I watched the first hour and then we Tony had to leave, so we've been gone, for we've been off for two weeks.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I went on hiatus.
Speaker 1:I watched the first hour two weeks ago and then I was like I'll just put it back on and then I'll just sort of listen to it, you know, to get refreshed.
Speaker 2:Sure, yeah, I don't need to pay 100% attention.
Speaker 1:Then I made the mistake of looking at my notes and I'm like I don't know what any of this means. I know, so I had to rewatch the entire movie yesterday, so you did do it twice.
Speaker 2:I apologize. And I apologize to all the listeners and viewers out there who were clamoring for another episode. I left the country, but I have now returned.
Speaker 1:Well, I pumped up our numbers on Milk Money.
Speaker 2:So there you go. Oh great, I mean, that's a good one. Milk Money was a good movie, man. I liked that movie, very weird movie. Better than this movie.
Speaker 1:So yes, the movie we're doing this week is 1992's Emilio Estevez's Free Jack.
Speaker 2:Free Jack.
Speaker 1:Which I think I said. I remember when this came out. I remember the word of the mouth was so terrible that we didn't go see it.
Speaker 2:I love that you know that, because oftentimes when we watch movies from years past, I would love to know what people thought just at the time. This is good.
Speaker 1:Very bad. Very bad, interesting this was not a movie people wanted to see For good reasons Very negative, it's not a good movie.
Speaker 2:Interesting. This was not a movie people wanted to see. For good reasons Very negative, it's not a good movie, yeah yeah.
Speaker 1:So I was, how old was I? 65, 75, 85. I was 27. But I was still at that point, still seeing every science fiction movie.
Speaker 2:Sure, of course.
Speaker 1:So if I didn't go see a science fiction movie, it was because it's bad.
Speaker 2:People, a science fiction movie it was because it's bad. People told you not to see it and you listened. Good for you.
Speaker 1:Yeah, hour and 48 minutes. This was suggested by one of our listeners slash viewers, so thank you. I of course forgot her name when we did.
Speaker 2:Not Bind. It was her idea too.
Speaker 1:It's been a while.
Speaker 2:Great ideas abound.
Speaker 1:This movie. It's terrible, but there's some redemption in it.
Speaker 2:There is. I have a lot of questions. Yes, does it seem to you that there is a world that's much more built out than we actually see in the movie, like there are ideas that they talk about in the?
Speaker 1:movie where I'm like why am I not seeing any of this? You you've clearly thought about the world as a whole, but we don't get to explore it very much. The guy that directed it australian. He had directed um a movie called the dying earth, which was a end of the world movie which was super interesting, which I remember seeing back in the day. Um had, you know, dealt lot of interesting concepts, was a very weird movie. Sure Came from the Australian science fiction world, which was a strange one, and then got thrown into this movie. Oh, he directed Young Guns 2, I think.
Speaker 2:Hence the Emilio Estevez connection. Hence why this happened, I think. Hence the Emilio Estevez connection, hence why this happened.
Speaker 1:And this movie, I believe they kind of did it, and then people were not happy, execs weren't happy, and so they added more car chases and stuff like that. Oh, okay.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that makes sense.
Speaker 1:And just made it worse.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean because they don't add anything. They're not particularly exciting. Maybe 50 years ago people liked them a little bit more, but they don't add anything to the story or the characters, just like. Oh, now we're on another 10-minute chase scene, great. I'm going to tune out and play games on my phone for a little bit.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but there's some campiness in it. That's pretty fun, mick Jagger as the bad guy.
Speaker 2:I wish they'd lean into it a little bit more.
Speaker 1:Who with 17 different names Vin, vincente, vincent, san San, san, c C C, su C C. Yeah, I think I wrote down the final iteration of his name seemed to have been Vincendak.
Speaker 2:Vincendek? Okay, that's not a name.
Speaker 1:So yes, mick Jagger, vincendek, not a good actor, emilio, worse actor than Mick Jagger?
Speaker 2:Okay, so this was going to be my big first question of the day. Is Emilio Estevez a bad actor? He is in this, or was right? So I I'm trying to remember life, but in the before days, when Emilio was still acting, I cannot remember if he's good or not.
Speaker 1:based on this movie, he's awful well, he was in Repo man, which is a great movie.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:But he's playing himself, yeah. And then he was in Young Guns 1 and 2, which I think is which I don't think he's great in.
Speaker 2:I think he's kind of weird in it because he doesn't feel period appropriate. Yes, if I remember.
Speaker 1:The funniest thing about this is he basically goes to the future and doesn't feel period appropriate. Right, but you're like what's?
Speaker 2:so he doesn't feel like he's from our time. He feels like he's confused about.
Speaker 1:He's like what's happening? Who am I? What am I supposed?
Speaker 2:to be doing, and he doesn't even go that far in the future, isn't this 18? Years or something like that. They say I'm pretty sure he Isn't this 18 years or something like that they say.
Speaker 1:I'm pretty sure he jumps to the 18 years in the future. They've trashed the environment. The whole world is destroyed. Whole world is somehow destroyed. Everyone's, like you know, got benzene in their whole systems. You're just like this is not a wide enough, this is not a big enough job.
Speaker 2:No, but they wanted to keep the same actors in it and they didn't want them to have to do prosthetic makeup. That is what I've decided is they're like we need it. Just far enough that it's a gap, but not too far where we have to do any extra work about it. Okay, that's our sweet spot, right there.
Speaker 1:And you know at one point the love interest who you, 18 years. She's like I've moved on and you're like I would hope so, right.
Speaker 2:It's been 18 years. He's been dead for 18 years you should maybe three years and you're good to go. Not that I've ever lost someone I loved.
Speaker 1:Yeah, if you're 35 and your high school girlfriend shows up, your boyfriend you're going to be like yeah, we do not have a lot in common.
Speaker 2:Right. Our lives have gone very different routes here.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and it's not like he's she was already an adult, yes, like in the time period when he was a kid, and he's still a kid and she's even more of an. You know, yeah, there's people that are a kid, and he's still a kid and she's even more of an. You know, yeah, there's people that are kids and there's people that are adults.
Speaker 1:you know, people like tony and I, we're, we're kids and we're gonna always be kids it is what it is and you know, renee russo plays an adult and you're just like, yeah, yeah, I don't, I don't see it we're not, we're not getting together.
Speaker 2:Oh, that's all I'll say about that. She would not be interested.
Speaker 1:I was watching the Dune movie, the second Dune movie, dune 2. Oh, rebecca Ferguson is in there and you're just like I'm so in love with her. And then you're like, yeah, no, that would.
Speaker 2:Yeah, no, yeah she wouldn't even stand, like she'd be with me for three minutes and be like get away from me. You are so annoying. Where are all the adults in this room?
Speaker 1:You know there are people with adult energy and people with childish energy. That I just they don't mix.
Speaker 2:And he does not seem like an adult at any point in this movie? No, he sure doesn't?
Speaker 1:He seems like a child.
Speaker 2:Which he is technically, so he nailed it Great job. Emililio, I take back all the bad actor comments.
Speaker 2:I said you crushed it well what I was gonna say so emilio, awful in this movie and, yes, at first I was like man mick jagger sucks, but he really grows on me throughout this movie by like halfway through. He's my favorite character in the movie and I'm just waiting to see him again on screen Because he's fun. He's ridiculous, he's not a human, but he's fun, he's entertaining, he's making choices. Good for him. I had a great time.
Speaker 1:Yeah, he's a character You're like oh, he's a character, I like this. And in a movie where everyone's just like you know, I am businessman, I am a guy that shoots you, it's like I don't care the line where he was in the car chase.
Speaker 2:When he's on the video screen and Emilio closes the screen and he goes. Oh no, I'm scared of the dark. I think I watched that four times, dan. That cracked me up so hard.
Speaker 1:It's brilliant did he keep popping open the video screen in that one?
Speaker 2:yes and he's just still there. He's still there, yeah it's ridiculous yeah, this is great, great stuff yeah.
Speaker 1:So yeah, this movie, you know, mix of tones and a mix of a lot of dopiness and you know they, yeah, they just do a lot of things that are very silly and, and you know, walking on sound stage, sound stage, sets of the future, yeah, that never works the future 18 years, hardly the future 18. I remember that person just barely. You're like it wasn't that long ago.
Speaker 2:Yeah, like I remember people I knew 20 years ago and I have a terrible memory.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you're going to remember who you bought your apartment from. You'll be like, oh her.
Speaker 2:What Wait, what Well? And they don't say it right away, right the time gap? I feel like it took a while to say so. When he went to that apartment and they're like, yeah, we bought it from her years ago, I was like, wait, what, how old was she when you bought it? I'm so confused. Also, are you buying apartments? Do they own the apartments? Usually you're renting an apartment. I was very confused. That was a rental apartment 100%.
Speaker 1:Was it her apartment? Because he wakes up at the beginning, right.
Speaker 2:Yeah, maybe that is the same place. Didn't feel like it was her apartment. She'd not known that. Not a chance.
Speaker 1:Seems like it was his apartment.
Speaker 2:Yes, that is correct.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so we start the movie. He wakes up shitty apartment, she's there, big race day. And I wrote Renee is his mom, mom.
Speaker 2:And then it turns out wait, I believe they're they're married, aren't they? I don't know if they. She mentions I'm going with all the other wives and he kind of is like wives. So I don't think they're married yet, but I think they're like close.
Speaker 1:You know what I mean his name is alex mom, her name is julie um, and then so we kind of cut back between present and the future. In the future, uh, vincent danze mick jagger, we'll call him uh, is has a convoy of things and they're going through the Badlands to get to a specific location.
Speaker 2:Which I never told. Do they have to be in the same physical space? Okay, the rules were a little confusing to me.
Speaker 1:Yeah, this is also, I think, based on a real science fiction story, and I'm sure the science fiction story would have like Explained some stuff.
Speaker 2:Yeah, there was a really good, as you do story would have like.
Speaker 1:Explained some stuff. Yeah, there was a really good science fiction story, which is a movie. The movie, I think, time After Time was based on. It was about time travel. But they do a whole thing where they sort of set up the location in a warehouse and then really get it to look like the place you're going to and and it was this sort of mental tuning that you had to do.
Speaker 2:I like that To sort of get there, and it was.
Speaker 1:They set it up in a bunch of different ways, so you're like, oh, they're sort of psychically transporting themselves Sure.
Speaker 2:So it's not like you know, your brain's all mush. Yeah, yeah, Interesting.
Speaker 1:So he's getting warmed up, he makes her nibble my ear for luck.
Speaker 2:Now. I'm so glad that they do a callback to this at the end of the movie, because it's the weirdest line ever. Nobody says hey, babe, nibble on my ear a little bit please, for good luck. In the middle of a crowd, it's weird, it's super weird, um, but it's so specific to this creepy guy that you know that's how she knows it's him literally. No one else would ever ask me to nibble an ear, so it's gotta be alex we cut back.
Speaker 1:they're setting up the vehicles you to shoot like a laser at the place where the thing is going to do. We cut back. We meet his sleazy promoter, who is played by David Johansson Brad. I love David Johansson, he's just great.
Speaker 2:What else does he do? I didn't even hardly recognize him did.
Speaker 1:I. He was the taxi cab driver in Scrooged. Oh well, I love that movie.
Speaker 2:He's also the lead singer of the new york dolls. Oh wow. So there's a couple of singers in this movie. That's great. He's great, I love it okay.
Speaker 1:So mick jagger's there set up to do the thing and he says, okay, let's do it up to do the thing and he says, okay, let's do it.
Speaker 2:So good, have you been working on that for three weeks? No, be honest with everybody, because that was pretty good.
Speaker 1:Well, because I knew I was doing mcjagger and I wrote best line read of all times because he was just like it was great uh, yeah, he's on it, he's on a shit um, there's the race, they're getting ready. Uh, boom, boom, boom. And then he goes and the car hits a thing, launches up, crashes into a bridge, they zap the thing and basically, basically, the idea is they grab the body out of the scene, out of the past where no one's going to miss it, so it doesn't cause any wrinkles in the future exactly, which is actually a very smart way to do it, like.
Speaker 2:I really like that and we don't really discuss it, and which is fine. It's fine the way that you said it is explained much better than the movie ever does? They never say that in the movie they never say that in the movie, but like that's, that's why you do. It is because you're going to die anyhow, so it doesn't have any permanent repercussions. It's brilliant. It's the one loophole of the time, because everyone's like oh, time travel is always weird. This is a great rule. It's really nice.
Speaker 1:Yep, you're taking something that's already used up, basically, and just grabbing it. Boop, we got, got him, let's go. So so they take off and have to drive away. He's the name free jack. Name of the movie is a free jack is a person that they've stolen from the past right what I mean, they do it, fine, they do it. Name whoever you want you can. You can name whatever you wanted to do do they do it?
Speaker 2:I'm gonna have some questions, because at the end of this movie it kind of feels like anthony hopkins is in charge of everything and he's only done this one time. I got real confused no, no, no.
Speaker 1:He only wants him because he wants julie to be in love with him. That's why she's stealing him.
Speaker 2:I mean, we're gonna talk about that because that is some messed up stuff, but but he controls the whole business, right? He's the only guy doing this. No, he does it for his rich friends, sure, okay, so this one just happens to be his body, okay, all right. Yeah, I got confused, dan, I'm telling you. It just felt they kept saying like, oh, it's a free jack, we know what this is. But then at the end I was like this feels like Anthony Hopkins is only doing this one time. I'm confused.
Speaker 1:Oh no, he does it for his buddies. Ok, you know you're like a piece of shit rich guy I would have liked to have met some other free jacks.
Speaker 2:That's all I'm saying. I think that would have filled out the world a little bit, world a little bit. Well, you can't meet them. They're dead. They're not dead, they've become other people. You know what I mean. So like if Anthony Hopkins had some young friends that he was like hanging out with and you're like, oh, this is a guy that's been transported his brain to a younger body. I don't know.
Speaker 1:I see what you're saying, but I think Freejack is just the. It's the before term. It's the before term I think you know like, once you inhabit him, he's no longer a free Jack.
Speaker 2:So then, why is there even a label for it? Because it's supposed to happen instantaneous. They're like you shouldn't have even woken up. So is he the first one? Is he the first actual free jack to wake up and escape? I think so, which is why one of the dudes is like you make my grandma smile. They're all rooting for you. Who's rooting for him? Oh, the people. That's the world I want to see.
Speaker 1:Where is all of?
Speaker 2:that the people are. I mean, I understand the idea of what they're saying, but I haven't seen that anywhere. Where is the people on the street?
Speaker 1:where he's getting shot at, like helping him, because they're like you're my free jack friend, go free, jack go.
Speaker 2:You know they, they chant at one point. Oh, they do they do chant at one.
Speaker 1:At one point they're like free jack, free in the club, in the club, up in the club. Yeah, okay, surprisingly well. What was the movie we did where everybody wanted to kill you? What was that movie? Oh no, I don't know. We did that one and it was like it was John Cena and Awkwafina. What was that movie?
Speaker 2:Oh, the jackpot.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and that one went the opposite direction, which was no one has morals and everyone will just automatically want to kill you.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:And this one sort of goes the other way is when he's walking around on the street, no one ever recognizes him. And then when the people sort of know there's not even they're like go you.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, I would have liked a little bit more of the common man helping him out.
Speaker 1:Yes, there definitely could have been and I mean that's what they did not completely correctly of the common man helping him out. Yes, there definitely could have been, and I mean that's what they did not completely correctly. But occasionally they'd kind of get it right in that Doc Fina movie where I think somebody lets him in the store and then he's all like, well, sorry, sorry now I'm going to kill you.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and I think someone else does actually help her at one point. So that's an important mix, because you're speaking about humanity, right? Yeah, you got to show the good of humanity and the bad. It's the sci-fi, okay. So basically what happens is they're driving him back to where he needs to go. They're trying to kill him. He wakes up, the convoy, gets attacked and then fights the bad, the evil doctors, and they're about to lobotomize him, but instead he lobotomizes all of them, right?
Speaker 1:and then he gets out and you know they're running after him and they're like get the meat, get the meat.
Speaker 2:I wrote that line down too. That's a good line. That's a 10 out of 10 line. I love it. It was fun.
Speaker 1:He gets in the taxi.
Speaker 2:The taxi points a gun at him. Did it surprise you that there were taxis just around this zone where everyone's shooting? No, I was a little confused.
Speaker 1:Because in Escape from New York there's a guy in a taxi, so go to the taxi.
Speaker 2:Okay, that's a fair point. It's a little bit more of a thought out world, I'd say.
Speaker 1:But it's fine, you know when, when you're looking at escape from New York and going like this, this is a complete science fiction world. Yeah, I mean, it was John Carpenter, it was a good movie. But man, you know you're like, it doesn't take a lot to have sort of a thought out world.
Speaker 2:No, no, it doesn't. You just have to think about it a little bit, make some decisions.
Speaker 1:Well, and you kind of live with it. You know, when he gets in escape from New York, when he gets in there with Eris Borgnein's taxi, there's oh, you got to see this, oh, you know. I'm introducing you to the world.
Speaker 1:I'm being a role right and he comes back yeah, oh yeah, he does yeah it's like you introduce characters, then you bring them back and that's what you could do with characters as opposed to being weird with them. A lot of weird in this movie. He has to give up his watch and then the bad guys come and then he gets kicked out and then he goes. Then he works back to his old apartment and there's like a guy there that he recognizes Jose. We don't ever deal with that at all.
Speaker 2:We never met him before, which would have been a nice moment so that we could have that sort of connection as well, as opposed to him just being like hey, I know you, and then that guy's like do I know you? And then he kind of feels like he does, but he never really makes the connection, I don't think, and then Emilio's just gone. Yeah.
Speaker 1:And this is your moment to do like. Oh no, jose was my dad. I'm Jose Jr.
Speaker 2:Sure, but it's only 18 years.
Speaker 1:You look like well, yeah, I mean he's 36.
Speaker 2:He's dead, the dad is dead.
Speaker 1:The kid was one, now he's 19. You look just like your dad. Oh, my dad died in the, you know, in the pod wars. Blah, blah blah.
Speaker 2:What was it Great? The depression, the 10 year depression, or something like that there was a 10 year depression.
Speaker 1:Like when did that happen?
Speaker 2:Where's the line I wrote yeah, yeah, I didn't write that one down. They said end quote the 10-year depression. That's a thing that happens. I don't know how far out we are from that, but someone says I haven't seen any wine since the 10-year depression.
Speaker 1:So wine is going to disappear. It's going to eat rats. Oh yeah, We'll talk about that.
Speaker 2:That's what he says, that's that story. So there's 18 years and 10 of them were a depression, so that's not good. So there's 18 years and 10 of them were a depression, so that's not good.
Speaker 1:But more importantly, after he died there's only another eight years of wine right yeah, apparently. Tough.
Speaker 2:Wine dried up real quick. That's too bad.
Speaker 1:Knowing that there's places in the world, there are storage facilities where all they do is store rich people's wine. That's right, just store rich people's wine. That's all going to be gone in eight years.
Speaker 2:I don't think so. Well, we get thirsty.
Speaker 1:Okay, okay. So we find out that the apartment used to be Julie's. They bought it from her and then they realize he's the Free Jack and they're like get free, jack, nobody can help you.
Speaker 2:I'm like what? Well, because it's kind of confusing again, I want, I want to know if there's been more free jacks in the world.
Speaker 1:yeah, so we go to top of this, this high rise and building. There's two guys that are arguing about what's happening with the freejack and they're saying the client is pissed and they turn on the timer 36 hours, he's trapped in the spiritual switchboard. And then, yeah, because there's this weird religious iconography involved in that, which never makes any sense.
Speaker 2:No, but we bring in a nun pretty soon to make it even more confusing.
Speaker 1:More importantly, who plays that nun?
Speaker 2:Uh-oh, I don't know, do I? Amanda Plummer plays the nun, of course, yeah.
Speaker 1:And who is she?
Speaker 2:I don't.
Speaker 1:I don't know who that is Did you ever see the Quentin Tarantino movie with all the people? What's his big movie called Pulp Fiction, pulp Fiction. At the end there's what's his name in Honey Bunny. You know, in the diner.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, okay, Alright, that's her. Okay, she's great, Good for her he hides out.
Speaker 1:So he starts hiding out. And then, vincent, mick Jagger goes to talk to the boss and the boss is all like you're slipping, you're not good at what you do anymore. And he's got a Fabergé egg on his desk, a little tiny Fabergé egg, which Mick plays with and then almost throws into the ground like it'll break, like an egg will break.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's right.
Speaker 1:Even though Fabergé eggs are metal, gold jewels Sure but what if you'd dent a gem or something?
Speaker 2:Does that decrease the value it might Do? You know what a gem is, Tony? It's a stone. Do you know what a gem is, tony, it's a stone, you know anything about what a diamond is. They are a girl's best friend. What do you use diamonds for? Diamond cutter?
Speaker 1:Yes, diamonds are the hardest surfaces, the hardest thing that there is.
Speaker 2:Well, I don't know about that.
Speaker 1:Look at Tony he's been working out Just a touch. So he hides out in the church. Here comes the nun. She's all like sister, help me.
Speaker 2:She's cursing away.
Speaker 1:She's like get out says shit and she gets all pissed off at him.
Speaker 2:Oh man, she's got a gun on him. I don't know, is she still a? Nun, these are my questions yeah, because she starts talking about the spiritual switchboard. She's like there's no spiritualness in that. I don't remember what she says. Yeah, but is she still a nun or does she? Did she stop believing?
Speaker 1:oh no, she still believes but she thinks they've co-opted the church.
Speaker 2:Sure, so she's just bitter, okay.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and that's the thing where you could have talked about that. You needed to sort of explore how the rich are exploiting religion to control the masses. That's what you always do, and we're still down here feeding the poor, and they're up there not just trying to keep themselves alive.
Speaker 2:Because I think they know that the writers know that that's what's going on, but they don't tell me that that's what's going on. No, and that's the problem.
Speaker 1:These are the missing scenes we cut back. Victor does a thing where he tests his number two guy. It's sort of weird.
Speaker 2:But I'm not testing you, I'm testing the machine.
Speaker 1:And it works. Now test everyone else.
Speaker 2:It's good man. I don't know Again. I didn't like him at first but having finished the movie and now thinking back, he is the best part. He's campy. He's fun. The rest of the movie needed to elevate to his camp level and this would have been a smash hit. He's fun. The rest of the movie needed to elevate to his camp level and this would have been a smash hit.
Speaker 1:He showed them the way they did not go, they didn't fall. Nobody followed. Well, that's. The other thing is like I'm sure this movie is after Blade Runner and a bunch of other movies. You know this movie dreams it was Blade Runner, Very sadly. Yeah, but it's not. You know, Blade Runner is a movie.
Speaker 2:It's yeah, it's great. You know, blade runner is a movie. It's, yeah, it's great and filled with people that can act and story, and I don't know. I just I have to imagine that you're watching dailies. You're the director, you're watching dailies of this movie. You're a week into it. You've shot five scenes. Don't you just think yourself? We need to change this? I, I see what's happening. I understand the good parts of it. Let's make this movie more campy.
Speaker 1:Well, I want to believe that I could do that if I saw it happening in real time you also have the producer standing there going like, oh, we need to make this more action filled with our very little amounts of money we have.
Speaker 2:Studio movies are tough man. There's too many cooks in the kitchen.
Speaker 1:So boom, he walks through the town. There's like a big naked lady place.
Speaker 2:You have to have that. It just seems any time you're in the future there's got to be some sort of whorehouse, you know.
Speaker 1:People fighting with machine guns on the street Just randomly the rules of this planet.
Speaker 2:They confuse me.
Speaker 1:he finds brad, brad's up there, his, it's his uh, old manager. He's all like ah, you're alex, you're alive. And of course he's like cha-ching, cha-ching oh yeah. So basically, he uh, he's gonna. He's like we're gonna go make a deal well, he doesn't tell him this. But he's like we're going to go make a deal Well, he doesn't tell him this, but he's like, oh, I'll work this out for you. I'm going to hook you up with Julie.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'm going to bring you back to Julie. He's got one of my favorite sets of this entire film oh, his room. He brings him to his apartment and it's like this run-down, shitty apartment and he says something about like like you have to hide what you have or something, and then he goes into a back room and he's got this really nice apartment behind his shitty apartment. I thought that was brilliant. Yeah, it was nice we meet Julie.
Speaker 1:What she's up to?
Speaker 2:she's negotiating this deal with the Japanese and this other guy would love a little story about how she went from being a race car driver's almost wife to one of the most powerful women in the world. But that's fine, I don't need it, it happens I wasn't, I wasn't.
Speaker 1:I was a girlfriend.
Speaker 2:I was gonna coast off of this guy when he was just I was a trophy wife at the time, but then you know he's gone and now I got to become a millionaire all on my own.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and so it's this weird negotiation where we learn that she's a good negotiator-ish Well you know what would have been great.
Speaker 2:Is if, when we met the manager in the beginning, if she was also there and she was commingling with the business guys, yeah, when they go into that tent and he's like, hey, meet these business partners and schmooze them over, oh yeah, she would have been there and like was wheeling and dealing a little bit, I would have believed it.
Speaker 1:If she had been with him, and she was the one, yeah, and then Brad Just set it up a little bit. Brad's like I got these guys in here, Now you gotta close the deal. And then she closes the deal.
Speaker 2:Right, there you go. And now when I see her wheeling dealing in the future, I believe it. We know what she can do, easy peasy guys. Yeah, we didn't do that, no way to do it, but it is Renee Rousseau, so I still believe it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, she's fine. We meet Anthony. Leave it. Yeah, she's fine. We meet anthony hopkins, who's playing the big bad boss.
Speaker 2:He's uh telling her I'm doing this, I'm doing that you should go here you should do that well, and it is weird the whole time, and then you realize it's because he's dead.
Speaker 1:He's already dead he's dead and he's, he's, he's living, he's projecting virtually, which I really like. That. I was like wow okay, it's cool.
Speaker 2:It's a cool idea. One of my favorite lines in the movie I don't know where it came, I just wrote it down, but they're talking about telling Anthony Hopkins that they failed something. And he's like can you imagine being dead for three days and then someone giving you more bad news? I was like what kind of a line is that? That's a good line. It's brilliant. It's absolutely brilliant.
Speaker 1:So they're walking to get some food and then Brad's like you need to walk with a limp so people don't attack you.
Speaker 2:There's this whole weird bit, and he does it so badly. Emilio is not convincing with a limp. Uh, which is fine, it's, I think. I think it's supposed to be funny I, I don't know.
Speaker 1:Uh, they get to the diner, brad makes the call and he comes back and he's all like I'm gonna be rich. And then he's like what do you mean? You're gonna be rich, we're gonna be rich, oh no oh, you sold me out. Bad guys show up, firefight ensues. Then we have lots of fiberglass vehicles. We have motorcycles. He steals one of the motorcycles. After all the hoopla, he steals one of the motorcycles and takes off, heading towards where Julie lives Somehow. How does he know where Julie lives now?
Speaker 2:Well, because his manager told him and apparently gave him very detailed directions. I I don't see him doing that I'm not totally sure, but uh, he figured it out. I like how fast he figured out how to use the bike as well. He just starts pushing buttons and he's like, come on, come on, and then it works.
Speaker 1:It's great he's a race car driver. That's what they do they push buttons on vehicles 18 years ago.
Speaker 2:Dan, a lot of things have changed in 18 years.
Speaker 1:Okay, motorcycles every 18 years motorcycles completely change.
Speaker 2:Completely change how you start and run them. That's the thing it's called a cycle.
Speaker 1:Actually, they get easier and stupider as time goes by.
Speaker 2:Yeah, generally yeah, because now we have ones that are fully automatic, which is great. No more shifting gears, no thanks.
Speaker 1:Oh, you mean motorcycles.
Speaker 2:I was just thinking yeah, motorcycles you just get in the car.
Speaker 1:If you have the key in your pocket, you just push a button and it turns on.
Speaker 2:I mean that's true, yeah, pretty good. Push a button and it turns on. I mean that's true, yeah, pretty good. Or you know, at some point we're just going to get to ones that, like you just say start, and it reads your voice.
Speaker 1:It's going to happen and then if it stops working, then you're never able to get your car to move again.
Speaker 2:People that are good at impressions can steal famous people's cars. Oh, look at that.
Speaker 1:Hey, there's a movie we should do that the famous impression-stealing car movie in future technology.
Speaker 2:You say it. If you say it more excited, it'll sound better. It's going to be incredible.
Speaker 1:This guy's an incredible mimic and he fools everybody about everything.
Speaker 2:And he's the best car thief in the world. See, you got to say it excited.
Speaker 1:People get it. I'm Al Pacino car. Stop excited, people get it, I'm al pacino car start. I was just watching john mulaney and he did a big al pacino bit.
Speaker 2:Oh did he. Uh, that's a fun guy okay.
Speaker 1:So julie gets home, her her bodyguard drops her off. She's like I'm gonna be 10 minutes and by 10 minutes I mean I'm gonna go up to my house and I'm gonna strip naked and I'm gonna walk around and super weird, just kind of live her life for a while, you know, relax a little.
Speaker 2:It's been a stressful day.
Speaker 1:In the 10 minutes she has to go up there and come back down and then alex appears and initially she thinks alex is he's been whoever the whoever the buyer is, so she knew he got free jacked it seems like they both did her and the manager, because the manager's like I knew it, I knew it like you know, he like.
Speaker 2:So I think they guessed it somehow, which is weird, because how would she know she's been? He's been free jacked? Well, because she works for the free jack company, I guess. But they never set that up no, and also anthony hopkins is like. I didn't tell you about any of this because I didn't want you to be upset, but she knows about it.
Speaker 1:But she does seem to know. Yeah, I know you're right. You're right, it's confusing. She thinks he got free, jacked and taken over already.
Speaker 2:Yeah, well, what are you going to do?
Speaker 1:And once again, then she stops and believes him and then she's like how'd you get in here? And he's like the door was open. And then she stops believing him.
Speaker 2:Well, yeah Well, she would never leave her door open, dan, I don't know. They explain that later.
Speaker 1:Yeah, no, I understand how it worked, but it's like she could just say you know, where do we like to go out to eat.
Speaker 2:And what was your favorite meal there? Why doesn't he just do the nibble on my ear line?
Speaker 1:here yeah.
Speaker 2:You know, immediately get her on board, yeah.
Speaker 1:So she does the intruder alarm, he flees, and then the people who set him up show up vincent mcjagger and all his people, and you're like, why weren't they like down the hall?
Speaker 2:great, that's a great question.
Speaker 1:It's a terrible trap so then they go they say that, oh, she figures out later that the bad guys left his her rooms open as a trap right which they would be monitoring it and it wouldn't have taken them 10 minutes to get up there, you know.
Speaker 2:but it's fine, Maybe they were on lunch break. They'd see him pull up on his motor.
Speaker 1:Stolen motorcycle.
Speaker 2:You think so, stolen cop motorcycle yeah. Yeah.
Speaker 1:So then he steals a champagne truck, is that? What it is.
Speaker 2:Something like that. What do you say?
Speaker 1:I wrote changenope truck I don't know what that means.
Speaker 2:Well, that's not a word. You can't just make up words.
Speaker 1:Then, we have this crazy chase with lots of explosions until he jumps over a bridge.
Speaker 2:Is that what happened? I think I zoned out. He jumps into the river. Oh right, right, right, Somehow. He's going 60 miles per hour, but he falls straight down into the water. It's actually quite convenient.
Speaker 1:It's a much cheaper stunt to have someone jump into the water than sort of shoot someone at 60 miles an hour over the water and land, oh, no. So I guess Julie laments. I guess we have a scene where she's like no. So I guess Julie laments. I guess we have a scene where she's like oh, Well, you know now, he's died twice, yeah. He gets out of it. Oh, and Mick Jagger, I think, makes a line of I hope he doesn't drink any of that water, because then he's no good anymore.
Speaker 2:Right, yeah, which is you know? I get that we are poisoning the water quickly Benzene and all sorts of things. We don't even need 18 years for that, Dan.
Speaker 1:So he gets out of there and here's this old guy who's eating river rat and he's like river rat, how do you make river rat? And he's like first you cut off the head, then the tail, and then you make the sauce. That might have been my favorite thing. It's a great little scene.
Speaker 2:You know, I like I don't know. I don't know what's going on. It's, but I love it.
Speaker 1:No, it's not a great scene. That part was good in the scene. Then he starts telling this whole. Then Alex is like has a? Oh cause the nun had given him a gun. He's all like I think I'm going to kill myself. Now You're like yeah, that seems kind of extreme.
Speaker 2:The nice guy talks him out of it by telling him this crazy eagle story that doesn't make any sense. It's a weird eagle story about the eagle Giving up, but then he doesn't give up Because he has too much self respect or something like that. And then he's like how about you? You got self respect, buddy. Then he does. It's wonderful.
Speaker 1:It's like poetry, dan it was not like poetry.
Speaker 2:You ever seen an eagle? I don't know what we're talking about here, Guy. What's happening? I don't know.
Speaker 1:Like in that 18 years, there's going to be the eagles floating around.
Speaker 2:Are there no more eagles? Is that what's happening? Did we lose all the eagles? We lost all birds. No more birds.
Speaker 1:That's probably true. Julie talks her bodyguard into going to hunt for Alex, and then they just go to this terrible area because that's an area he used to like to go to. And there he is.
Speaker 2:And then he was just there. It's very weird. She's like, well, I guess he's not here. I am here. What's happening? I don't know.
Speaker 1:Dan used to study improv at the Groundlings.
Speaker 2:Let's go. Let's go drive around the Groundlings building. That's probably where he's gone. Dan's under the stairs peeking out. That was very strange because he was just in the shadows. He wasn't even doing anything as far as I could tell. He was just standing there.
Speaker 1:His bounty is now up to $10 million, which has got to be a lot, yeah Well, is it in 20 years, $10 million?
Speaker 2:They don't tell me. They don't really tell me if it's a lot or not, because she says it's too much and he says it's not too much.
Speaker 1:Who am I to believe? Good question, julie's, like I'm going to call Morgan. Morgan's a guy who gets people away.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I don't know.
Speaker 1:Where do we meet Morgan? We meet him at the club because you've got to always go to the club.
Speaker 2:People love the club, always go to the club.
Speaker 1:People love the club. They go to the club, they walk in. She leaves him at the bar and then she goes to talk to Morgan. The bartender's like here, drink this, this blue drink. He drinks it immediately, without even.
Speaker 2:And there's two. I got two problems with that One. He has no idea what he's drinking because, he's from the past and that's weird.
Speaker 2:But two, he doesn't pay for this drink. Yeah, no, no, self-respecting bartenders just could be like here. Here's a free drink, asshole. No, first one's free, tony. Well, he's drunk after one, so he's not going to have a second one. This guy's so far gone. And who appears to interview him? Some smoking hot reporter lady, I don't know. You don't know who that is, do you? Oh, you do know who it is. No, I don't know who it is. Who was it?
Speaker 1:That is Jerry Hall, mick Jagger's girlfriend.
Speaker 2:Now that's making some sense. Yeah, good, good for you, mick. Good for you.
Speaker 1:She, like, starts talking to him, then she realizes he starts explaining to her that he's the freejack.
Speaker 2:He's the freejack. Yeah, he's just offering up this information.
Speaker 1:Yeah, she goes live on every television on the planet. And then Julie's over there talking to Morgan. And here comes the free jack on the screen. Mick Jagger knows, everyone knows. Everyone is like we're heading there to get him.
Speaker 2:And all she says is we're going to have to get him out of here. She has no panic about it, she's just like oh, he's drunk, we should go. Oh, I love it.
Speaker 1:Oh, mick, was we cut back to Mick? He was playing a video game somewhere.
Speaker 2:He was and he lost it's a game over, so he's not very good at whatever video game he was playing.
Speaker 1:Okay, what's? Who's the guy calling me? Oh, so they get him out of there. Morgan takes him to this apartment that has these gigantic feet in it.
Speaker 2:I don't know, it's pretty weird.
Speaker 1:And then what happens? We have sexy time. You want to talk about sexy time?
Speaker 2:All I wrote down is man, I miss the saxophone. That's all I wrote down. There's a couple of saxophone bangers in this movie. I just don't feel like we respect the sax anymore.
Speaker 1:Thankfully no, thankfully no.
Speaker 2:You don't like it. You're not a sax fan, huh.
Speaker 1:Not in the moody. You know, the streets of the city are cool yeah.
Speaker 2:I can't do a saxophone noise turns out. I thought I could for a second and I was way off.
Speaker 1:Now we have a scene where they interrogate the nun about him and they slap her and then she kicks the most powerful man on the planet in the balls.
Speaker 2:In the nuts so hard that he falls to the ground and nobody does anything. She's dead. She's dead or imprisoned One of the two. She just got slapped for just not talking and now she's going to rebel and hit him in the nuts. She's gone. That poor nun is dead.
Speaker 1:So Morgan has set up a boat for him to escape on or to hide on. I don't know, it doesn't matter, it blows up, damn it's fine, it blows up, but not before Julie can say I'm not coming with you.
Speaker 2:Yeah, sad stuff.
Speaker 1:Yeah. And so the bodyguard's like okay, let's go. And he's like you're becoming a folk hero and you're like oh well, there's a movie that you could have made this into.
Speaker 2:Amen, that's what I want to see. I want to see the people like rooting him on and him leading a rebellion yeah, but instead he just becomes the richest man in the world and just lives his life.
Speaker 1:I'm pretty sure his life, I'm pretty sure.
Speaker 2:So now we get this this very convoluted scene where there's mick jagger's guys trying to capture him oh, yeah, yeah. Then there's this new set of random mercenaries who have a new faction who are trying to kill him him, but also mick jagger's people, it seems yes, and what it is is that there's basically another.
Speaker 1:The other guy, the other main guy at the company wants to kill the freejack so that his boss- is not going to be able to get into the body and it's going to expire right and so we go back and forth and then supposedly he saves mick jagger's life, alex saves, saves Mick Jagger's life at one point.
Speaker 2:He just doesn't kill him. So Emilio is like killing some people and he's got a gun in his face and then he doesn't kill him and that was him saving his life, I'm pretty sure Okay.
Speaker 1:And so let's see how do we, how do we end all of that? Jagger goes oh, you saved my life, so I'll, as you do, as a professional courtesy after someone saves your life, you know yeah, so we go back to the main building and what it is is that the other guy who wants to take over the company is like come to me, all is forgiven, I'm just gonna let you let him expire, and then you guys can just live your life which feels like a fine plan well, yeah, but you but you're a bad guy, so you have to cheat on the plan.
Speaker 2:But he's not really a bad guy, he's just making a political move. You know what I?
Speaker 1:mean, no, he's a bad guy because remember, like at the very first negotiating scene, he's like tell them they can keep the mineral rights. And then she's like, oh, we want the mineral rights.
Speaker 2:We're taking the mineral. Yeah, you're right, we want the mineral rights. We're taking the mineral. Yeah, you're right, that's true.
Speaker 1:So he's a big dumb fuck up.
Speaker 2:He's a big, okay Got it. So he just can't be trusted to run the company. Yeah, and she knows it.
Speaker 1:So they go up to floor 100, where it's his offices, and he lays it all out that the real person who wants Alex's body is the owner of the company McCandless.
Speaker 2:And we walk into a room and there, in a pool of water, is the body.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you know. That's how you preserve bodies. Why is the body there? Why is it in his office?
Speaker 2:To keep it safe. You know, I don't know.
Speaker 1:And he seems to have like some amount of control, control video screens and stuff. We're going to find out.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean he's basically in the matrix but he's not watching anything. No, no, no, he's not even, doesn't even seem like he's attached to anything. He can just make phone calls.
Speaker 1:That's all he can do.
Speaker 2:He could. Yeah, you know, video chat, that's the afterlife right.
Speaker 1:The afterlife is just endless video chat. Okay, bishlet's office. So then they send him back down the elevator and he's got one bullet left and he's like well, maybe all the bad guys, when we get to the bottom we'll stand in line.
Speaker 2:Stand in a line. It was pretty funny it was pretty funny Deadpool style. Oh, that's right, that does happen. It does See. Ryan Reynolds is just watching old movies, just stealing ideas left and right, always thinking.
Speaker 1:He gets down there, he shoots the one bullet and shoots a light and fixture. But lo and behold, Mick Jagger's buddies guys are there and they're like Everyone's shooting everyone.
Speaker 2:They kill all the bad guys. They're like everyone's shooting everyone.
Speaker 1:They kill all the bad guys, then they go back up on the elevator and they go all the way to the 200th floor.
Speaker 2:Which is crazy. That's a lot of floors.
Speaker 1:There are, like some of those big buildings, you go in them and there's different banks of elevators.
Speaker 2:Because they only go so high. Yeah, is that like a safety thing?
Speaker 1:you think, like you know, it's a speed thing, it's just if, if this you know if you went to, if this elevator went to all 200 floors, sure it would just take too long so it takes.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so you have to do this. One to 50, 50 to 100, I I get you, I get it.
Speaker 1:And those elevators that go to those high things, they go very fast.
Speaker 2:Which I don't like, because those are the ones where my ears are popping Like I need to go slower and acclimate all the way up.
Speaker 1:Maybe a drink on the way up.
Speaker 2:You know some water, It'll be nice.
Speaker 1:A little concierge service in the elevator.
Speaker 2:Maybe a shoe shine, I don't know. I don't know.
Speaker 1:So we get up there and the thing is shaped like a satellite. There's a ball room in the middle, and then there's hallway balls on the outside Okay.
Speaker 2:I don't know. I didn't make any of these decisions.
Speaker 1:They go down the hallway and then boom, there's a big eyeball, big eyeball.
Speaker 2:Giant eyeball. I like that.
Speaker 1:And then we go into the eyeball no, then we have a trippy light show but it's the we go through the eyeball right, like that's how it enters.
Speaker 2:I don't know, I have no idea here comes.
Speaker 1:Here comes anthony hopkins.
Speaker 2:He's like welcome to my mind which is kind of confusing, because they just entered a room and how did they get sucked into his mind?
Speaker 1:I don't know, I don't get it, but visually this whole part's really interesting. Oh sure, yeah, he's sort of standing there as a visual projection and then he turns himself into a screen.
Speaker 2:TV screen. Yeah, that's great.
Speaker 1:It was visually you're like oh yeah, it was very. I wonder when Neuromancer came out. Look up when.
Speaker 2:Neuromancer. The book came out. Okay, can do.
Speaker 1:This movie is from 92.
Speaker 2:And Neuromancer of course, came out in 84, july, 1st 1984.
Speaker 1:Neuromancer came out in 1984? Wow.
Speaker 2:That's what it says. Originally published William Gibson. Am I on the right book here?
Speaker 1:Yeah, and those were the guys that Gibson and a couple other guys were the guys that really did the web and the internet and the idea of inside the computer space Got it. So they've had eight years to think about that stuff and so if you're a science fiction person you know all that stuff. So interesting.
Speaker 2:I thought they did a good job. I thought it was very, very cool.
Speaker 1:Visually most interesting part of the movie. Tone completely different from the goofy fun we've been having.
Speaker 2:Yep part of the movie, a tone completely different from the goofy fun we've been having. It kind of reminds me of the Matrix scene where he's talking to the what is he, I don't know the guy in the white beard. The guy in the white beard when he enters that room and he's the guy. He's the manufacturer.
Speaker 1:That's not the right word. The engineer, the engineer, yeah, I think it's the engineer. The engineer.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what it kind of reminds me of. Now, what year did the Matrix come out, that's got to be 96. I made that up. Matrix, the Matrix, oh 99. Right at the turn of the century, that makes sense.
Speaker 1:So seven more years. That makes sense. This movie is very prototype, proto For sure Before we were. Because the Matrix 100% and that kind of makes a lot of sense that it's 1999. Because that movie is where a lot of science fiction of this type of thing really feels fully formed.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, for sure you know. Yeah, yeah, for sure you know. Um, side note on the matrix, just because it came up organically, uh, we were on instagram just looking at reels and stuff and there's a reel of how they did the slow motion bullet time. Uh, lean back, where neo leans back and the bullets are like and I always thought it was wires, right, sure, sure, turns out not wires at all. It's a guy in a green screen suit with a green screen wooden plank and he lowers him down so he is free to move his arms like he does, because it's just a plank on his back that they just removed in post, I don't know. Super interesting.
Speaker 1:Yeah. Special effects are cool when you're making those cutting edge special effects movies like star wars and the matrix they come up with some really interesting solutions, sometimes quite it's really cool simple you know, maybe not simple.
Speaker 2:but well, that's the thing, right, because it's you know, it's just like oh, it's just a wooden plank and he's leaning on it. That I would have never thought about, that, not in a million years. It's great, anyhow, sorry.
Speaker 1:Sorry for the tangent. Just have a couple people holding him.
Speaker 2:Pay him out in post All good.
Speaker 1:So McCandless basically explains that he's loved Julie forever and so thought it'd be a good idea to steal her old boyfriend's, slash husband's body and then get into it and then maybe trick her like she'd be fooled.
Speaker 2:Basically, just be like hey, I'm your old boyfriend, let's bone. It's a weird plan. I think everyone needs to know that that's a weird plan and whoever wrote that part of the movie has some issues. And they need to figure that shit out, because that's creepy as fuck.
Speaker 1:Okay like that's gonna. You're gonna form a lasting. You know she hasn't fallen in love with you.
Speaker 2:You spend all this time with her, yeah, and you're the richest man on the planet and she doesn't like your personality, but it has nothing to do with your body at this point I don't think it's a body thing, you know.
Speaker 1:You know she doesn't like your jokes, Jokes, so now yeah super weird. To get the transfer to happen he's got to push these buttons A code and then push them again or something, and then he doesn't push them and then they push him into holding the buttons. I don't know it gets a little little confusing at the end here and this crystal pops up, and then I wrote it goes full lawnmower man.
Speaker 2:Oh god, I haven't thought about that movie in forever.
Speaker 1:And then michelette shows up and then he causes things go crazy. Julie shoots the crystal and then they're all like did the transfer work? Did the transfer not work? And then this nerd comes out there was this nerd. And the nerd comes out and he's like 22.6 seconds.
Speaker 2:Possibly that's happened before, I don't know but that's my my favorite part about is he's like it could. We've had ones that are shorter, we've had ones that are longer. We have no idea if it worked. I have. I don't even know why I'm in this scene, because I have zero information to get you know, it's just so. So silly this poor nerd it's just so great, so silly, this poor nerd he's just like I only have this one line.
Speaker 1:I don't know, oh my God.
Speaker 2:That's it. He has no answers. I'm just a scientist. I just clearly designed this whole system. I don't know how it works.
Speaker 1:And so Mick Jagger's like what's his secret code number? And then it's just like 759487.
Speaker 2:Spouting out some numbers.
Speaker 1:That's correct. And then he shoots Michelet. So basically, Emilio slash Alex is now in charge of everything. Never for one second do we think that Anthony Hopkins is inside of him.
Speaker 2:No, he does a terrible job.
Speaker 1:He's like bring my car. Should we bring your car around, yeah? Yeah, do that guys, and then I'm gonna drive it. They're all like, oh, this guy's never driven before. Old-timey car. He drives it out there and then there's mcjagger waiting for. Mcjagger comes over and he's all like he doesn't know how to drive. But I let you win at the game, so that this is you'd be in charge I I love this ending.
Speaker 2:Let me just say this right now renee russo is like but how did you know the code? And jag is like he didn't. I lied, he wasn't even close. I love that. That's a hilarious ending, like that's like you need, like some, some music. I was like you know, like I don't know. I loved it. It's just a hook wink.
Speaker 1:So funny and they're. They're acting, but she knows right, because if she thought he was the boss she wouldn't be anywhere.
Speaker 2:She's acting like she didn't know and she's like because she does, the moment she goes alex, as if she's surprised. So she's, I don't know. Maybe she's been banging the old guy, maybe it was gonna work. That's the ultimate joke of the movie, dan, if anthony hopkins would have gone into emilio's body, she would have done it. She would have been with him forever. That's the ultimate. Fuck you to anthony hopkins. He smells good I don't know that was it was weird, it was gonna work well, so there it is.
Speaker 2:That's free jack, it's a sitcom ending, though, though that's what I love. He's just like I lied Da, da, da, da, da da I lied. Like a wink, maybe a nice wink to it, you know, in the freeze frame, freeze frame, ha ha Woo.
Speaker 1:Would have been great, would have been good. We control the world now.
Speaker 2:As opposed to making all those people happy at some point, like there's a whole revolution about to happen and now he's the richest man on the planet. It's all very confusing.
Speaker 1:Oh my God, Well, I love it. It was funny.
Speaker 2:Yeah, no, it was good. It was a good ridiculous movie.
Speaker 1:But terrible.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Great stuff. Good to be back.
Speaker 1:So, Tony, you've been gone for weeks and weeks and weeks. You probably watched Squid Game 2 while you were gone.
Speaker 2:Oh, we haven't.
Speaker 1:It takes me a lot to warm up to subtitles. Dave, you probably watched Wicked because you were supposed to buy it on Vudu and I checked multiple times and you never did buy it. No, we never did it. You swore to me, you were supposed to buy it on Vudu and I checked multiple times and you never did buy it. No, we never did it.
Speaker 2:You swore to me you were going to buy it we were going to watch it the Saturday before I went to CES and we just never did. I'm sorry, I blew that. Blew that one wide open. I'll rectify that situation. So what did you actually watch? One of the things we did watch Night. Season two dropped and it is just delightful. We I. I love that show. I think it's great that wasn't did you not watch the first season?
Speaker 1:that wasn't the terrible one with the dude and the woman that were part of some big spy agency on the train. Was it that one?
Speaker 2:on the train.
Speaker 1:Train doesn't sound right and she was like sexy and he was a guy no, because I actually don't really like the lead.
Speaker 2:Uh, lady in the night agent, night agent is he's a guy that answers the phone. Oh for spies in trouble, different show. Okay okay, you should watch night agent night agent's fun it's netflix. It's good uh, second season. We're only halfway through, but we're thoroughly enjoying it.
Speaker 1:This first season better than the second season.
Speaker 2:Yes, okay, and it's also, I think, a three year gap, oh, like the first season, like blew it out of the water and I think they were surprised, and so they were like, oh shit, we got to make more.
Speaker 1:We don't know what to do?
Speaker 2:I think typical.
Speaker 1:thing yeah, uh, we watched the tom green uh documentary there's a there's a documentary.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I didn't know that. What's it called?
Speaker 1:uh tom green documentary or something that.
Speaker 2:There's no way that.
Speaker 1:That's the name of it this is the tom green documentary. It's not the green tom documentary. What's it called?
Speaker 2:tom, green country. So you know what. You're actually not that far off. I deeply apologize, dan. I'm sorry I questioned you super interesting. He's super interesting character um super smart guy is it called. This is the tom green documentary that's what it's called.
Speaker 1:I think that's what it's called I'm on imdb.
Speaker 2:That's what it's called.
Speaker 1:Yeah, just came out uh, it's great, perfect viewing, really, really does he talk about?
Speaker 2:freddie got fingered in it because, that's a movie we're gonna do at some point it sounds like it's it.
Speaker 1:I never saw it because once again I did see I was a fan and then, but the backlash was just like so harsh I was like I guess I'm gonna pass on that I don't remember it much, but I remember being real weird yeah I think he tried to break the concept of movie and uh yeah, that's what happened it doesn't always work out in your favor but it's, you know it's a cult movie, and for sure, and at least you got a cult movie out of it, because most people don't get most of what we watch are not ever going to be
Speaker 2:movies no, yeah maybe I don't know why milk money never caught on, but that's fine, thank god so, tony, we're back on schedule.
Speaker 1:We're going to start watching movies regularly. You better give us a movie and we're going to do it in one week and we promise to try to do this.
Speaker 2:It's to try to keep doing it. Uh well, we're just going to come out with a heavy hitter. It's overdue by a few weeks now, or like a whole month now, uh, but it's of course Cra by a few weeks now, or like a whole month now, uh. But it's of course craven, the hunter which is out, and, uh, we need to watch it. Some people say it's good. Which people are those? Dan?
Speaker 1:I don't know those people what was the last one we did, madam webb? Did we do one after madam webb?
Speaker 2:we did, madam webb, we did um venom oh, we did the last dance. No, that that's not what it's called, just the last dance.
Speaker 1:The last dance, Venom. Yeah, that was terrible. I mean they're all pretty bad, but the thing about the Venom, as you said, your nephews loved it, so there it is. Loved it, eddie. See, that's what I love to hear. We're here to be jerks and beat on things, but if there's a bunch of the population, that loves it, God bless.
Speaker 2:The thing about Venom is at least it knows that it's silly. You know what I mean. Like Venom knows that it's silly, I'm going to go ahead and guess Craven the Hunter doesn't realize that it's silly.
Speaker 1:I think it's going to be deadly serious.
Speaker 2:I think it's going to be way too serious and pretty bad. I think it's going to be way too serious and pretty bad. I think it's going to be pretty bad and I'm excited. I'm excited to get back in.
Speaker 1:Where do they have that movie? I think I have to purchase it On Fandango at Home as they say Very good, so we'll be back next week talking about Kraven.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's it Craven.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you got to get that right. You got Killmonger, you got Craven, you got Killraven. And those are a lot of superheroes Marvel, superhero books that are very, very similar. Very similar names. Yeah, All very similar. Yeah, so we'll be back talking about that. If you like what we do, leave us a comment, leave us a thumbs up or subscribe. Tony swears to never leave town again for two weeks. He swears.
Speaker 2:It was the worst two weeks of my life, so I'm trying to stay here.
Speaker 1:Well, that's good.
Speaker 2:That's not even true. It wasn't that bad. Okay, I'm just in Switzerland, Switzerland is nice, but the people, boy oh boy. Not the Swiss people. Swiss people are great. It was the other yeah, all the rich bureaucrats that were there.
Speaker 1:I got a magic rock when I was in Switzerland.
Speaker 2:You got a magic rock. You still have it? I don't think so. Does it work?
Speaker 1:Kind of magic. I don't think it works. I don't remember we were at the truck stop in Switzerland and there was a magic rock vending machine and I was like I'm going for it.
Speaker 2:Magic rock vending machine, really, yeah, here's what I'll say is best tap water I've ever had in my entire life in Switzerland it is delicious.
Speaker 1:Did you have any soft pretzels?
Speaker 2:yeah, we had. Oh boy, I mean I ate a lot of food, I'm not going to lie to you. So pretzels were great, they also. They had a sausage cart that just went around the World Economic Forum and had sausages.
Speaker 1:You could just get sausages at any time of the day it was.
Speaker 2:I ate a lot of food it was great.
Speaker 1:Did you mustard up everything?
Speaker 2:So yeah, so mustard, for sure they had like the spicy Dajani type mustard, but they also did a lot of mayonnaise, which I was surprised. So there was a chicken sausage that they would do mayo and the spicy mustard, and it was actually really good. So that's something I'm probably going to add to my repertoire. Enough talk of soft pretzels, and I ate a lot of schnitzel. I ate schnitzel almost every day there. Yeah, oh yeah. It's good. Good food, good food, great water, lovely mountains, good times. Switzerland. Put that on the flag. See you next week, see you next week. Goodbye everybody. Hey, watch it with Dan and Tony. Hey, watch it With Dan and Tony. It's like watching you.