Hate Watching with Dan and Tony
Hate Watching with Dan and Tony
Hate Watching Dear Santa
What do a Christmas werewolf film and a PG-13 family comedy have in common? They both challenge our perception of traditional holiday movies and leave us with a head-scratching blend of humor and horror. In this episode, we unpack the strange timing of a werewolf film's December release and imagine the hilarity of a festive lycanthrope tale. We then confront the perplexing narrative of the Farrelly brothers' "Dear Santa," where Jack Black's devilish charm collides with a dyslexic boy's Satan-summoning error. The film's bizarre plot twists—ranging from arm wrestling with Beelzebub to the peculiar Swedish Fish product placements—leave us questioning the filmmakers' comedic intent and their audience's amusement.
Our conversation takes a turn as we critique the film's mishandling of profound themes like grief. Parents' emotional arcs are abruptly dismissed, and the soundtrack, which usually shines in Jack Black's projects, disappoints with its lack of coherence. We chuckle and groan over an ill-conceived subplot about a missing angel tree topper and the unrealistic portrayal of lying without consequence. The cross-eyed narrative even dares to include Post Malone playing beer pong with a kid—a misguided attempt at humor that skews the film's demographic even further.
Amongst this chaos, Keegan-Michael Key stands out, proving that a handful of nuts and his improvisational prowess can inject life into even the flattest scenes. We discuss how humor can sometimes be uncomfortable and how it can resonate emotionally, albeit awkwardly, with the audience. As we wrap up, we express our appreciation for Jack Black's commitment, despite this misadventure, and tease future explorations of more promising cinematic ventures like "Alien: Romulus" and the quirky Coen Brothers’ "The Hudsucker Proxy." Join us for this wild ride as we dissect the bizarre blend of holiday cheer, comedy, and questionable narrative choices.
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It's a bad time to release a werewolf movie in December. Just going to throw that out there To the powers. That be Not your best idea.
Speaker 2:Maybe somebody should make a Christmas werewolves movie.
Speaker 1:That'd be good. I would love to do that, Dan.
Speaker 2:Maybe you should make a Christmas werewolves movie, Tony.
Speaker 1:Christmas Moon, we'll call it. You don't like Christmas Moon? No, it's terrible.
Speaker 2:Full Christmas Christmas, full moon Christmas, a full moon Christmas.
Speaker 1:A full moon Christmas. That sounds like an after school special. I like it Christmas under the full moon. That sounds too romantic.
Speaker 2:Everybody dies by werewolves this Christmas.
Speaker 1:That'll be the tagline. Hey, watch it With Dan and Tony this Christmas. That'll be the tagline.
Speaker 2:Welcome to Hate Watching with Dan and Tony. Tony's in the middle of drinking, dan's in the middle of drinking.
Speaker 1:Always in the middle of drinking Got to hydrate. Hydrate. It's very dry here. I don't know if anyone's in the LA area it is so dry.
Speaker 2:So hydrate. I went out in the afternoon yesterday and it was hot.
Speaker 1:You're not supposed to, aren't we under like a bad air quality alert? We were two days ago, thursday, for like smog. What's happening? Yeah, what is it? Aqi was at like a 133, which is unhealthy. What, yeah, man. You weren't supposed to leave your house, merry Christmas.
Speaker 2:On this show. We watch movies and amazingly, and then we talk about amazingly. Tony picked a christmas movie.
Speaker 1:I did I did tis the season ostensibly I mean they touted as a christmas movie. It's, it's not, it's not. Oh, dan, I'm excited because this is the most angry I've gotten about a movie in a hula aisle.
Speaker 2:Alright. What is the movie?
Speaker 1:Oh right, of course this movie is the Farrelly brothers, or maybe just one Farrelly. I wasn't totally sure.
Speaker 2:One directed it, the other brother wrote it with one guy, I think from a story from three people, including the two people who worked on it and then one other guy, so three guys sort of did the story Two guys, including the two people who worked on it, and then one other guy, so three guys sort of did the story. Two guys Farrelly brother and some other dude wrote it and then the other brother directed it.
Speaker 1:You can put quotes around that. Yeah, so just each step of that way, it got messier and messier. I assume, Anyhow, this is, of course, jack Black starring vehicle. Dear Santa Hour and 47 minutes brand new 2024 paramount plus special release.
Speaker 2:Um. So I'm so. You said you got angry, I'm so mad.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, I'm at a level 10. Where's defcon one? Because those are opposite, right? Those are like is DEFCON the lower number?
Speaker 2:is the worst. Yeah, I think DEFCON 1 is the worst, yeah, so.
Speaker 1:I'm on DEFCON. I don't know I'm losing the thread here.
Speaker 2:This movie. I believe they billed this as a family comedy.
Speaker 1:Uh-huh, it's neither of those things.
Speaker 2:Who is this movie, Tony? Let's answer the the basic question for all time you can't.
Speaker 1:Don't ask questions that there are no answers to. Dan, who is this movie for? I have no idea. I have absolutely no idea. They don't know who it's for they. So first of all, they touted as a family comedy and then they rated it PG-13, which isn't a family movie Family movies are PG. Yeah, that's true. I think we can all agree that a family movie would be PG, but they made this PG-13. I don't know why. I don't know which part of this movie made it rated PG-13. That was necessary to the story.
Speaker 1:All the pedophile jokes, those are the only parts of the movie I enjoyed, dan Well yeah, because I mean, this movie is really for 13 to 17-year-olds.
Speaker 2:That's what this movie is.
Speaker 1:Oh, they're going to hate it.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, I mean it's most targeted towards that, but then it's most. A lot of it leans into being a family comedy.
Speaker 1:Yes, yeah.
Speaker 2:So you're just like well, you gotta make, you gotta make that decision.
Speaker 1:Nobody's going to watch this movie and enjoy the whole thing.
Speaker 2:No, no Cause, cause the kid is like 11, I think, and no 13 to 17 is going to enjoy this kid's arc. You're like I didn't enjoy this kid's arc.
Speaker 1:There's not an arc. There's not an arc. It's too messy to be an arc. He's a good kid. He's not a good kid, he's a pathological liar Dan.
Speaker 2:What's up with the pathological lying in this movie?
Speaker 1:The whole movie is just about two pathological liars apparently, which not a movie makes, you know.
Speaker 2:Should we cut to the chase and talk about what happens in this movie? Sure, sure, sure, yeah, yeah. So basically I'm going to do the basic setup Spoilers. This kid loves Christmas. He writes his letter to Santa. He is dyslexic, so he writes Dear Satan. Satan, who is Jack Black, comes to give him three wishes, just like Satan always does. Just the classic.
Speaker 1:Satan. Tales from the Bible.
Speaker 2:You know, Luke 17.4. Luke, what do you want for your Satan wishes?
Speaker 1:Three wishes.
Speaker 2:The kid wishes for the girl that he's in love with in class. He wishes for his friend's deformities to be fixed, and then he wishes for his parents to be in love again. And then, through a twist of fate, he gets a fourth wish, and the fourth wish is for his dead brother. That we learn at minute 69 is dead and then the devil, or the devil's henchman.
Speaker 1:Not even a devil, just a demon Returns his dead brother to life.
Speaker 2:That's the beginning of a movie. How dare you.
Speaker 1:How dare they bring a dead child back to life? And that's the button on the film. Are you kidding? That is the most insulting thing I've ever seen in my life. This movie 40 minutes of it is about the parents dealing with grief and they're like, guess what? Just kidding, we're going to bring him back to life. That's the only way to cure grief, because if the kid didn't come back to life, they were going to kill themselves. What's happening, dan? I can't, it is horrible. You can't, you can't do it. I think these people need to be held accountable, because this is irresponsible filmmaking and if this is for kids and there are kids out there dealing with loss you just fucked up the rest of their lives because they're like oh, maybe if I just become a satan worshiper, my dead sibling will come back to life and everything will be fine. Fuck you. It's so. It's so weird. It's the.
Speaker 2:It's the worst choice a movie has ever made in the history of movies now, did you have any inkling that there was like a dead younger brother floating?
Speaker 1:around. No, when that came out, I was pissed already so even if the movie just took a turn into grief, I would have been annoyed. Sure, because it's just, it's manipulation, right it's. It has no bearing on this character. The kid doesn't feel like he's dealing with the death of a brother. No, not for a minute. The parents are fighting and close to divorce and you're like, oh, I wonder what's going on. Oh, the child died. What?
Speaker 2:No, wait, hold on. They make it seem like they're arguing and fighting over the kid being a weirdo.
Speaker 1:Yeah, which is what the movie should be about. They have a weird kid, the dad's disappointed. I wish he played football. I wish he was normal. I wish he was more popular. That's a normal story you could tell tony's but instead they're like uh, here's a twist, we're actually arguing subtextually about our dead son.
Speaker 2:Fuck you who's gonna magically reappear and like they're gonna. I mean, did they re once again that these wishes you're like, did this rewrite everything so that, well, so he wasn't dead or this is the actual prop.
Speaker 1:So of ignoring the fact that it was an awful thing to do, irresponsible, horrible, they're bad people. Regardless of that, in the context of the movie it makes zero sense. Here's why jack black is our the guy, the our care, our world builder.
Speaker 2:Right, he says I can't rewrite history oh, he said that, he said, he said that was his only rule.
Speaker 1:He gave one rule on the wishes. Oh, I can't change the past. I can't change the war of 1812, whatever the fuck, fuck.
Speaker 2:That's one of the better jokes. It was the war of 1812. There were about five jokes in this movie that I was like I mean, I didn't laugh a lot, I was like that's a good joke.
Speaker 1:I wrote down three laughs. Okay, not terrible.
Speaker 2:I think I wrote down one or two laughs, but that was a joke that I thought was a good joke.
Speaker 1:It's a joke. Yeah, it's a joke, right, but it also tells you the rule. The one rule of this movie which is very smart is I can't change the past. The reason why that's smart is because once you change the past, you change everything in the movie and it's very confusing. So you're just, like you know what, can't deal with it. I can only change from today onward. What is your wish? That's a great rule to make. Yes, that's a very smart rule to make. And then at the end of the movie, the kid is like I thought I couldn't wish for that. And Jack Black goes ah, it's Christmas. You can wish for anything you want. What are you?
Speaker 2:talking about. Did he really say that?
Speaker 1:There was a literal line in the movie what are you talking about? You can't just rewrite the rules of your universe. Rewrite the rule.
Speaker 1:There's one rule. You laid out one rule and then you're going to break it at the end as another manipulation, terrible writing. Now let's pretend that he rewrote history. Right yeah, changed the death and the kid has been alive the whole time. Right yeah, that's option one. The kid has been alive the whole time right, yeah, that's option one. Why does the friend still think that he has a dead brother on the phone call?
Speaker 1:When the parents certainly aren't acting like. The kid came back to life. The parents seem to think he's been alive the whole time and don't even remember why they moved to the new town. Oh, they say that that doesn't make any sense. So you got two options. One he changed the past. The kid's been alive the whole time. This entire movie doesn't make any sense anymore and we have no idea what's happening. Or two he's alive, starting today and onward, brought back to life as opposed to stopped from dying, which makes even less sense because the parents have no idea that he ever died. The kid knows he died. His friend knows he died. What do the townspeople think if, all of a sudden, they have their new, second kid all of a sudden? That doesn't make any sense. What does the kid remember? Is he a zombie? Does he know that he died and now he's back? None of it makes any sense. It's so messy and so unnecessary. It's the worst decision in cinematic history, dan wow, the worst decision in cinematic history.
Speaker 2:I can't think of a worst one. Did you see the cgi that they used in quantumania on modok's face?
Speaker 1:Did you see that Full disclosure? I have not. No we never saw Ant-Man Quantumania. Yeah, it's pretty bad.
Speaker 2:It's like they took an actor's face and then just sort of projected it with a rear-screen projection on a face. Do you know what MODOK looks like? He's just a big face. Yeah, well, just based off of uh marvel snap yeah, it's so horrible, it's, it's uh, it's it's right. This, these two they're tied they're neck and neck, so terrible. But this one lasts longer. The modok face you don't deceive for very long.
Speaker 1:So okay, sure, yeah, no, this has lasting consequences. Also, there are no consequences in this movie which is absurd. The kid. Also, let me ask you a question, dan, because I mean we're jumping all over. I hope people saw this movie so they understand what we're talking about no one will have seen this movie. Jack Black, not the devil, turns out, he's just a low-level demon who gets fired right.
Speaker 2:He's a demogorgon.
Speaker 1:How does a low-level demon who doesn't have a job, bring a kid back to life. One, two, can people from hell bring people back from heaven? Or is this kid in hell? Because in my mind the devil would only have power over hell. He wouldn't be able to pull someone out of heaven. That doesn't make sense theologically.
Speaker 2:Well, if he wasn't baptized, he'd be in purgatory.
Speaker 1:Okay, there you go. Maybe he's in purgatory. This kid's been wandering around the dark for a year and a half and then they just throw him back in his body. He's going to be messed up for a while.
Speaker 2:Was that how dead he was? A year and a half dead. I I? I'm just throwing that out there, I feel like it was like a year right, year two, I guess they yeah, I mean I, yeah, I agree. I mean I'm not as angry as you are, because I just should be stupid, I thought it was stupid, um, but yeah, if you're gonna make a grief story, you gotta start as a grief story. You know you can't or finish as a grief story.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you gotta start as a grief story. You know, or finish as a grief story. There's just grief in the middle and then they just erase it, like there's a whole ten-minute scene of the parents coming to terms with each other and finally, after a while, being able to talk about it and processing their grief together, and then the next time we see them they're kids back to life. That's fucking stupid.
Speaker 2:Oh man, we see them, their kids, back to life. That's fucking stupid.
Speaker 1:Oh man, this movie um, the thing I dislike most about this movie okay, yeah, sorry, let's hear what you didn't like about the soundtrack oh, it's not good at all, and and that's upsetting because Jack Black usually brings a certain type of soundtrack- that would have been great it was just like an afterthought.
Speaker 2:They're just like, well, throw some music in here. And when you watch a real movie with music, that music carries you along and lets you smooth over the rough edges. Let's put it that way. And this movie just you know, they'd get to the end of the scene and they'd be like boink, boink, boink.
Speaker 1:You'd be like'd be like so I hated that sure, sure you hate music, I hate dead kids coming back to life. I mean we both have equal complaints yeah, so there's this his.
Speaker 2:You know, here we see all the nice houses, then we see their sad house with the dying snowman on the lawn um, it's been, which is confusing already, because the kid says nobody loves christmas as much as my mom.
Speaker 1:She's obviously dealing with grief yep, and that's why it's not decorated. I guess is like the logical leap to that yep, well it is, it's just not kept up. Right, but then we go inside and they're literally decorating together. It doesn't make any sense. I don't know.
Speaker 2:You would reinflate that snowman on the lawn, but it's symbolic.
Speaker 1:All you have to do is plug it in, because that's all you plug in. There's a fan inside of them. That's what they are.
Speaker 2:And at the end, when things are better, it's that snowman's blown up, and then there's two candy canes and two ornaments.
Speaker 1:You're just like, well, it's still not great, not much, still not great. I'm not impressed, that's all I'm going to say.
Speaker 2:So the kid, the parents are out there arguing about how it's been hard for Liam. They, the parents, are out there arguing about how it's been hard for Liam. They're bickering. The dad seems like a total asshole, the mom's like coddling, but in such a sort of light way that it never feels problematic, not only that, but there's a line when they're making up where the mom is, like you're a really good dad, you are Bill. You're a good dad. He's not. He's not.
Speaker 1:You set him up as an asshole dad. He has to be, that he can go on an arc, that's fine. Maybe he learns to love his weirdo kid, because that's probably what the movie should be about Acceptance. It's not, by the way at all, but he's. You can't just have him be like oh you're, you're the, you're a dick, you're a dick. Oh, you're a really good dad, you're the best dad ever. We love you.
Speaker 2:this doesn't make any sense because the dad never even throughout this movie, the dad never even tries even for like a second he doesn't do one thing and then it goes disastrously. He's just like you know. I'm gonna argue in the kitchen, in the bedroom, as loud as I can about how our kid's a piece of shit.
Speaker 1:Yep, and then you know I'll sleep on the couch. And then at one point I think he's like I'm going to go stay at my sister's, I quit, but you're a good dad, bill, you're a really good dad, bill, love it.
Speaker 2:I Love it. I like this little Swedish fish product placement.
Speaker 1:You saw it on the desk there.
Speaker 2:Right out there in front. If I'm the Swedish fish people I'm like that's worth our $10,000.
Speaker 1:$8 million.
Speaker 2:So he's working on his letter to Santa. They're missing the angel tree topper, which is like a thread that's resolved at the end but never explained as to what happened to this or why it wouldn't be there.
Speaker 1:Well, I'll tell you right now this is my theory. It went with the dead kid, and so when he came back he was like Ma look what I found in my pocket.
Speaker 2:Oh, they like threw it in the coffin. Somebody threw it in the coffin?
Speaker 1:I have no idea. I don't know. It doesn't make any sense.
Speaker 2:The kid died with it. Maybe he was carrying it. He died.
Speaker 1:Maybe he ate it, maybe he choked on it. They don't tell me how he died. Maybe that's what happened. He was playing outside.
Speaker 2:That is what they say Well, the dad was golfing, so maybe hypothermia.
Speaker 1:Yeah, oh right.
Speaker 2:He's golfing Well, you could, could you, you could, okay. So mom is crying. Christmas is about togetherness and then the dad's like our stupid kid's too old and we learn he's got learning disabilities, differences.
Speaker 1:Learning differences. That's what they say. It says disabilities on my sheet here Well, because the dad says disabilities on my sheet here. Well, because the dad says disabilities on my shirt and then the mom corrects them.
Speaker 2:Is like differences learning differences oh, that's what I think that's supposed to like endear her so you're correcting me and I'm I'm the dad.
Speaker 1:That's fine no, I'm not correcting you. I was correcting your paper because you copied it from the debt.
Speaker 2:So Liam comes out there and he's like I have. They're like how are you doing, buddy? And he's like do you have any friends? And he's like I have friends, I've been at school for three months. So they've been there for three months and he's got this one kid, gibby, who's his friend, and they're 11 years old, and what does he say about Gibby? He has cancer.
Speaker 1:He's a super popular kid, plays football, has cancer. Those are the three things. Turns out he's 0 of 3 on those. Gibby is none of those things.
Speaker 2:This kid is a liar Talk to me about cancer and humor, Tony.
Speaker 1:It's not funny for the most part. I feel like I feel like we've seen something that might have broken. You know, every rule there's an exception, whatever. It's not funny, it's not I don't even like. It's not even hardly a joke in this movie. It's just a lie. It's a weird.
Speaker 2:I don't know a weird lie that no one, they never suffer. Nobody suffers for their lies. Nobody has to. There's no consequence in this movie. You never get caught in your lie and then have to deal with it.
Speaker 1:The kid sells his soul to the devil and then they're like never mind, there are no consequences in this movie, it's a perfect movie. A kid dies, a mom lets her kid die and and she just gets him back.
Speaker 2:So he goes there Next day. He's with his buddy Gibby. Gibby has these weird protruding teeth which at first you're like oh, and then he's talking weird, so you're like oh, those aren't his real teeth, those aren't his real teeth. Those are going to be resolved at some point in the movie, and you're like I wish they'd been resolved sooner in the movie, cause they were kind of hard to look at, they, they, they draw your eye right in, so here's here's, the problem.
Speaker 2:It's like the really big mole. I mean not that I should talk, cause I have a big mole on my face.
Speaker 1:Sure, maybe that's all you stare at Is Austin Powers, moly, moly, moly, I mean I get it.
Speaker 2:You can't make that movie anymore. I get it. You know it's like oh, there's a thing.
Speaker 1:But here's the problem, right? You know that's going to happen because they're so fake. I'm not saying that. You know, nobody has teeth like that. That's not what I'm saying. This kid doesn't act as if they're his real teeth. He's like I have something on my mouth. I'm trying to act like I have something on my mouth.
Speaker 2:I don't know what to tell you guys.
Speaker 1:It's so obvious and you're like, okay, well, that's going to get one of the wishes. Great, who gives a shit? But also my biggest problem is there's a line where the kid's like, hey, I'm glad you fixed my teeth, because my parents were just about to get me braces, were just about to get me braces. They were just about to get you braces, bro. You needed braces three years ago for sure. Well, maybe dad just got a thing where they give him promotion. Sure, dad comes home, I'm a manager, now we're getting some braces.
Speaker 2:Let's do it. One of the inappropriate jokes is he says to Gibby if you ever meet my parents, act a little cancer-y, Like okay, it's an inappropriate joke.
Speaker 1:Sure but it's funny but that's the only time you ever do it. There is no when he meets the parents. There's no like, oh, bump up the cancer, be more cancer-y, which is not funny necessarily, but I do think it could be funny to be like you're not being cancer enough and the parents are like do you really have cancer? You seem fine, you could play with it more.
Speaker 2:You mean that's almost like a bit you could run to have something funny happen in the movie.
Speaker 1:Yeah, why not? Why not? If you're going to make cancer the bit, you better fucking make cancer the bit, guys.
Speaker 2:But it's better to have the two of them interact via a screen just like a dog show up in his house like kids do in real life um, then he gets to the crossing guard lady. You want to talk about the crossing guard lady and her um, her I don't want to be too rude, but who?
Speaker 1:um? This is painful for me to watch. She's bad, right, we can both agree she's pretty bad, not funny.
Speaker 2:Doesn't make any sense.
Speaker 1:Doesn't make any sense. She doesn't get a great bit to work with right, we can all agree on that but also she's horrible at it and so that's like a double, a double ouch, um. But just in general she doesn't make any sense because she's only mean to liam and then she's super nice to all the other kids that walk by. Why? What's the point of that? It because he's a piece of shit. So that's that's. My next point is that has to be. The reason is that he's a dick to her, so she is a dick to him. Just more evidence the lies him being rude to people. He's a bad kid.
Speaker 2:No, but he's this movie doesn't understand that. They explained at a certain point. He's super nice and polite and loves everybody. But whoa, whoa, whoa.
Speaker 1:Jack. Black in the scene with the devil or Jack Black, he's like, yeah, you act that way because you're afraid of what people will think of you. Oh, he says that this kid's a piece of shit and this movie needs to lean into that a little bit more.
Speaker 2:So he's hot for this girl, Emma.
Speaker 1:She's way too cute for him, dude.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah for this girl, emma, and she's way too cute for him, dude. Oh yeah, um, he's smiling at her. Oh wait, smiling is easy when you've got good teeth. Oh, that's a gibby. Says that. He tries to approach her and then he. He says weird stuff and he says my cat's licks her nipples and then he's like do you love post malone? And then we, we are like oh god, post malone's gonna be please don't bring post malone in this movie we know it as soon as you name check somebody you're like, yeah, well, he's gonna be.
Speaker 1:He's gonna play a part in this movie and a little bit more than I was even expecting. So good for post malone guess.
Speaker 2:And her cool boyfriend shows up and she says toodles. And then he's like oh, I never say toodles. And then we have like two more characters leave and say toodles.
Speaker 1:Did you think of me when this happened? This feels like one of those times where you were like, oh, this is a Tony bit where they keep running it, even though it's not funny. But let me just say this was never funny.
Speaker 2:No, your bits are too try-hard. This was just dumb. This was like dumb.
Speaker 1:I don't know whether that's better or worse, yeah.
Speaker 2:I mean, and sometimes, yeah, yeah, sometimes you're funny. Oh thanks, dan.
Speaker 1:That's really kind of you. You're a sweetheart under this hardened shell.
Speaker 2:I mean we'd probably have to go back. There's got to be one of these episodes. You're funny in.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean I feel like if anybody wants to go through the 221 episodes and find my two or three funny bits, put a reel together for me. I'd really appreciate it.
Speaker 2:Well, it's all your ones about your dad. Okay, then we have the weird teacher, the low rent, jason Schwartzman. And do you know who that guy is?
Speaker 1:I have seen him in other stuff. He is in. The one thing I remember him in the most, I think, is he's in the boys, right? Isn't he like a movie executive on the Boys or something? I don't know. I feel like I've seen him recently.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I watched the junior version of the Boys. I don't watch the Boys.
Speaker 1:Oh, gen V, yeah, gen V, very good.
Speaker 2:Boys yeah. Very sad, too violent, sure, okay. So boom, he's doing this whole weird bit about a Christmas carol and Liam is staring at Emma's hair, and then he calls the kid out on it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, this is weird, which is really uncomfortable. Really uncomfortable and really inappropriate and you're just like oh okay, the teacher's, I mean mean everybody's a weird horrible person, sort of yeah, yeah, yeah, but this guy should be fired for this, like because they're they're in sixth grade, they're too young to be publicly shamed like that. This is, this is like weird and personal.
Speaker 2:Yes I don't know um, we do an einstein thing, and then there's a bagel I say bagel joke, which I thought was kind of funny.
Speaker 1:That was one of my laughs. That's my first laugh of the movie. Yeah, because they're making fun of Liam because he's dyslexic. And what's her name? Emma, emma, emma. Emma says Einstein was dyslexic and the douchey kid gets to say the bagel guy laughed really hard, great joke say, the bagel guy laughed really hard.
Speaker 2:Great joke. There was like this uh, the, the cool alternative girl that sat in the back and roasted liam once I was like was?
Speaker 1:18 19 years old, do you think? Yeah, I think so. She's definitely older than the rest of the kids in the class, which was weird way more interested in her story than, uh, all of our characters, yeah her getting held back a few grades, I mean there's a great, there's a great story there.
Speaker 2:Gibby and Liam are in the woods walking, talking about how he needs to up his game, and then he's written his letter and so he's got to go mail that. And then Gibby admits that they're besties and they're happy about that. Liam is happy that they're besties.
Speaker 1:Yeah, which is nice, because this movie should be about him being a weirdo and learning to accept that and finding his group of people. It's not about that.
Speaker 2:Gibby the kid that plays Gibby I really enjoyed. Yeah, he's fine.
Speaker 1:He's better than the main guy.
Speaker 2:I don't want to knock kid actors.
Speaker 1:It's tough, really hard, but I liked him a lot.
Speaker 2:He's very entertaining. He can deliver a line and you were like if this movie gave them space to really deliver these lines and let these lines actually be emotional, as opposed to just, I mean, everything is thrown away, everything is just like just tossed into the air to disappear. Mom goes with the son to mail the letter. Somehow they hook up. It's very weird. They get to the location. There's a special mailbox, there's special envelopes. Yeah, what? Because he has to address it right there.
Speaker 1:I'm sure yeah.
Speaker 2:So he puts it in there and he dyslexias it up and writes Satan instead of Santa. It magically goes to Satan. He also writes North Lope L O P. I thought that was sure, that's fine.
Speaker 1:Well, here's my problem, and I don't listen. You probably shouldn't make fun of dyslexia, right, like that's not something you should make fun of, but at the end of the movie, when he's reading out his letter, yeah, shouldn't a couple of those words be wrong, dan?
Speaker 2:Oh see, but that would have been funny.
Speaker 1:Well, sure.
Speaker 2:But, shouldn't they have been. Well, yeah, I mean, you see, that's if someone had read this with an eye towards making it funny and personal. First, they said said well you have to completely change the ending, and then they would say oh, you got to change this to make it funny see, that's the whole thing about being funny is every.
Speaker 2:I think it'd be interesting to hear about the, the, how the hollywood process really works, how a not funny script ends up getting made by the fairly brothers, where you're like, sure Isn't this, don't you have this noted by 27 different people and punched up and and you know, I mean, can't you pay, like a person a thousand dollars and like have them read your stupid script and give you 10 jokes until you have a thousand jokes and then you can pick ones that are actually good?
Speaker 1:It's not in the budget, dan, okay, okay, and then you can pick ones that are actually good.
Speaker 2:Well, it's not in the budget, dan, okay, okay. That night the parents are fighting again. I hate parents fighting. I don't ever enjoy that in any movie, ever for even one second.
Speaker 1:I don't think you're supposed to enjoy it. Does that help?
Speaker 2:Well, no, I mean, just do it once and we get it. I know we don't need to keep hitting that the parents fight out in front they did.
Speaker 1:They hit it a couple of times, multiple times Dad never got a pony. Oh boy, I'm so happy that comes back at the end by the way what a great joke.
Speaker 2:Satan appears in his closet. Oh, his cat's named Blitzen. Very cute cat, very cute cat.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah.
Speaker 2:Adorable.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but also like why is it named Blitzen? Because? He's obsessed with Christmas but he isn't, but they're not. But he isn't Right, like you keep saying that, but you're not. You have to do it. Then you gotta commit.
Speaker 2:Yeah, this kid needs to be wearing a holiday sweater to school every day. He holiday sweater to school every day. He needs to. Yes, we need to see his love of Christmas in every scene.
Speaker 1:He needs to be full dweeb for Christmas, yeah.
Speaker 2:And that would be funny, that actually would be funny, you know he shows up with the sweater and Gibby's just like dude what he's like no, watch this.
Speaker 1:He clicks the button and it starts sparkling.
Speaker 2:You know, these are all comedy bits, that that if someone had read the script they would have said put some comedy bits in there, like that.
Speaker 1:Nah, take them out, we don't want them. More dead kids.
Speaker 2:So Satan talks to him and we're just going to call him Jack Black. Jack Black JB talks to him and he's like you're the only letter I got except manifestos. That was funny. It's a joke. Yeah, jack Black's jokes are all good jokes. You're just like this is the wrong movie for them this is like a seven it should be if this was like a 17 year old kid which is they go at it to eddie.
Speaker 1:I'm okay with it being a kid, but the kid stuff has to be more adult you know what I mean.
Speaker 2:The kid's very much a 10 or 11 year old. He's very much a kid. He is underdeveloped.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, and like I like the inappropriate jokes around children. That sounds weird when I just said it. But like I'm okay with the devil being edgier with a young kid. I think that's fine. But he is so young like he acts younger than what I believe a sixth grader would truly act well, that points us in the direction that this is a movie for younger kids, as opposed to right and I just I think that's the mistake. I think that's the mistake they've made.
Speaker 2:Yeah, these are little kids.
Speaker 1:This movie should be like Bad Santa meets. What is that movie, bedazzle? What is the movie with Peter Cook, brendan Fraser?
Speaker 2:Peter Cook and he meets the devil. Bedazzled right Peter Cook and Dudley Moore.
Speaker 1:No, I think it's Bedazzled. Brendan Fraser and Smoking Hot Devil, what's her name?
Speaker 2:Elizabeth Hurley dazzled, yeah, brendan fraser. And uh, smoking hot devil, what's her name? Elizabeth hurley. Elizabeth hurley, that's a remake of the peter cook and dudley moore movie.
Speaker 1:Well, I'm gonna tell you right now it's gonna be a movie, because hot devil, but it just the jokes are inappropriate. The devil fucks with him in that movie, like she is all about messing with brendan fraser and that's where the comedy comes from. He makes a wish to be like a famous basketball player. He's got a tiny dick. That's funny. It's really funny, guys like that. The devil needs to mess with this kid more. And then it needs to be more of a bad santa vibe, which is like an inappropriate person around children, because those are easy jokes to make.
Speaker 2:Nope, I know, but it's not, it's none of those things we say fudge, nuts and chunky and you know he's talking about kid are you high? He asked the kid if he's high.
Speaker 2:Okay yeah, obviously he's not he turns into santa and he's like okay, we've got a deal, three wishes, you know. The kid's like well, should I do world peace or climate? He's like okay, you can get a dirt bike, a yacht, a girl. And then, um. So he's like okay, give me a chance with emma, the girl I love, see you tomorrow. Then he makes it. He's like but you gotta prove your power before you go. He zaps the cat and the cat does basketball and does a dunk at the little thing, and then the cat's like this guy's cool.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's real dumb.
Speaker 2:He wakes up his mom to tell her about Santa Where's dad. Dad's sleeping on the couch. In the morning we find out that they're divorcing.
Speaker 1:I guess yeah, I mean, they talk about it, that's about it.
Speaker 2:They never you you know kyle gas gets to play the science teacher before he and jb are no longer friends because he said something bad and now they can't be friends because jb doesn't want to make people angry or something something, something something they're having to take care of animals. Jp's in there in with his mouse, four people in class.
Speaker 1:Yeah, one of them has an armadillo, by the way, which I thought was very interesting. I swear to God it was an armadillo. It's like a hard shell, I don't know. It looked like an armadillo, wow. Well, there you go.
Speaker 2:So he's trying to put the moves on Emma and it turns out that she's you know, she's like oh, I wish you put the she's more like embarrassed about his attention because she cares about him. Now and he comes over there and he's all like we should go to the Post Malone concert and she's like I broke up with's. All like we should go to the Post Malone concert and she's like I broke up with my boyfriend.
Speaker 1:Let's go to the Post Malone so glad, so glad Post Malone is coming back.
Speaker 2:This scene isn't funny you know well, they do a Beetlejuice thing where you know it's tiny JB in with the mouse and he licks the water.
Speaker 1:And those are the jokes that's the one joke they make. Oh, I guess I make two jokes, because the mouse sniffs his butt and he's like that's off limits or something.
Speaker 2:I thought the mouse was trying to rape him.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's, that's. I was saying that gently.
Speaker 2:I mean the joke was the mouse just trying to rape him, right.
Speaker 1:I don't think it made it that far. I think he was just sniffing the butt to get ready to mount, you know, and, and he was like, hey, don't do that, buddy, maybe later I don't know, um, but there's no, I don't know where are the jokes. You know, where are the jokes, people? Where's the jokes? That's I want. I want more jokes. I don't know when this happened, what? Happened, you know what it probably hasn't happened yet. Let's keep talking.
Speaker 2:He's back with Gibby, he's telling Gibby the whole deal and Gibby sort of bails on him. And then he sees what's his name? In the park sitting on a bench. He goes over there and he's like are you really Santa? And we get a joke. Does Pinocchio poop pine cones?
Speaker 1:Which I would assume is no.
Speaker 2:No, why would he poop pine cones?
Speaker 1:It doesn't make any sense. He's not still a live tree? If you chop down a tree to make a wooden boy. The tree's dead.
Speaker 2:Yeah, doesn't make pine cones anymore. So he's like he admits that he is the devil I'm better than Santa. And he's like he tries to run away from the devil and the devil zaps him and he's like don't touch me. And he's like why would I touch you? I'm the devil, not a trusted relative.
Speaker 1:Laugh number two of the movie.
Speaker 2:It's a good joke. It's an inappropriate joke in this movie.
Speaker 1:It's super inappropriate, but it was funny. I mean, it's bad, it's bad guys. The fact that we can joke about that is very sad, but it was funny.
Speaker 2:So he's like we've got a deal in progress. Your game is weak, there are no mistakes. When I was a kid, oh, he sort of set up that JB was a kid once and I was like, oh, that's how it's going to kind of resolve. He's going to give his wish to JB and that will solve the problem.
Speaker 1:Sure, kind of like Aladdin, then it's too much like Aladdin, dan. If he gives his third wish to set him free, that's bad.
Speaker 2:Why is that bad?
Speaker 1:Because that's the story of Aladdin.
Speaker 2:Who cares? I don't remember that story. They care.
Speaker 1:They reference Aladdin like three times in this movie.
Speaker 2:They do reference.
Speaker 1:Aladdin a couple of times Ridiculous.
Speaker 2:Now he's like he points to the clouds and he's like these are all the things we could do, and then we get a montage to wild one of nonsense it's. It's a montage of nonsense him gambling, him rolling in money, him driving a car an arm wrestling competition and that's the one I. I didn't understand. I mean, it doesn't make any sense. Were they referencing the the Sylvester Stallone arm wrestling movie?
Speaker 1:I hope so, which is a movie we're going to do at some point Over the top. It is over the top. I have no idea. I don't know why he's, and it happens twice in the montage, as if that should matter.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, the montage like cuts back the things that already happened in the montage so we could see more of them my god, because that's what I was like.
Speaker 1:Oh, this montage is moving too fast. Please let's go back and do more of those scenes.
Speaker 2:I need the result of the art wrestling competition. Because I want to see that he wins, because he might not win right, well, who?
Speaker 1:what the fuck? No, it's, it doesn't make any sense whatsoever. And then he's doing the rings. Is that what they're called? Yeah, he's doing gymnastics.
Speaker 2:He's doing Olympic gymnastics rings. Who would pick the?
Speaker 1:rings, no offense. The rings are very hard and it's very impressive, but I don't feel like kids are like man. I wish I could do the rings I don't think that's the one they would choose.
Speaker 2:I would want to do the pommel horse. Yes big time. No, not the pommel horse, the thing where you jump and you spin and land.
Speaker 1:Oh, jump, spin land on a mat.
Speaker 2:It's not the pommel horse. Pommel horse is where you're.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's where you're swinging around it on the handles and flipping and shit.
Speaker 2:Or I'd want to do the uneven bars, but the girls do that, but that was the one I always when I was a kid I was all like that's pretty cool.
Speaker 1:It is pretty cool. Dangerous though.
Speaker 2:Kill yourself, tony, kill yourself.
Speaker 1:Wait, whoa, whoa.
Speaker 2:Satan.
Speaker 1:That's subliminal. No, no, no, dan, if you say it out loud.
Speaker 2:that's not subliminal, that's. I should write a little card. Now the teacher comes up on his bike. Do you want? You want you to do this? You probably loved this scene. This scene was hilarious.
Speaker 1:No, you loved it Out of the two of us. You would love this scene. I do not like fart and poop jokes Not funny, low hanging fruit. You know what's even less funny If we drag them out for five to seven minutes Holy buckets guys. This is ridiculous.
Speaker 2:He zaps the guy's innards and then there's like a porta potty up there. You're like why is there a porta potty? Oh, that's why there's a porta potty scene. Oh I see, he goes up there and then he locks the door, which I thought that was kind of funny.
Speaker 1:That is funny, it could have happened way faster and that could have been the joke, you know what I mean. And then he just has to run away. But instead after that he walks very slowly back down the trail, back down the trail to the boys, picks up his bike very slowly, sits on the bike and then scoots himself off. It's three more minutes after the joke and there's no more jokes.
Speaker 2:Well, I think we say the word shart at least a couple of times.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, probably five, five, six times. Yeah, that's the funny word. Just ridiculous, just horrible, horrible stuff, guys.
Speaker 2:He meets back up with Gibby and they like I don't know, they talk about something. He meets back up with Gibby and they talk about something.
Speaker 1:Then we take one of the world's funniest people and don't give them jokes at all. Well, he made and this is just my assumption is that he's on set right. What's his?
Speaker 2:name Keegan Keegan Michael Key, one of the funny. This is a guy that when you see him live on a show, you die. He will kill you.
Speaker 1:He's brilliant, brilliant, and they were on set Right and they did one take of the scene and he's like, hey, do you guys realize there's nothing funny in this scene? And they're like yeah, we know. And so he's like I'm going to go to craft services Be right back in two seconds. And he comes back with a bunch of nuts and then he spends the whole scene awkwardly eating nuts and I laughed throughout the whole thing just because of the way he kept eating. It was very funny and I was like, thank God he's in this scene. If anyone else is in this scene, it's 10 minutes of absolute torture. Yeah, because this scene? If anyone else is in this scene, it's 10 minutes of absolute torture. Yeah, because this is a terrible scene. It reminds me you remember the santa claus, the tim allen flick great movie.
Speaker 1:I mean I know they made that movie yes yeah, they made that movie and we watch it every year because it's great no, you watch it, I don't, I don't. So the, the stepdad in that movie, judge Reinhardt Holt, judge Reinhardt.
Speaker 2:Judge Reinhardt Back in the Beverly Hills movie, exactly.
Speaker 1:He is a psychiatrist, oh okay, and he is like talk grilling Charlie the kid, and that's a funny scene because he's the one that doesn't believe in Charlie, right? So I think they were trying to bring that sort of vibe to this and it's just. It's just not like the parents keep pretending he doesn't know what he's talking about, but like you called the psych, you think your kid's crazy. You call the psychiatrist Crazy is not the right word, I apologize. You call a psychiatrist and then you sit there and you pretend he is just confused. How does that serve this scene? Oh, he doesn't know what he was saying. He means this he doesn't know what he's saying. What are you talking? You called a guy because you think your kid's crazy. Play that scene. It should be three on one, of this kid believing in Santa, slash Satan and all three of you against him. It's weird, ugh.
Speaker 2:Gibby shows up. Jb shows up as Gibby's dad. They make a boba joke. They earlier made a kombucha joke.
Speaker 1:Bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo. I chuckled, you chuckled at the boba joke. Yeah, when Jack Lash just do bo-bo-bo, boba, boba, boba, boba, boba, I don't know, I thought it was funny.
Speaker 2:It's just those jokes just feel like they're sliding into the past. They just feel like their shelf life has already like years gone by dead.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean, boba was funny eight to ten years ago, when it was just kind of coming out and just weird people were drinking it. Now everyone has a nice boba. I love a nice boba.
Speaker 2:I never had one.
Speaker 1:You never had boba, we'll go get some tea.
Speaker 2:I stayed with people that ran a boba truck.
Speaker 1:Ooh, like a food truck, but with boba tea.
Speaker 2:Yeah, back when it was hot and they made a lot of money. They did good Right and during. Yeah, back when it was hot and they made a lot of money.
Speaker 1:They did good Right and during that time, dan, this movie probably would have been really funny. Might have been.
Speaker 2:Okay, they want to go to the concert. Oh, that's why JB shows up with Gibby, because they're going to go to the concert, right, yes, and they try to make this a cancer joke, because they're like, oh, we got to go do chemo, yeah.
Speaker 1:And then at the end the parents say have fun at chemo, which I guess is a joke of a type it's okay, it would be funnier if they were playing chemo. For, like, those people don't look like they're going to chemo, you know what I mean? They're all in pretty high. It looks like they're going to ice cream, you know? Yeah, not chemo, maybe, maybe, maybe make a joke about. He's got to be sadder. I don't know. It's a weird situation. His friend should be like this.
Speaker 2:Right, oh, yeah, okay, oh, I got to go to chemo.
Speaker 1:I forgot. Oh, I'm so sick I don't know.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I don't know, yeah, because his parents, his parents don't go like, oh okay, right, yeah, you know they have to turn it, you have to morph, to do something.
Speaker 1:It has to be uncomfortable for them.
Speaker 2:Yes, you have to make. Nobody ever gets uncomfortable in this movie. No, it's weird, you got to put people through it Because that, because writhing around, is what makes us go. Oh my God, oh I would.
Speaker 1:Exactly it should be awkward. You're lying about having cancer. That's an awkward situation. It just reminds me of Jono's show. What was that called, I don't know. Jono Wilson was in a show about a girl who lied about having cancer to get on a shop network.
Speaker 2:Yeah, a shopping network.
Speaker 1:There's a ton of uncomfortable stuff, because it's uncomfortable to lie about that.
Speaker 2:And that's why I didn't watch that show, because I don't like uncomfortable humor. I don't like it.
Speaker 1:It is all about that, and I mean I don't love it either, but at least it's something.
Speaker 2:They're trying something, they put you through a thing, and that's the key to humor.
Speaker 1:You feel emotions in it. I'll tell you that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you want to put the person in a position where they're like, ah yeah.
Speaker 1:Because you should almost get caught for lying about having cancer. It's bad.
Speaker 2:So they go to the concert. It's bad, so they go to the concert. Actually, my favorite part is they're showing the people heading into the concert right, and there's a couple of women on the one side as they're walking up the steps to go to the Post Malone concert, like this Woo.
Speaker 1:I love that. You noticed that. I mean that's great, you're just like no one's going to act that way. That's so weird. That's not real emotions whatsoever. Good for them.
Speaker 2:So they get in there. Poor Gibby has to go up into the nosebleeds, which I thought was kind of funny.
Speaker 1:A funny joke. Even Satan can't out trick Ticketmaster. I'm not a bot. That was a good joke. Yeah, it's a good joke. Even Satan can't out-trick Ticketmaster. I'm not a bot. That was a good joke. Yeah, it was a good joke. That's my third laugh of the movie.
Speaker 2:I think that might be it. Third and last laugh you peaked early. Post Malone does a song, then he brings up Liam.
Speaker 1:Oh boy.
Speaker 2:And then they dedicate the song to Emma, or he takes the microphone and he dedicates it, and then he dances.
Speaker 1:Is that what we're going to call it? We're going to call it dancing. He moves-ish. In relation to music More or less. Yeah, more or less. Here's the problem.
Speaker 2:Wait, did you think he was gonna sing? Did you think this was gonna be like a duet? I thought it was gonna be a duet.
Speaker 1:I thought he was gonna do something. I thought he was gonna do something cool, and let me tell you why. Because before he goes on stage, he walks up to Jack Black, who's backstage kind of, and he's like I can't go out there, I don't have any skills, I'm going to look stupid. Yeah, which he does. He looks stupid out there because he can't dance and he's an idiot. But Jack Black says hey, have we not built trust here? I'm not going to let you look stupid. So I thought for sure, the kid was going to go out and be like oh, super talented. All of a sudden, I'm going to sing a duet. I'm going to sing a duet, I'm going to dance, do a real dance. Nope, he just looks like a moron Truffle, shuffling all over the stage. What's happening? That's from Goonies.
Speaker 1:Oh, Sorry, that's the first thing that came to my head.
Speaker 2:That's why it's not funny Okay.
Speaker 1:I don't like the Goonies either. I like Monster Squad. You'd love the Goonies Look at you.
Speaker 2:No, I don't like the Goonies either, I like.
Speaker 1:Monster Squad, you'd love the Goonies. Look at you. No, I didn't like the Goonies. I still don't like the Goonies. I think Goonies is the most overrated film of all time and it took away viewership from Monster Squad, the far superior film Anyhow. So anyhow, I thought that he was going to come out and be really good at something, and then the rest of the movie would have made a little bit more sense. When the girl in the hospital is like, hey, do you know who you have in there, that super cool kid? He's not cool, he's not cool at all. I thought it was going to be a goofy movie moment where they do the perfect cast on stage. Remember that Max and Goofy break onto the Powerline concert and they're like, uh-oh, what do we do? We're a goof. And then they do the perfect cast and it's a cool dance and everybody loves it. That's what needs to happen.
Speaker 2:He needs to do something cool. Yeah, that would have been better. He doesn't Brings Emma up there.
Speaker 1:Gabby tries to hit on a girl up there saying that that's his friend. She sees his hideous teeth and and uh and denies him, which just further solidifies the moral of this film. Is that, um, if you're ugly, get cosmetic surgery or make a deal with the devil, because otherwise no one's ever gonna like you. Acceptance really isn't a part of this movie at all. Not really it. It's weird.
Speaker 2:Okay, he's on the tablet with Gibby. Gibby says he left early because he was bored, which he didn't leave early.
Speaker 1:He was lying because he got rejected.
Speaker 2:Yeah, oh, I guess you're right, he is lying.
Speaker 1:Yeah, poor little guy, because everyone in this movie is a huge liar.
Speaker 2:That is true. The parents are listening and they hear that he's worshiping Satan. So they're freaked out and Gibby's like you're a star, my teeth are terrible. Then JB shows up and then you're like, oh okay, he's going to ask for his friend's teeth to be fixed. So the next day his teeth are fixed and he now is a player and he can score with the girls.
Speaker 1:You know, here's what's weird's weird dan tell me what's weird. One day later, yes, and no one seems shocked that his teeth are magically completely fixed well, because he didn't exist when he was hideous.
Speaker 2:But he did no but the truth of the matter I mean you don't exist when're hideous. You only exist when you're beautiful. That is how the world works.
Speaker 1:But I do. I mean, I agree with you. I agree with you, but here's what I will tell you. Tell me something, and maybe things are different, you know, maybe we have eradicated bullying, I don't know.
Speaker 2:We haven't.
Speaker 1:But a kid with teeth like that people are going to talk, but a kid with teeth like that, people are going to talk you know People are going to talk. People are going to talk and they would be like what happened to your teeth, Because yesterday they were sticking out three to four feet. I could see you chomping on food over there. I would just watch you all day, Like people would know Listen to you bully this poor kid in the movie. Worse than anyone bullies him in the movie.
Speaker 2:You're bullying him worse than anyone bullies him in the movie I'm saying.
Speaker 1:Other people would say the bullies. I wouldn't say it.
Speaker 2:Tony, I think we established that you were a bully in high school, weren't?
Speaker 1:you. No, I was not a bully. I got bullied younger and then I was like, well, that's dumb. So then I younger, and then I was like, well, that's dumb. So then I, just you know, became self-deprecating. You beat the bullies to the punch.
Speaker 2:They're on your side it's very simple formula oh good, uh, it's good, all right, good, it's the christmas, uh carnival. They play the beginning of run dmc's christmas and hollis. I had to turn the movie off, watch that whole video so I could hear that song because it's 10 out of 10.
Speaker 2:Good song, yeah um, now they're the cool kids, because some the the 19 year old girl, cool girl, she like videotaped them on stage. Yeah, um, the parents continue to be worried about their kid being into satan. Emma shows up. You're so humble. She's like let's have corn dogs. Dad sends the wife out. Oh, he stays in the car and sends the wife to go grab the kid.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I don't get it jb's in the hot dog stand and, um, mom is hanging out with gibby. Then Liam goes to mom and mom drags him and they throw him in the car and he's like no, I'm on a date.
Speaker 1:I mean this is a full on child abduction and nobody says anything Because they literally pick him up. The dad screams I got him, I got him. And then they throw him in the car With him yelling, and then he's at the window banging and screaming Try to get out.
Speaker 2:No one sees this.
Speaker 1:Nobody says anything. This is weird. This is very scary Scariest thing in the whole movie.
Speaker 2:And then what do they do? They deliver him to the hospital. Uh-huh, and he's acting sedated in a full hospital bed with everything set up. I'm like I don't understand.
Speaker 1:I don't understand either. And Jack Black goes what did they give you? So I feel like he was drugged. For sure he's drugged, yeah.
Speaker 2:All right, that's weird. And he makes a one flew over the cuckoo's nest joke. Do you know what? One? Who?
Speaker 1:flows cuckoo's Nest is. I mean, I saw that in high school, oh, okay, good One time and was like this movie is too crazy for me. But who is this movie for, Dan? Who's going to remember that's?
Speaker 2:my question, Tony.
Speaker 1:I'm turning it right back on you, sir?
Speaker 2:That's my question.
Speaker 1:Like the people. Like you said, it's for kids like the pre-teens to young teens. They're not gonna know what that means. This isn't a joke. The parents aren't really gonna care because, like, that movie hasn't been in the zeitgeist for 40 years.
Speaker 2:It's got to be early 70s. So what is that 55 years ago? 50 to 55 years ago. That's a joke you're making. And we're old, still not funny, I'm very old, I'm elderly. Then JB shows him Gibby and Emma and then he's making it out like Gibby's making his play on Emma.
Speaker 1:Yeah, okay, well, no, he's not.
Speaker 2:Keegan shows up and he's like the bad news he does not have a brain tumor.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it could have been, funny.
Speaker 2:Dad is excited that he doesn't have a brain tumor.
Speaker 1:The nurse shows up, shows up the dad's disappointed because they were hoping it's a brain tumor. To explain what's going on. So this is why the scene is is not funny, because what you need to understand is that the dad is hoping he has a brain tumor. Yeah, so that it's not something else. I don't know what else. You know something psychological, then if it's physical, then it makes sense. I don't know what else you know something psychological?
Speaker 1:then if it's physical, then it makes sense. I don't know so. When the doctor comes out he's like bad news. It's not a brain tumor. That should be funny and it's not uh, then they play.
Speaker 2:The nurse shows up and she's like your boy is a rock star and he's so cool and she plays a video of them playing Beer pong with Post Malone. Beer pong with Post Malone that's gonna get him arrested, post.
Speaker 1:Malone is now in jail. He's incarcerated. He can never tour again Like what's happening right now. Look at how cool he is.
Speaker 2:Your son is playing beer pong. You're like no At 11 years old.
Speaker 1:No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Yeah, at home.
Speaker 2:They're freaking out At 11 years old. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Yeah, At home they're freaking out. The dad realizes he's a bad dad and the mom says he's an amazing dad.
Speaker 1:Which doesn't make sense.
Speaker 2:And dad cries about not getting a pony as a kid again.
Speaker 1:Yeah, like that really messed him up. But why do you need a pony guy? Are you going to take care of that pony? I don't believe you.
Speaker 2:Oh, because that's an ancient trope of what you want for Christmas. Sure, it's the ultimate, tired trope of what you want for Christmas which, as opposed to saying something funny or interesting where you're like, oh, this reveals who you are.
Speaker 1:Again, I'm going to bring it back to the Santa Claus and I believe it's an Oscar Mayer whistle. That's what Judge Reinholdt wants.
Speaker 2:Oscar Mayer whistle.
Speaker 1:And he blows it at the end and it's a cute little joke. There's the joke Because it's something very specific to this weird guy that you're like yeah, this makes sense, this feels nice.
Speaker 2:But the pony thing is just like whoa, what should he wish for? Oh, he wanted a pony as a kid. That's stupid, so dumb.
Speaker 1:It's so dumb.
Speaker 2:He should want something, really. Yeah, he should want something that means something to him. I really wanted OJ Simpson's jersey. You're like, oh, oj Simpson's jersey. It's like it's just not the same.
Speaker 1:Now Look at that a joke? There's a joke, I made a joke.
Speaker 2:There you go, look at that Not a joke, it's a stand-in for a joke, that someone then writes the joke and you're like ah, phil, we'll go back and change this later.
Speaker 1:Just put pony, for now no kept it as pony.
Speaker 2:He FaceTimes with Gibby. He says I saw everything, I fixed your teeth. And then Gibby's like why don't you try being a good friend?
Speaker 1:I'm like whoa, yeah, because this kid's a piece of shit, and the movie Keeps trying to tell me he's too good To be corrupted by the devil. But he's not. He's not at all. He's a bad kid.
Speaker 2:And then boom, we get the 70 minutes in. We get the thing where the parents are like maybe this is the devil, maybe he did this to us. Who took Spencer from us? Spencer, a person we've never heard of, yep.
Speaker 1:And you're like what?
Speaker 2:God, but all the bad things in the world. Spencer died because I let him play outside and then I'm like this is a movie about not processing grief and the dad deals with this by going like I'm going to my sisters.
Speaker 1:I'm not going to have this this kid is dead, I don't care interesting choice to make this suddenly about grief, even though, again, it has no bearing on Liam's story at all, that's true, it doesn't deal with liam at all, because he doesn't seem to. I mean, he watches videos later, which is like again another manipulation, fuck you. But other than that, he doesn't seem all that bothered.
Speaker 2:No, um boom, liam runs away to go find jb in his motel because he's staying at the Red Rum Motor Lodge, room 666. Not surprising, jb is in a onesie. Yeah, why, why? What's that? Because that's funny. It's funny that he's wearing that. I mean, he's a big guy wearing this weird red lycra.
Speaker 1:Yeah yeah, that's, that's not funny anymore, like we've done that. Yeah, you know, we've done it. It's not. It's not surprising or funny anymore, it's just, it's just a thing I don't know.
Speaker 2:So then he does a lot of jokes. I didn't write down any of them oh, he does jokes, I don't.
Speaker 1:I didn't write them down either I was.
Speaker 2:I've been done laughing in the movie for a while now, so you're the post laughing situation yeah, yeah oh yeah, we also did a thing where somebody watched a newscast where postman says he doesn't remember the last 24 hours, because we really need to establish that he doesn't remember what happened because yeah, that's gonna come into bearing later in the movie no, no, it's not.
Speaker 1:Nope, that's wrong, but also they should. Part of that newscast should be like and here's a viral video of a young kid playing beer pong with post malone. During that time he's he's gonna get in trouble he should be getting in trouble, so this should be his way of pretending he doesn't remember anything to get out of I don't know.
Speaker 2:Yeah, well, let's, let's rewrite the joke. They get him on the street and they're like what do you want to talk about? What happened last night? He's like I don't even remember anything. Then they play him the video of him playing beer pong with a kid, beer pong with an 11 year old. He's all like, but no, he gets to. He gets to be himself and celebrate his wonderfulness, as opposed to putting the post malone character through a little something are people really?
Speaker 1:is he big? I? This is a, this is a old old man question, but when they brought up post malone originally I was like is that who the kids?
Speaker 2:would be into. I mean, I don't know what uh, I don't know who his constituency is. I do know that he bought the uh magic the gathering, one of one, one ring card for a million dollars.
Speaker 1:Well, all right, respect, I'm done.
Speaker 2:I won. Well, all right, respect, I'm done, I won't even question it anymore. Good for him, and I do understand he owns at least one raising canes.
Speaker 1:Uh, fast food place he might own a few of them. Dude raising canes is so good. I love the toast that they do.
Speaker 2:Oh my god have you had raising canes no, there's one in Burbank. We've driven by it a couple of times.
Speaker 1:Yeah, if you like chicken strips, get some Raising Cane's. Oh man, it's good.
Speaker 2:Maybe I'll try that. I won't, but I might. Mom talks to him through the door, realizes he's gone, and then what's his name? Just wants his parents to be happy, and so he's gonna, so they can hug and kiss and laugh, and uh, so he gives him his final wish and now he's like now I'm, you're done with your wishes, now go out. There be a joke. Jerk fart on the bus and he's like but I enjoy being so nice and this is the part where jack Black goes.
Speaker 1:no, you don't. You're nice because you're afraid of what people will think of you. And he's like I'm a very astute judge of character, so that has to be the truth. Has to be the truth.
Speaker 2:The parents are out looking for him, and then they're like let's just stop fighting. And then they're like I baby him. I don't blame you, I blame myself, I blame, I blame I was golfing, I blame it was an accident. Let's reconcile, let's be in love and let's find Liam.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so I mean listen, yep, then they pick up Liam this is a fine scene. You know it's fine. This acting was fine. Yeah, yeah, yeah, and like, if that's how you want to progress their relationship, I'm fine with it. Yeah, this is a fine. It's obviously a condensed version of dealing with grief, but it's fine, I'm okay with it. And now you're going to reverse all of that.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:You're just going to erase all of the work they've done and they just have a son again. That's dumb, that's really dumb.
Speaker 2:So we play bad to the bone. Now we've got the bad Liam, who's not really that bad. He's just kind of like forthright, which I guess is the whole point.
Speaker 1:Yeah, he's also not that good at it.
Speaker 2:No.
Speaker 1:Poor kid.
Speaker 2:He warrants with the crossing guard. He defies her authority. He takes down the bully. The bully punches him. This is a scene from my childhood. There was a bully in junior high and I annoyed him so much I don't know why I put him on blast for some reason.
Speaker 1:We were in gym class and then he punched me.
Speaker 2:He punched me in the face. I think, yeah, and it didn't really hurt, and so then I laughed at him and he did not deal well with that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, no, all of that sounds exactly what I would assume would happen um, he goes and he blasts the weird teacher he's kind of a dick to the teacher.
Speaker 2:Oh, he's a huge huge, rude dick to the teacher because the teacher is like the teacher is putting to kill a mockingbird on blast for some reason and then he challenges authority.
Speaker 2:And then he's like why do you always put down great books? You're like it's such like, like, what a weird thing. And then he's like why do you always put down great books? You're like it's such like, like, what a weird thing. And he's like you know, you live with your mom and you suck, and you, because you can't write or whatever, and it's like what a weird trait to to blast somebody because they put down classic books yeah, well listen, the kid's a so and it just goes to prove it.
Speaker 2:After class Emma does not want to play with him and she's like you were a jerk. You called him a failure. You're not nice. And then?
Speaker 1:And then that is the moment where Liam is like oh, maybe I shouldn't be mean to people. So again, it's literally just proving the fact that he's only nice to people because he's afraid of what people will think of him. That is true, that's not a good person.
Speaker 2:That is true and he cries. So he goes home, watches video of his dead brother. Gibby calls him up. They talked to him about the dead brother and this was a really interesting thing is, at one point Liam wanted to say something to Gibby and Gibby made small talk to shut him down. And then he's all like I was going to tell you. He's like why didn't you ever tell me that? And he's like because you shut me down with a small talk, and so they kind of make it Gibby's problem, like Gibby's the asshole. So they kind of make it Gibby's problem Like Gibby's the asshole.
Speaker 1:When that happens, gibby does say he's like I'm not good at the serious stuff.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:So like which is a weird. Thing.
Speaker 2:They make him like Liam is accusing him of not listening to him, and you're like, yeah, I don't think that's what it is.
Speaker 1:It's not it's all, because they don't know what they're doing, these writers Am don't think that's what it is. It's not it's all, because they don't know what they're doing.
Speaker 2:These, these writers amateurs then he says I'm sorry, I fixed your teeth without your permission.
Speaker 1:I'm like where's?
Speaker 2:this apology for emma, who he forced to fall in love with them, you know right.
Speaker 1:So that's weird, right can like. There's never a moment where jack black is like, oh, the spell will wear off. Yeah, so as far as I can tell, she's only still interested in him because she's being forced to under a spell. Yes, true, true, that's bad, you can't live your life like that. There needs to be a scene where he talks to Jack Black and is like you have to release because I, I want her to like me, for me, acceptance. This movie needs to be about acceptance. I don't understand how it's not.
Speaker 2:Ah let me, let me do my favorite lines in the movie okay, yeah, please so after he says I fixed your teeth without permission, gibby says you could have fixed your own physical malformities. No, you're right and liam is like what malformities and then give me changes to yeah no, that is a good, it's a good bet he delivers it really really well when you're just like, wow, you're putting the asshole on blast. Yeah, it is, that is funny um, satan goes to hell, and this was bad.
Speaker 1:Why is this? What does this have to do? Why is he not Satan?
Speaker 2:I don't know man.
Speaker 1:Do they think that this is really funny? They're like oh, guess what? He's not even Satan, you idiots.
Speaker 2:He should have been in the mailroom right and there's no work in the mailroom, just interrupted, just intercepted it. But they should have said you know? Satan should have said jerk, you're the goddamn mail room and you stole three wishes. You stole three of my wishes. I do not have infinite. There's so many things. But they do this terrible null and void bit for like five minutes and you're like no, you know what null and void means. Yes, yes, I do know what it means.
Speaker 1:Yes, everyone knows what it means oh, it was so bad yeah yeah, it's really dumb. I just it doesn't. I like. I feel like what they're trying to show you is that he's not that bad. Yeah, I think so yeah but like the story should have been more about the devil coming around and being like well, you're not that bad, I'm the devil, I'm bad. But like you're a good kid and you've kind of warmed me up a little, and here's a christmas wish go fuck yourself.
Speaker 2:Something like that but the christmas wish is not bringing someone back from the dead right, yeah, yeah, yeah, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Speaker 1:That's not what it is.
Speaker 2:So then he comes back up to talk to Liam one last time and he's all like you're not Satan, you're a low-level demon fraud. I'm banished. I'm so sorry. I enjoyed our time together and because of that I'm going to give you one last wish, and that's your dead brother to be alive.
Speaker 1:Now I have, I mean doing what they've done destroys their entire world that they built right.
Speaker 2:Well, there was never a world in this movie, but I mean the little bit of world that they built, right. Well, there was never a world in this movie.
Speaker 1:But I mean the little bit of world that they built was. The devil is powerful and grants three wishes in exchange for your soul. Yes, now it seems like any demon can do anything. Yes, he's a low-level demon. Yes, he brings someone back to life. Yes, that is insane. Yes, he's a low level demon. Yes, he brings someone back to life. Yes, that is insane. Yes, that is so powerful. Yes, but also he can just do it willy nilly. Yes, he could do anything.
Speaker 2:He could still do it after the devil is basically throwing him off the case.
Speaker 1:Right, Like he's just all powerful. He's a low level all-powerful demon. That doesn't make sense.
Speaker 2:It can't make sense in a world well, or like liam, has to go down to hell and save him for some reason, and then he great.
Speaker 1:I love that go have him talk to ben stiller. Yeah, you know, like have the kid go down and like talk him out of prison. Yeah, whatever there's, there's a million. It's dumb man, it's really dumb. So yeah.
Speaker 2:So we do the voiceover of the wish. And then there he is, and the dad also gets his pony and mom gets back her tree topper and the tree topper is now JB and the kid says best Christmas ever. And then Gibby shows up and Gibby's like emma's gonna give you another chance. And then he sees the, the dead brother, and he's like, uh, it's gonna be a little tougher because your dead brother's well, yeah, he's liam's.
Speaker 1:Like, how did you get her to give me a chance? It's like I told her, told her all about your dead brother who's now alive, and that's the joke. That's a joke. It's the button of the movie is how, oh, how's he gonna get out of this one now that they've brought his dead brother back to life? That's the button. It's so oh, it's so bad, it's so infuriating. I hate, I hate them. It's pretty good, very upsetting, um, but also the dad got a pony. What's he?
Speaker 2:going to do with a pony. It's going to shit in the house a lot.
Speaker 1:Right, he's not going to take care of a pony. He shouldn't even still want the pony. It's so dumb, it's so stupid. And then he's like oh thanks, honey for getting me a pony. Nope.
Speaker 2:Nope, when we were kids, we went over to this guy's house and he had I think it was peacocks in the backyard. Okay, there's peacock shit everywhere. Of course that's what animals do, that's why you got to be very careful about what animals you have, because they're going to defecate and that's going to be your problem.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you're going to have to pick that up or you're just gonna walk all over it. This movie, dan is, it's like a. It's a bad movie. For an hour and 40 minutes and then for the last seven minutes of this movie, it's the worst movie I've ever seen in my entire life I'm gonna make a proposal, tony oh, please, yeah.
Speaker 2:Well, let's do this movie every Christmas For the show.
Speaker 1:That's a bad proposal. That'll be our every year film On Christmas day. On Christmas day.
Speaker 2:Anything else you want to say about this stupid movie?
Speaker 1:Um, santa should have come in the movie. Oh yeah, that was the other thing Like.
Speaker 2:Santa has to come and resolve this. Santa has to be real.
Speaker 1:Without a doubt, has to. It's not even. It shouldn't even be debated. Santa has to show up at the end of this movie. It's just a miss. A miss on so many fronts.
Speaker 2:How could you not? How could you write a Christmas movie and then not have Santa show up? It's just a miss. Just a miss on so many fronts. How could you not write a Christmas movie and then not have?
Speaker 1:Santa show up. It's so weird it doesn't make any sense. Yeah, terrible, it's a terrible movie. They should be ashamed of themselves. Except for, I will say, because I don't think I said it Jack Black, very committed, as always, and I love this guy, I love him.
Speaker 2:Yeah, In the middle of this movie it falls flat. But he tries, he's always trying.
Speaker 1:He's giving it his all. You know the old college try. That's all you can do sometimes.
Speaker 2:Yeah, now we talk about something we like. I started watching Alien.
Speaker 1:Romulus. Ooh, that is on our list.
Speaker 2:It has to wait till after Christmas All right. Uh, it's, I loved it. I mean, I haven't finished it yet, but good, yeah, I loved everything about it. It's just like a bunch of no name stars and they just they set up a situation and then the situation goes to shit. It's like this is a science fiction I love, because you've got to figure out what the hell you're going to do To make it so everybody doesn't die, and everybody's going to die. I love it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we're very excited, so I'm glad you're liking it. What do you got for us, tony? I was issued a homework assignment From friend of the show, todd.
Speaker 2:Oh wow, after my uh, cohen brothers rant oh yeah, he made you watch a cohen brothers movie.
Speaker 1:Yeah, he put me, he put me to work to watch um the hud sucker, proxy, proxy. Yeah, uh, I did like it, I enjoyed it.
Speaker 2:It's funny, it's crazy.
Speaker 1:I actually like the movie well, you know, maybe I just enjoy some of their older stuff. And then, as they kept going, they got worse.
Speaker 2:You know, I don't know you should watch the other one A Simple man, I think it's called, or something. No, that one's crazy. I like that one. That one's good Really. Don't watch the Billy Bob Thornton one. Bob Thornton won that one. That's the only one I really didn't like. Which one's? The Billy Bob one, the man who wasn't there. I didn't care for that one and I didn't care for Hail Caesar either.
Speaker 1:Hail Caesar was fucking trash and I love Channing Tatum. Love him to death. Hate that movie you never watched Bullet Train, did you? Is that like Takes place on a?
Speaker 2:bullet train Sure.
Speaker 1:Brad Pitt. But the guy that was like Up for Bond was in it right.
Speaker 2:Brad Pitt was in it.
Speaker 1:Brad Pitt's in it. Yeah, no, I think we did see it. I think we saw that.
Speaker 2:I think we liked it. Channing Tatum's best role ever.
Speaker 1:Was he doing that one? I can't remember. I should rewatch it.
Speaker 2:He's just one of the passengers and he just has this little bit.
Speaker 1:I do love James. He's great.
Speaker 2:Very funny. He's a funny guy. We need a movie. We're still waiting for Kraven, yeah, but it's soon right. Well, we're in the Kraven waiting room. We're in the Red One waiting room, yeah, and we're in the Venom waiting room.
Speaker 1:Venom, I think, is soon. I think they said Venom's next week, next Friday or something, I think.
Speaker 2:I'll keep you posted. Well, luckily we're no longer in the waiting room for Joker 2, dula Afwa.
Speaker 1:Oh no. We're doing the Joker. I no longer in the waiting room for Joker 2, doulas Afloat. Oh.
Speaker 2:no For doing the Joker, I can't oh no, dan, I do believe it said it was two hours and 25 minutes, something like that.
Speaker 1:No, Dan.
Speaker 2:no, there was some other movie I looked at that I was thinking about doing and it was well over two hours. Joker you're like well, this is Todd Phillips. Is that his name? Todd Phillips? Yeah, todd Phillips.
Speaker 1:It's a.
Speaker 2:Todd Phillips masturbation, so he's got to masturbate as hard as long as he can For a long time.
Speaker 1:He's got to edge it for a while. Yeah, oh boy, I'm not excited for this. Dan, I think I'm going to like this movie. Did you like Joker? I didn't finish it. It's too horrible. Yeah, it's awful. I hate that movie.
Speaker 2:I genuinely hate that movie. See, doing this show, we get ones that you put off the table. This is like off the table Finding Nemo. Off the table, that's it says you. If you said to me, Joker off the table, I'd be like, okay, that's fine, you know I get that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'm fine with this, because isn't it like a musical or some?
Speaker 2:shit.
Speaker 1:It's totally a musical yeah all right, so I'm intrigued. It is something we should see, so, and this one was, you know, the Joker.
Speaker 2:The first one was just like I'm a malcontent and I'm being malcontent, yep, and I turned it off Because I was like I get what this movie is. It's not gonna.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and I don't care, it's not. I'm not gonna care, it's not gonna go anywhere, it's just gonna be a big, no, a big joke, and but it but it thinks itself important and that's what frustrates me, like it thinks it's like, oh, I'm making big, grandiose statements about society. Fuck you. This is I've seen this a million times on way better.
Speaker 2:This movie sucks well, and it was the whole movie was. This was. This was not meant at the whole movie, but a lot of it was a lift from the king of comedy, which, yes, king of comedy is one of those movies you watch and you lose your mind because you're just like this is a work of genius.
Speaker 1:This is some effed up stuff, yeah, but it's a movie I only watch once ever.
Speaker 2:Maybe I've watched it twice, but it's not a movie that you go back to easily, because it's about reality. It's about how people really are, and the Joker thought that it was talking about society and talking about characters and talking about the world we live in, and you're just like no, it wasn't. No, you're not. Bud, a bunch of incels are like this is the greatest movie ever because he's exactly who I want to be You're like yeah, let's give them more power, yay idiots Incel power, so yeah we're going Joker 2.
Speaker 1:Folliade.
Speaker 2:Or whatever those words are.
Speaker 1:It's a Fall Out Boy album. Fall Out Boy Folliade Great album underrated really. Because it came after Infinity on High and everyone was kind of Over Fall Out Boy. But Fall Out Do Is a very solid album.
Speaker 2:So what you're telling me Is he lifted a bit From From.
Speaker 1:One of the dumbest bands In the world In French, for real. You know what I mean, but yeah.
Speaker 2:I think it just means part two. I'm sure that's what it just means.
Speaker 1:Oh, does it? Well, that doesn't make sense for the Fall Out Boy album, then why? Well, because it wasn't their second album, it was like their fourth album. Oh, madness of two Got it Okay. So it's, you know, two crazy people.
Speaker 2:Joker and oh, the madness of the two. Yeah, all right, and I'm intrigued to see Lady Gaga you know, I'm always actually quite Pleased with her. Did you watch? The Bradley Cooper Star is Born with her.
Speaker 1:I just wanted to take one last look at you. Yeah, dan, I watched it. That's another one-timer for me, because oh you cried too much. Oh my god, yeah. So much crying for days, days and days. I think I watched the first 15 or 20 minutes of it and I liked it. You've cried too much. Oh my God, yeah. So much crying for days, for days, days and days.
Speaker 2:I think I watched like the first 15 to 20 minutes of it and I liked it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean they're great. They're great together. Yeah, Did you see? I mean, did you see them perform? Was it the Oscars?
Speaker 1:I think something like that. On stage together. Oh my God, it stage together. Oh my god, it was magnetic. They were listen. I don't want to start rumors, but I'm pretty sure they were sleeping together because it was. It was hot, it was like steamy. They're on that piano and they're like this far apart and they're looking at each other's eyes and you're like these people are in love. It's great. They did a wonderful job are they really in love? They don't, they say no oh, but I don't know calling them liars, whatever.
Speaker 1:I'm calling them liars because I felt it. I felt it from afar.
Speaker 2:If you like what we do, give us a thumbs up, give us a like, give us a subscribe, give us a comment. Those are all things you can do to support the. Oh my God, my pants are falling apart.
Speaker 1:Dan's pants are falling off. Great, they're not falling off.
Speaker 2:They're falling apart.
Speaker 1:They're falling apart off your body Exactly. They're shredding before our very eyes.
Speaker 2:I always wear my jeans out at the knees.
Speaker 1:At the knees. What are you doing on your knees there, Dan?
Speaker 2:Crawling around Looking for seed Corn and seed. Oh, okay, seed corn and seed.
Speaker 1:Oh okay, you're in the field. I see no, no, here in the carpet Okay. We're going to go.
Speaker 2:We'll be back talking about the Joker musical next week.
Speaker 1:Goodbye everybody. Hey, watch it With Dan and Tony the Joker musical next week. Goodbye everybody.