Hate Watching with Dan and Tony
Hate Watching with Dan and Tony
Hate Watching The Mothman Prophecies
What happens when you mix the supernatural with a touch of humor and a sprinkle of personal anecdotes? You get our intriguing exploration of "The Mothman Prophecies," a film that has haunted minds since 2002. This episode promises to whisk you away on a journey through eerie atmospheres and unsettling phone calls, while we share our own eerie encounters and discuss the fascinating world of cryptids, insects, and the thin line between imagination and reality. Prepare for a fun ride as we uncover how Richard Gere's gripping performance shines amid perplexing dialogue and some outdated transitions.
Ever wondered why moths and mosquitoes are so different from each other? Or how butterflies actually sleep? We bring these questions to life, blending them with a film analysis that critiques fear, suspense, and the peculiarities of supernatural events. Our conversation touches on government transparency and the quest for proof of extraterrestrial life, all while navigating car crashes and ghostly phone calls. We even touch on the fascinating character of Indrid Cold, whose chilling phone calls unfold with eerie knowledge and unsettling predictions.
To round things off, we lighten the mood with a discussion on comedy specials and TV shows, from Ellen DeGeneres' farewell stand-up to the new season of "Bake Off." We reflect on nostalgic moments and share recommendations for your Halloween watchlist. It's a whirlwind of suspense, humor, and the supernatural, perfect for listeners who love a mix of mystery and laughter. Don't miss this captivating episode that's bound to keep you on the edge of your seat—and maybe even the edge of the supernatural.
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Tony: @tonydczech
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La, la, la, la, la, la, la la. My third process is Welcome to Hate Watching with Dan and Ask Tony.
Speaker 2:Ask, ask, it was A-S-K. Just like Chiefs. Oh, ask Tony. Hello everybody, welcome to the. Just like Chiefs. Oh Ask Tony. Hello everybody, welcome to the show.
Speaker 1:This is Hate Watching with Dan and Tony. Yes.
Speaker 2:I said that part Nailed it.
Speaker 1:On this show we watch a movie. It's Halloween time. This is the first of our October Halloween spooky movies Rocktober, so I picked a very lightly spooky movie.
Speaker 2:Dan, I knew we were going to disagree on this movie.
Speaker 1:Oh, you thought it was spooky Good.
Speaker 2:This movie freaked me out. Oh good, okay, not like. Oh, I'm scared, I can't go to sleep, but I had tingles, I had tingles sometimes during the phone conversation, where he's like what do you look like? Depends who's looking. Love that.
Speaker 1:I love that line. I was like, oh okay, that's creepy, um yeah. So I picked the mothman prophecies 2002 hour and 58 minutes and it's not a it's not a great movie but it's not a bad movie it's not a bad movie and it's probably a fairly misunderstood movie.
Speaker 2:Oh, a million percent to that, uh, my biggest. I have two complaints about the movie. That's it okay. One these transitions are from 1984. We gotta, we gotta, get a new editor for this film, because these are terrible you mean when things kind of blur up.
Speaker 2:Yeah, like what? What are we doing, what I don't know what we're doing? And then, like, when it goes to like static for a little bit as if, like it's some sort of technology thing, I don't know what we're doing, I'm not sure who made these choices, but I hate them. Okay, I'll say that I like this movie. I hate the transitions. The other thing is just a line in the first scene that it just drives me absolutely crazy because it's ridiculous. I'll just set the scene a little bit. Richard Gere sitting in his office he's a writer of some sort. He's got a writer friend across from him who's asking him a question comprised or composed. And then Richard Gere answers the question he says composed across from him who's asking him a question comprised or composed? And then richard gear answers the question, he says composed, and the guy doesn't what.
Speaker 1:He doesn't answer the question, he corrects the incorrect information in it first as opposed to answering the question first, which is what you would do right then he answers the question and the guy was so thrown.
Speaker 2:He was like what, what are you doing? Just yes, he's a smart ass, we get it. That brings the Richard Gere character to life. But why is this guy so confused? He answered the question. You asked the question 30 seconds ago. You're not sidetracked already. So those are my two complaints and my only two notes that I wrote down. Otherwise, perfect movie. Otherwise, I really enjoyed this movie. Richard Gere is pretty great.
Speaker 1:Richard Gere is great this movie. I don't know if we talked about this last time, but I read the Mothman Prophecies book when I was in high school.
Speaker 2:I don't believe that you did this because after I watched it I was like I want to read the book. Do you did this because after I watched it I was like I want to read the book? Do you still own?
Speaker 1:it. I need it, Dan. Well, no, I checked. I found it in our high school library. This book Wait. First of all, that's incredible.
Speaker 2:Whatever school you went to deserves accolades. That's incredible Way to have a great selection.
Speaker 1:I could tell you one story. Well, I could tell you two stories about our high school library that I found this book and I read this book great is one, the other one wild stuff. We watched some sex ed movie in the library, you know, and I got. I got so uncomfortable that I almost passed out Because I don't but it was not that it was like sex or something. It was more like watching, like how people are when they see blood or something.
Speaker 1:There was just like a lot of anatomical kind of things and I'm just like oh, Poor, young, innocent Dan just ready to pass out. I almost went down that day.
Speaker 2:I wish you would have, not for your sake, because you probably would have gotten teased for the rest of your career there. But what an acute story that would have been. Dan passed out at sex ed.
Speaker 1:Passed out. So yeah, read the Mouthman Prophecies. John Keel spawned a lifelong interest in cryptids and UFOs. This book had UFOs in it, which doesn't have in the movie.
Speaker 2:Oh, interesting Okay.
Speaker 1:This book was the first place I ever heard of the men in black.
Speaker 2:So it's interesting. I read that in I don't know someone's reviews somewhere that they were like. He coined the term men in black, which I was confused about, because that doesn't come up in the movie at all. So, I don't know where the men in black came from, but I'm intrigued.
Speaker 1:Well, I listened to this podcast called, which is going to be my thing. I recommend the Haunted Objects Podcast.
Speaker 2:And this morning.
Speaker 1:What I want to listen to, that this show is so good I'll talk about it later but they did an episode about the movie and about the book and they were just talking about all these things and reminded me of a lot of things, a lot of things I forgot about the book. And they were just talking about all these things and reminded me of a lot of things, a lot of things I forgot about the book. Sure, and a point being men in black, and they they posited that, since the men in black movie had already come out, they thought you know, the movie makers probably thought we don't want to put the men in black in here, because then it's just going to get confusing.
Speaker 2:I can understand that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, because the original men in black would. There'd be something weird would occur. They'd come down in helicopters or in things and show up and do things Sure and then just disappear, and then everyone would be like who are they?
Speaker 1:What were they doing? And was it the government? Were they a different? And then everyone would be like, ah, who are they? What were they doing? And was it the government? Were they a different? You know, and and then of course the, the movie men in black, and which came from a comic, sort of turned that on its head and made them different, the good guys you know, but but in in back in this time.
Speaker 1:No, the men in black were not the good guys they were. They were just another malevolent situation that was making things harder to get to and more mysterious and weirder. Sure.
Speaker 2:I like it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'm intrigued and there were UFOs, you know, like the one weird guy, mr Cold, mr Cold. He got off a UFO. Oh, okay. I think he got off a UFO, and then the dude met him and was a friend, and then he lived in the area for his whole life. What yeah?
Speaker 2:So the movie doesn't really follow the book? Is that what you're trying to tell me?
Speaker 1:It doesn't. But the movie does do an interesting job of sort of presenting how this sort of material goes about, where weird things happen and you're not going to have. You know there's not going to be a guy. At the end that's like ha ha, ha, I'm the guy that did it all.
Speaker 1:Yeah, let me sum this up for you yeah most of the stuff, most of this stuff is incomprehensible, just like the one story they tell about being up in the high rise and looking down, and so in a sense, they sort of flesh out those ideas. I don't think they fleshed them out incredibly well, because the movie did drag.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean, it's not a fast moving plot, you know what I mean.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean, it's not a fast-moving plot. You know what I mean.
Speaker 2:And you know, most of the things in this movie happened off-screen to someone else and they're telling the story and the story's sort of done in a you know, recreation sort of thing, which is why I like the phone.
Speaker 1:Call the phone call's probably my favorite scene of the movie, when Richard Gere actually gets to talk to the cold person Ingrid, ingrid, indris, now wait, stop. Oh, you see. What I've been doing now is I write down the names and then I underline them.
Speaker 2:So you're just looking for underlines right now, so I can look for my underlines and then I know what's going on? You know everything. I love it. I think it was Indrid Cody Indrid.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that sounds right. I think it was Indrid, yeah, and so, yes, I don't know what I was saying.
Speaker 2:You're just saying that things happen off screen for the most part, as opposed to you know actually happening to our character.
Speaker 1:And so it sort of feels like it doesn't feel real. And so you don't there's no, there's not a lot of jeopardy in this movie. That's true, that's true, which might be a positive thing, cause most movies they build in all these jeopardy and you're like, yeah, yeah, yeah for sure.
Speaker 2:One of the this was my favorite review that Naomi actually found and sent it to me. It was this woman. I won't call her out, but maybe she shouldn't review films anymore. Her review was the movie is less terrifying than the actual incident that it's based on, and that's a negative thing. And I was like lady, this is a movie. And that's a negative thing. And I was like lady, this is a movie. If the movie is scarier than an actual bridge collapse that killed 50 people, then we've got problems. That is true, but she's saying, I think in her own dumb words, the same type of thing that you're saying, which is like you don't feel the jeopardy, you don't feel the fear necessarily, but you know it's a scary event that happens.
Speaker 1:Well, I think she might also be talking about the real Mothman thing, because in the book Mothman is all over the place. He's flying around, he's menacing people in the town and I think some kids hit him with their car and then bring Mothman back into the town.
Speaker 2:Oh boy.
Speaker 1:All sorts of things went on with Mothman for like a month or two months or something and you know it was. The Mothman thing was a little more physical and real in the book.
Speaker 2:As opposed to this thing where the Mothman's? Very metaphorical. Did you read about this movie at all? A little bit. So they had plans, from my understanding, to make the creature more real. Their budget got slashed right before production and they were like we gotta kind of change our tact, make it less of a monster film and more of a psychological film.
Speaker 1:And I think that was better.
Speaker 2:Actually, I think that 100 especially with the little bit that we do see of this creature.
Speaker 1:I was like I'm so glad it's not more in the movie and I'm also, you know, also thinking about the nick nicholas cage, the knowing which kind of is the exact same movie as this and then the ending of that pretty darn terrible yeah, yeah, but this ending really good.
Speaker 2:I thought I mean the bridge, the bridge. You didn't like it no, yes, I did like it okay, I think, because I think the bridge collapse scene is very tense, uh, and very, very well shot. I think most of Most of the movie direction has very little to do with it, but I thought that this scene was really well done and I love the idea. That's just like, yeah, I mean it happened and now I guess we all try to just move on with our lives because it's gone and we don't know what's going on.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I love it.
Speaker 1:It was good, so let's start the movie. He gets a call call and there's something about this name, mary, and I didn't understand what was going on. It was this weird call, which I think is sort of the beginning of the weirdness, where he's not sure what's going on and he writes down Mary, but that turns out to be the name of his wife, who's played by Deborah Messing, which is another problem with they probably had with audiences, because she's going to get killed pretty quick, pretty fast.
Speaker 2:Pretty much immediately. My favorite part of this whole first scene is that he asks the spelling of Mary.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And he's like, oh, it is a Y, okay, great. How else do you spell Mary? This is a real question. I don't know the answer to this. Okay, the fact that you even have to think about it means that it's weird that he has to clarify if there's a Y in Mary.
Speaker 1:I mean it could be an I, but the feeling I got from that line was that the person could have been confused and they could have been saying Marie.
Speaker 2:Oh, okay.
Speaker 1:Sure, all right, that's what I sort of took. But once again that whole thing was sort of garbled and you didn't understand what it was about. And then you find out his wife. His name is Mary.
Speaker 2:Which makes it more confusing.
Speaker 1:Makes it more confusing, and that's what this movie does. It's like people get phone calls from people and then it turns out not to be them, and so you're kind of like everything's sort of out the window, and in a more tense movie you would be constantly confused. But this movie kind of makes it kind of like they'll get a call and then they'll go there and the guy's like that wasn't me and you're like, oh well, there we go. It's malevolent force or whatever.
Speaker 2:Yeah, mv for short.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so you never. I never felt like off my footing. I was always like okay, I know exactly what's going on.
Speaker 2:Okay, yeah, I mean, I don't think I was ever confused, but I got. I thought it was spooky. I thought it was creepy Cre, but I got. You know, I thought it was spooky, I thought it was creepy. Creepy is the right word, spooky is not the right word. But, like I, you know, I had a feeling of, of, of relative dread throughout it, which was good. I, in a better movie, I would have felt more obviously. Yes, but I feel like it starts with the car accident that we're gonna get to in a second, because the head smack on that glass was so graphic that I was like I was shook for 10 more minutes I was just like, oh my god, what just happened to her face.
Speaker 2:Uh, it's cool effect. I don't know, I'm not totally sure how they did it. That well I thought, but anyhow. So it kind of starts there and then I never, never really. You know, I was always like, oh yeah, this has got a nice vibe, it's vibey.
Speaker 1:It is vibey. So yeah, so they go house hunting. They ditch the Christmas party, go house hunting. It's Christmas time. They fool around in the closet. They get caught by the dude. Oh weird.
Speaker 2:Super weird, super inappropriate. By the way, if you're house hunting, okay, and you just sneak off to a closet and start taking each other's clothes off, you've got problems, all right. That's not okay, it's inappropriate behavior. He's going to hear you. She's giggling loudly. Yeah, he's going to come see what's going on. Very strange, very, very strange, tony. I don't know if you can hear, we've got tree trimmers here for the first time in three years, so they got some work to do.
Speaker 1:We had them on our block this week too. Oh, it must be the time for it, it's the season, I had the feeling there's some funds that you know game or something. Because we were driving around yesterday and saw more tree trimming going on.
Speaker 2:Something happened. We're getting some kickbacks, maybe Alright good. Good for them, good for the tree people getting some work.
Speaker 1:So they're going to take the house and then they close the door so they can have full sex while the guy stands out there waiting to get his permission? He for sure just listens right.
Speaker 2:I mean, if this is me, I'm not going to get in my car, I'm just going to be like, oh, okay, yeah good job, richard Gere.
Speaker 1:So boom, oh, there's also. There's a moth in the house. You're like, oh okay, moth, that's kind of dopey.
Speaker 2:Did you think it was a butterfly, a butterfly in this movie, and then remember that it's called the Mothman Prophecies and then realized it was a moth about five minutes later?
Speaker 1:Well, it's nighttime and a butterfly be asleep, do they? Do they sleep? Do butterflies sleep?
Speaker 2:Yeah, they're there, do bugs sleep? I don't know anything about bugs, but I just feel like, do they really sleep? Do they need like a?
Speaker 1:sleep cycle. Well, a butterfly is an insect, it's not a bug. Hold on.
Speaker 2:Are you trying to tell me there's a difference between insects and bugs?
Speaker 1:Haven't we ever done? Haven't I ever done this to you?
Speaker 2:I don't think, I don't know. I feel like I'd remember this conversation.
Speaker 1:Oh wow, We've never done this on this. I feel like I'd remember this conversation oh wow, We've never done this on this show. We've been doing this show for how many years.
Speaker 2:Four or five years, it's been a minute. Yeah, teach me about bugs and insects.
Speaker 1:The classic thing to do when you know something about insects and you're a pain in the ass and someone says bugs, and I use bugs sometimes, just ironically.
Speaker 2:I use bugs ironically. All right, thanks, dan.
Speaker 1:Bugs are a subset of insects. Insects are here. Bugs are part of insects Interesting, okay, and they're called the true bugs. And most bugs are little dudes that walk around on the ground and whatnot.
Speaker 2:Okay, Like a beetle. Is that a bug? No, it's not a bug Beetles are beetles.
Speaker 1:Beetles are also a subset of insects.
Speaker 2:I don't think I understand where bug is in the subset. We need a flow chart here, please, dan.
Speaker 1:You got insects, you got bugs and you got.
Speaker 2:Where are ants?
Speaker 1:Beetles and you got ants. All right, they're also not bugs.
Speaker 2:What the hell is a?
Speaker 1:bug Moths. What's a mosquito? I don't know. I don't know what mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are Pieces of shit. I think mosquitoes might be classified under lacewings, maybe.
Speaker 2:Lacewings. You're just making stuff up now, dude, of course.
Speaker 1:I'm not making things up. Good God Tony, Good God y'all, but the true bugs are very similar to beetles. They look very much like beetles, but they're like cousins of beetles Weird. So shut up.
Speaker 2:I don't know anything about etymology. Is that what it is? Yeah, so like moths moths are nocturnal.
Speaker 1:Moths only come out at night for the most part right. So moths will sleep all day and it'll be night. That's why they go to the lights.
Speaker 2:So they're vampires. Yeah, sleep all day, party all night. Okay, that's the Lost Boys tagline.
Speaker 1:Yeah, lost Boys, ha ha ha, they're not making Goonies. 2. You can screw off, so I was so happy. What good news that was.
Speaker 2:I was like yes no Goonies 2. I mean, at least they could try to make the first one better. You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 1:Uh, oh, uh, oh, I agree with that. So yeah, so butterflies are up during the day, moths are up at night, you know so moths are up at night, you know.
Speaker 2:So every kind of different insect has a different schedule. So like a lot of sure they're not the same bug just with a costume change, that'd be funny.
Speaker 1:Okay, so they're driving home, they, they let you know that one of the headlights is out, which I thought was weird yeah, which doesn't really come back later.
Speaker 2:So I don't, I mean I don't.
Speaker 1:Mothman flies at them, sort of.
Speaker 2:It kind of looks like the Batman logo from the Batman.
Speaker 1:And then they crash into a tree and the wife is injured, mary.
Speaker 2:And her head slams into this glass and it splinters. It's intense, like the sound effect they use for all of it was not. I did not like it. I am very scared of car crashes that's like one of my that's like up there in my fears, and this was, this was a good one so it unsettled you because it wasn't like usually.
Speaker 1:It'll be like mothman crash right into the tree they're. You know we're not going to spend time.
Speaker 2:They like careen down the street a while we're spinning around, we're probably hitting some black ice, and then we like, and things are happening. It's all happening very fast, you're not really sure what's going on and then all of a sudden, boom, you hit something and her face just smacks against the glass. It's very unsettling. I Very unsettling I did not enjoy it.
Speaker 1:We go to the hospital. She wakes up, she freaks out and then she's like, did you see it? And he's like he didn't see it. And then she's like there's something wrong with me. They do the brain scan. She has like the there's sort of this weird Mothman symbol that appears on some trees and a few things in the movie why? It appears in her brain.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and a few things in the movie. Yeah, it's like a why it appears in her brain yeah, which is weird. That's all I really have to say. It's weird. I don't totally, because you know, it's not really what the movie's about, so I'm not really sure why she sees the Mothman.
Speaker 1:Because we got to kind of put that into the movie.
Speaker 2:I get that. I understand the desire to connect his personal life to the greater mystery, but in my head, like there's two, this is like its own little thing. And then we start the real movie once he goes to Point Pleasant.
Speaker 1:And I mean in the book. There's no wife, there's no accident. The book is done about a guy that just goes to the town to investigate.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and I like that he shows up there accidentally, like I like that part of that mystery. But that's where the movie starts to me, like if we just opened on him driving somewhere and he mysteriously vanished into a different town, great, that's all I need.
Speaker 1:Well, that's not what you're going to get. She has surgery. They start doing chemo. She apologizes for being sick. She just wants him to be happy. He goes to the crash site, sees the tree, sees branches, doesn't mean anything.
Speaker 2:Hospital calls she dead it's weird, it's like it's a very sad beginning to a movie that I don't find sad, you know what I mean.
Speaker 1:Interesting, he doesn't. Do you think it's sad all the way? No, and he doesn't really play a sad person or a broken person exactly no, no, he does not, which is for like one scene maybe yeah, he does not, except for like one scene maybe. Yeah, he does not play a broken person and that's interesting, I mean. I think it makes the movie sort of more palatable. If he was super broken the whole time you'd be like, oh God, but he sort of is sort of the stand-up guy.
Speaker 2:Yeah, which I think is the right move. Again, I just don't believe in this beginning.
Speaker 1:Got it, just don't believe in this beginning. Got it, I don't believe in it. He does not have that level of grief about her death.
Speaker 2:Yeah, this character would have had and if he did, it would drag down the whole second two-thirds, or whatever, of this movie and that would be a bummer, because I enjoy a lot of what they do yeah, so boom.
Speaker 1:uh, he sees her pad. She's been drawing the Mothman, okay.
Speaker 2:Sure, she's a good artist. I like it.
Speaker 1:Lots of spooky pics Flash forward two years on the TV. He's interviewing the governor. His buddy's trying to hook him up with a single woman. He's got to go to Richmond. He's driving there to interview some dude. He's driving. You're like, oh, he's got to go to richmond. He's driving there to interview some dude. He's driving. You're like, oh, he's getting sleepy. And then his car breaks down, yeah, and he sees a house his phone's not working, I guess goes up to the house, knocks on the door. What happens?
Speaker 2:shot in the face because that's what would happen in 2024. As soon as he did. I was no. What are you doing?
Speaker 1:Don't go to a house.
Speaker 2:These people are going to be crazy. So good for him for not dying, but what does happen I find infinitely more intriguing. The guy from Remember the Titans opens the door. I can't remember his name. I feel terrible.
Speaker 1:The dude is the most character actor character.
Speaker 2:He is everywhere. I'm so jealous of this man. What a career Like good for him.
Speaker 1:If you had his IMDb it'd be like a thousand movies, 90% of them good.
Speaker 2:No, and he's wonderful. He's always great. I always loved, and yet I still don't remember his name and I feel terrible about it. But he's great, good job guy. So he busts open the door, pulls out a shoddy and is like it's him. It's him Get in here and you're like what is it? What is happening right now? He puts him in the shower. I don't know why he puts him in the shower. That part's a little weird.
Speaker 1:Can't get out.
Speaker 2:What doing? It's only one door to the bathroom. Turn on the water and we're like all right, take off your shirt, stranger um pulls the shotgun on him and then the cop shows up and guy who we don't remember, remember the titans, uh, armageddon. His name is gordon, gordon in the movie, or that's his real name in the movie. Got, okay, gordon from here In the movie. Got Gordon from here forth, henceforth named Gordon. He's like oh, this guy's been coming around three nights in a row. Three nights in a row. What are you talking about?
Speaker 2:It's wonderful, I really like it. We don't get any answers to this Dan.
Speaker 1:Nope, same time each night he's been coming around 234 in the morning, police officer Laura Linney, who plays Connie, she's all like come on, it's cool, don't kill this guy, she gets him outside yeah, there's, and there's a really funny line and I don't know if it's like funny, funny.
Speaker 2:But I laughed at this joke where Gordon was talking about defending himself and killing richard gear and she's like, well, he would have had to have been in the house for you to do it and he gets all flustered. I don't know why. I thought that was really well done, it was really funny. Uh, also, I learned something. I didn't. I just thought on your property would have been enough.
Speaker 1:Apparently it's not nope um, and that is interesting, it's a, it's a good destabilizing line. Apparently it's not Nope, and that is interesting. It's a good destabilizing line. Actually, it's a really good line.
Speaker 2:100% yeah, because it throws you off of your anger as the person with the gun, because I'm at a 10 right now, ready to pop somebody, and you throw some information at me that I have to digest and then I'm like what's happening? And then we take it with a gun.
Speaker 1:Well, she's a pro doing a job, dealing with a person who's, and she's truly diffusing a situation.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and you're like oh, she went through some training, because there's no way that she has to do that very often in that small town.
Speaker 1:So they get him outside. She gets him outside, calms down the dude and she's all like why are you here? He's like I'm just driving through and she's like, driving through, we're in the middle of nowhere. How does that work? And we find out that he we're actually going to find out that he has driven to the middle of nowhere in two and a half hours and there's no way he could have gotten there in two and a half hours yeah, they said it would take him six hours or something, and he did it in two hours, something like that, something great.
Speaker 2:I really like it. And there's also a really nice moment, dan, when he's getting out of connie's car, when they're talking about why are you here, and he says something like where am I? Like like he doesn't. He's just now realizing he's probably not where he's supposed to be, and I love that moment where she's like how did you get here and where am I? Where is here? I don't even know.
Speaker 1:Because when his car breaks down, there's this overhead shot and it's just this middle of nowhere two lane highway and I'm just like if he's going to Richmond he's going to be on the freeway.
Speaker 2:I'm like what is happening? You definitely should be.
Speaker 1:And so they sort of backload stuff into this thing. You're like oh, that's interesting because he doesn't know where he is and neither do I. Oh, that's creepy. Yeah, see, it's creepy Vibes. It didn't vibe me, it's more like an extra. If I read this in a book I would have probably been creepier, but the movie's sort of like.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's interesting.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's sort of clumsy. So he gets a motel, let's see what's happening. He drives away, appears back at house Jack is worried. Oh no, the next morning Not sure how he got here he sees the guy from the night before, he sees Gordon and they sort of have this. You know, they sort of get along, you know, and it's interesting. Because it's not a thing you would do in a movie. These two people set up adversarially and now they're, they're glued together now.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Okay, there's nothing wrong with his car he drives away here's a question Unrelated to the actual plot of the movie.
Speaker 2:You bring your car into a shop, right, your car broke down. You bring the car in. I assume they towed it there, right? He can't find anything wrong with it. He doesn't charge you. Your car broke down. You bring the car in. I assume they towed it there, right? Yeah, he can't find anything wrong with it. He doesn't charge you. I'm pretty sure there's like some sort of investigation fee that you'd have to pay.
Speaker 1:You know what I mean. There's manpower to it. I mean, typically they'll charge you for an hour 60 bucks.
Speaker 2:I don't know. All I know is whenever I bring my car on, there's like $8,000 of man hours that I'm paying for. Like that's something you change the oil. What is all this going to? 15 people had to do it cry minis so he doesn't.
Speaker 1:He ends up not driving away. He ends up going back and staking out Gordon's house to see if he shows up there again. He does not.
Speaker 2:Connie is there and she's all like oh how cool would have been if he did show up, because that's the movie I'm writing that he sees himself show up at the door that's fun.
Speaker 1:So he's like he's, he's all in. Now he goes and he searches the records, sees that people are having eye problems. Oh, she tells him that there's been all this weird stuff happening.
Speaker 2:Yeah, she's very forthcoming to this reporter stranger. She's showing him files of of like complaints and stuff. Like I don't think she can just do that. I don't think you can just give away all that information but maybe you can Sure, why not. Freedom of press?
Speaker 1:no, that's not right yeah, he can uh file a foia and get file a foia.
Speaker 2:Is that a real word? I think you're making it up freedom of information act.
Speaker 1:There you go, foia freedom of press.
Speaker 2:That's not what I meant. I don't think I think I meant what you yeah you can file for everything.
Speaker 1:Government can't keep anything. I mean police, that's a little different. But in government stuff you can file for everything and if it exists it might take two years, five years, but people do that all the time and get weird Nixon documents and shit. They just show up.
Speaker 2:Why don't we have proof of UFOs yet, Dan? I really need it.
Speaker 1:Oh, because that stuff's under security clearance, shit Sure.
Speaker 2:I want some security clearance. I could get it.
Speaker 1:But then again I think it's they've been releasing the Blue Book stuff.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but then people are like trying to debunk it and stuff. I don't want that. I want it to be irrefutable. I really need to know that there's other life forms out there.
Speaker 1:So we find out. He goes, sees this one lady. She talks about this eight foot tall monster paralysis mark on the tree. Goes to this other guy who's been getting phone calls. He gets a call from work. Work's not happy that he's not coming back. He's all like um doing something.
Speaker 2:Cover for me. That's what he says to his friend. He's just cover for me. How am I gonna cover for you? What does that even mean? Just say I love it. I I think he's dead I don't know we do.
Speaker 1:a dude and a girlfriend are in a car, this big light Making out. His eye got blasted and it's not healing.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we never really figure out what that is, what that's all about, because not everybody that sees it gets that. You know, I don't know.
Speaker 1:I think, when the bridge collapsed. At the end, I think they show that there's one kid in the car.
Speaker 2:One of the boys.
Speaker 1:He has the eye messed up.
Speaker 2:Yeah, what does that mean? I don't know. Maybe there are marks.
Speaker 1:There are no answers in this book.
Speaker 2:Marked for bridge death. Oh sure, Sure, Wake up. 37.
Speaker 1:Boom, he gets this weird, starts getting ghost calls, you know.
Speaker 2:Now, what's interesting and I don't know if this is interesting, I found it interesting is that when they, when he hears a real voice and he sends it to the audio technician I don't know what that is yeah, um, he's like these did not come from human vocal cords see he's spoiling that terrible.
Speaker 1:That's one of the most terrible lines in the movie.
Speaker 2:Well, sure, but I just find it interesting because they get these electrical interference phone calls. Do you think that that is this entity trying to communicate, but it can't do it yet?
Speaker 1:Well, the thing you got to look at this whole thing is this is like probably spirit world, ufo world extraterrestrial world Mishmashed. Everything's, the whole ether is, and this area is suffering a flap. Do you know what a flap is?
Speaker 2:No, no, I mean, I have a couple of flaps. I think those are folds. That's what you think. You should see me run.
Speaker 1:What a flap is. A flap is when a bunch of things occur in an area that are weird. So if everybody's seeing UFOs, you call it a UFO flap. And this is one of the UFOs.
Speaker 2:And Buffy would be a demon. Flap Got it like. This is one of the. You know it's a UFO. It would be a demon flap Got it.
Speaker 1:Well, that's demon. That's a little different. Flaps are are unexplainable things. So you know, men in black are part can be part of a flap is explainable. Come on, dan, I think it was. It's a dude standing there. He's like, yep, I'm the guy, and she's like, yep, you're the guy I got to kill.
Speaker 2:Right, I guess it's more explainable than I thought.
Speaker 1:Okay, so you know, the idea is that there's multiple unexplainable things and some might be working to maybe help you a little, might explain something a little, or some might be malevolent. You don't know, you never know, you never know.
Speaker 1:Um, so he goes to the electronic store, gets recorders and tape recorders, this that you know, everything right move absolutely he runs into gordon gordon's there, gordon's got a headache, he's seeing monsters in the mirror and this was my, actually this I really like. Oh, there was a voice coming out of the sink, out of the sink 10 out of 10.
Speaker 2:Would that have been?
Speaker 1:fun to see exactly. They don't show us that, and that's why this isn't.
Speaker 2:That's why this movie isn't very scary, because we don't see, I get it, I get it if gordon's in there brushing his teeth, and then this voice you'd be fucking okay, no, yeah. No, no, no, no, no no.
Speaker 1:But instead he's just telling you know, because our main guy, jack Klein, is supposed to be John Keel, the guy from the book who's there investigating, discovering this, okay, yeah, that makes sense.
Speaker 2:Discovering this.
Speaker 1:Okay, and so things happen to him. But you know, and in a sense we as moviegoers want to see a certain thing that creeps us the fuck out, as opposed to putting it one arm's length where it's like here's this. You know it's the show. Not tell when you, when you tell us we're not as invested when you show us and we have a poor guy trapped in a bathroom and the sink is talking to him and there's shit in the mirror and you know, it's like her hitting the head on that windshield that affected me, because, yes, it did.
Speaker 1:That was the thing happening, you know. But she dies off screen, she has chemo off screen, you know, all these things are off screen and so they become evidence. This movie is about evidence, sort of yeah yeah, and you don't get freaked out that much by evidence typically which part of me respects, because it's based on a book of the same nature.
Speaker 2:Right, there is no first-hand account. I mean, I haven't read the book but I assume because it's not about a's, about a third hand guy like he comes in and is unraveling the mystery. So I I kind of respect sticking to that. You know you never, you never show me things that our character wouldn't know yes, you kind of, they're always feel like.
Speaker 1:They feel like recreations in a documentary.
Speaker 2:Yes, they kind of look like it too.
Speaker 1:They do A little cheap. The voice says don't be afraid, 99 will die, denver 9. And then his ear's bleeding.
Speaker 2:Now why shouldn't he be afraid when 99 people are dying? I understand it's not him, it's not him. Maybe that's the part where you're not supposed to be afraid, but still 99 people are dying. You should be afraid. Maybe someone should stop it, nicholas Cage. Maybe Nicholas Cage should get there and stop it.
Speaker 1:He already said, it's going to happen. You know what, other than a very small change in this whole thing, all this stuff happens.
Speaker 2:Just the one, just the one, which is what will save it.
Speaker 1:He goes to the doctor. Just the one, just the one which is what will save it. He goes to the doctor, doctor's a CAT scan. He doesn't have the same thing as the dude's wife, so that's good. They go to the diner. Tv news Flight 9 crashed 99 dead.
Speaker 2:Another scene I really enjoy.
Speaker 1:Oh, really, you liked it.
Speaker 2:I love this scene. It gives me the creep vibes. They're having a conversation and somehow Richard Gere with his hawk eyes sees a tiny-ass television 50 feet away and knows what they're talking about. And I do love it because Gordon's having a very animated conversation and Richard Gere is just focused and just gets up and leaves, turns it up and it's I don't know. It's fine, it creeps me out, Gives me the tingles.
Speaker 1:So he calls Alexander Leak, and if you notice, Is this a real guy? Well, Alexander Leak, if you take Leak and turn it around backwards, it spells Giel.
Speaker 2:I figured it out all on my own before you told me.
Speaker 1:And so basically in this movie there's the guy who's playing Kiel and then Richard Gere's. Also he's playing young Kiel and then old Kiel, you know interesting interesting sort of take. He's a precognition scientist and he's all like I'm out of the game and just hangs up on him. He's like I'm not playing your game, okay.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you know, you know you gotta retire from that business at some point, cause it'll mess you up.
Speaker 1:The other nice thing about this movie is then he Richard Gere's character goes and talks to Connie the police officer and he's all like telling her all the precognition and she, she doesn't go. You're, you know, in in a hollywood movie she would be like you're crazy, yeah, I'm gonna lock you away. She listens. It's like there's weird shit going on, I would listen.
Speaker 2:I'll listen right now. Tell you right. If anyone's got stories, call me up, I will listen. Wow, do you watch the ghost shows, tony? Uh, okay, so here's the thing I don't, because they're all bullshit especially these, these freaking youtubers that go out.
Speaker 2:My mom watches these, by the way, she's obsessed. My whole family, like a lot of my family, we're very we're, we're into the supernatural, right big believer, big believer over here, uh. But she watches these shows and these guys, they just go to the woods and then they're just filming themselves. They're like, did you hear that? Did you hear that? And then they scream and run and they're like, oh, there's noises in the woods. It's the woods guys. There's noises everywhere. They are so full of shit. We should do that, dan. Because that, dan, because people watch the. We got hundreds of thousands of views on nothing, absolutely nothing takes 15 minutes to fill nothing. Uh, we should do it. I've changed my mind. I'm on board. I'm on board.
Speaker 1:Let's do this do you watch the youtube, guys, ghost? It's like shane and the other dude, and the one guy believes, the other guy doesn't believe oh, I like that dynamic, that's fun yeah, yeah, yeah, and and he just the one guy torments the others, which is what we would do.
Speaker 2:I would torment you, because I don't 100.
Speaker 1:I don't believe in anything.
Speaker 2:I full stop. I don't believe in anything and I believe in pretty much everything. Do you really?
Speaker 1:do you believe in ufos?
Speaker 2:I, I'm, I pray, I pray every day that we will get evidence. How cool would that be, dan?
Speaker 1:Yeah, that would be amazing, but it seems very unlikely.
Speaker 2:I'm not saying it doesn't seem unlikely, but I'm saying I'm praying and hoping that that 0.1% chance comes reality. Let's do this thing. Do you believe in ghosts? I do. Do you believe in ghosts? I do. You believe in ghosts? I do. I've seen. I've seen one, dan, and you can. You can get mad at me all you want, um, but I was a kid. So here's the thing I'm.
Speaker 2:I'm a guy of two minds tell me where the logical side of me is like there's a very easy explanation for what happened, sure, but then there's the other part. That was like it felt real. Real guys, I, I, I believe, I believe something happened. But I was young, kip. My great grandma had passed away. I was apparently very sad. I don't remember this for the record, it's just.
Speaker 2:This is a an account from my mother. I was very sad, we were on the way to her funeral and I was in the back seat of our van, which had three rows, and they heard me talking to someone and I was looking out the window, I guess, and I I stopped talking. My mom was like who are you talking to? And I was like, oh, great grandma. Like very nonchalantly, and apparently I was like yeah, she told me that everything will be fine and we'll see each other eventually. You know the normal stuff. And I don't know, I don't know. My mom was like the way that I said it was just very even keeled and like not lying, you know what I mean? Like in a way, that's just like yeah, it was just factual, this is what I was doing. And here we are. I'm a kid, I don't know any better, so I don't know Dan I believe there are forces beyond our comprehension.
Speaker 1:But maybe it could have just be your mom planting a false memory.
Speaker 2:Okay, now you're calling my mom a liar. What I was going to say, you, son of a bitch, is that you know that's trauma right, Like I was very close to her. Sure, it was trauma. I was young. Well, it's very, very easy for me to believe that that was my brain helping me cope with that sort of situation. You know what I?
Speaker 1:mean.
Speaker 2:Sure, I'm either one.
Speaker 1:It seems very rational to me, yeah okay, well, I hallucinate, not hallucinate, but I see things like now, like I'll go out and I'll be walking the dog, like this morning, and I'll look over there and I think I'll see a figure, and there won't be a figure.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I do that all the time, because you probably do. No, I don't. The closer, and this is the closer I get to death.
Speaker 1:Is that what you're saying? The closer you get to death, the thinner the veil becomes. Dan, oh, the closer to death. I'm close to death.
Speaker 2:Close. I said you're close.
Speaker 1:I said closer.
Speaker 2:Thanks, tony, you're just a little bit closer than me, but I'll get there first. That's the jokes on you.
Speaker 1:I used to see ghost cats at my parents' house. Oh really, I love that. I guess I shouldn't say I used to. It's like when I go to my parents' house I often see ghost cats.
Speaker 2:Sure, I just don't go there very often anymore. Yeah, I love that, and my old house, I mean we've gone off the rail, so I'll stop after this, but I have lots of stories we used to Tony's ghost stories Special edition I'm convinced that there was a young boy at my parents' last house.
Speaker 2:Oh who would come up and ring the doorbell and run away and I understand like, oh, neighbors and stuff, but we have it was all glass Like you could see if someone was really doing it. And several times my mom would be like it's going to happen and then it would ring because she swears that she saw a young boy, and then nothing, I don't know.
Speaker 1:Wait. So what you're saying is the doorbell would go off the doorbell genuinely would ring yes and no one would be there.
Speaker 2:Did anybody check the wiring? No, we don't have the capabilities of checking. I would die. I would get electrocuted immediately. I don't know how to check wires, it's probably just loose wire, but we did move out of the house. Does that help? There it is, now you're safe.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we're good. Oh yeah, indrid Cold, that's his name, Indrid.
Speaker 2:Cold, there you go, was it underlined?
Speaker 1:I did, I just underlined.
Speaker 2:Great work Dan.
Speaker 1:Okay, so basically Gordon is seeing the future. Jack shows some hallucinations, he starts listening to all the tapes and then he gets a real call. It's Gordon and he's like Indrid Cold is on the line, and then he puts him on the phone with Jack and Indrid starts talking to him.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's awesome once again.
Speaker 1:This is not what would ever happen in a Hollywood movie you would never have the spooky guy on the. I was like, wait a second, what Wait? Who's calling? And so then he starts quizzing him and saying, like you know, I put my shoe this, oh, your shoe's there, and he'd do this. And then he reaches into the. He turns off all the lights and closes the curtains and reaches into the thing. It's like what am I holding chapstick? I was like thumbs up.
Speaker 2:that was nice. I I love this scene and I also love the next scene, which is like connie rushing out, because richard gear tells connie hey, go check on gordon, because the guy's fucking there. He's right next to Gordon and she's rushing out there while he's having this conversation and then, of course, gordon never called. It was never Gordon Love it.
Speaker 1:She gets a Derry McCall Gordon's like what are you talking about? I'm not on the phone, I've been asleep. And she's all like, ah, but we have one last line what happened to my wife? And then he says you'll see her in time which is something to remember.
Speaker 1:They bring that back yep, okay, gordon and Carl, so he takes the recording to like the sound engineer. The sound engineer, guys, just says this is not made by human vocal cords and you sit there going like, okay, that's a terrible line, that's so not. He can't tell that from looking at a thing.
Speaker 2:No, no I don't even know what it means. It doesn't mean honest. It doesn't mean anything it's.
Speaker 1:It's so terrible. You're like you had a fun scene and then you do the human vocal cords yeah, and listen, you can't.
Speaker 2:No one bats a thousand dan, all right swing and a miss.
Speaker 1:Did you see the other thing? That's the most terrible thing about this scene.
Speaker 2:No, oh, what did I miss?
Speaker 1:I was laughing pretty hard In the foreground there's a guy who has all these glasses full of water and he's doing the he's doing the ring thing. Yes, why.
Speaker 2:What do you think he's doing?
Speaker 1:I don't know. It's so stupid. I'm recording these to see what they're like. Oh yeah.
Speaker 2:I'm trying to figure out my pitch. I don't know what he's doing.
Speaker 1:Well, I mean, he's probably got an oscilloscope and he's like I'm putting these on the oscilloscope so I can see what these waveform looks like. You know what?
Speaker 2:an oscilloscope is, so he's bored, is what you're saying. He's using million-dollar government equipment to make cup sounds. We had an oscilloscope when we were kids, personally, yeah, of course. So you've said that word a few times and I don't know what it is.
Speaker 1:So you know what a sound wave is right.
Speaker 2:Sure, I mean like the general idea, sure yeah.
Speaker 1:So if I hook up a microphone into an oscilloscope, oscilloscope has a little circular TV screen.
Speaker 2:That then shows you waveforms, shows you the waves. Okay, that's all. It is Cool, cool, cool.
Speaker 1:But it has all sorts of inputs and ways for you to adjust, so you can see exactly what that form is, so you can tell what does and does not come from human vocal cords.
Speaker 2:Got it?
Speaker 1:Absolutely, absolutely Goes without saying.
Speaker 2:That's a given guys. That's a given he goes to Chicago.
Speaker 1:He tracks down Leek. Leek's like stay away. And then he's like follow me. You know where were you? And he's like quite pleasant, okay, follow me. So they go up to his uh, they go up to his apartment. He starts talking about how the mothman moths in the past were trapped souls and so mothman sort of maybe the embodiment of trapped souls, also sort of a portent of doom, talks about how you can't see electricity, similar sort of a portent of doom, talks about how you can't see electricity, similar sort of things going on. Then he makes a really great analogy. He says think about it this way If there's a car crash 20 blocks away, you can't see it, you don't know what occurs, you can't hear it. But if you're somebody up in a high rise looking down, they can see it and know that it's happening. At the same time they're sort of in the same zone as you and know that it's happening at the same time. They're sort of in the same zone as you and you're like that's really interesting. It's interesting, yeah, super interesting.
Speaker 2:I also like I didn't write down any of these lines, but he kind of tells you in this scene that you're not going to know what happens in this movie. I don't remember exactly what he says, but he basically says we can't know. No, like there are things that we just can't know. And I was like good, thank you for setting that up, so I'm not disappointed at the end of the movie when I don't have any answers. Thank you so much.
Speaker 2:It's a great setup for the end of the movie, not tying it all up and going like here's the truth about what's been happening. You're like you're not going to get the truth. You're just like, hey, something weird happened and we got. Some of us got through it, Some of us didn't.
Speaker 1:Yes, and it's like you should just do your best and not die. That's what he basically says.
Speaker 2:That's a good moral of the movie Do your best and not die. Good luck everybody.
Speaker 1:So Richard Gere goes back to Point Pleasant for the tree lighting. Gordon's wife has left Gordon, and then we, there's this sort of chemical plant. He'd gotten like a little clue about a chemical plant and then you're like, oh, the Hollywood ending, he's going to go save everybody from the chemical plant. I'm like oh, I'm so disappointed in this movie and the funny thing is, this is sort of the point where I started listening to the podcast that I told you about Interesting Okay.
Speaker 1:And they start talking about the movie and I was like, oh, they're going to talk about the chemical plant. And they're like, and the giant bridge collapsed at the end of the movie and I'm like what? All right, giant bridge collapse, I'm in for this. So yes, that's amazing.
Speaker 2:This is great um let's see gordon's wife left it up, up, up and then he lies to connie about seeing leak and you're like that's kind of weird. Um, I you know and listen, probably the wrong move. But he, he said later he's like I didn't want to scare you because basically what he said is you're fucked, yeah, it brought you there to die, so you're all screwed. That was kind of the end of the conversation.
Speaker 1:And it shows that he's actually being compassionate towards her and their relationship's sort of building. But you're like they're not stuffing their relationship down their throats 100% yeah. And it feels like a relationship that could exist.
Speaker 2:Yes, a hundred percent.
Speaker 1:You know, because she's kind of enjoying their time sort of, but doesn't over enjoy it, and then he's still sort of messed up because of the wife Kind of grieving yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's nice Nuanced, one would say.
Speaker 1:He's driving back to his hotel sees Gordon on the bridge. Gordon's waiting we gordon's trying to kill himself. He's not. He's just waiting for indrid cold waiting to talk to him.
Speaker 2:Yeah, um, I don't know why he thinks that that's where he'll be, but is that, is that the same bridge that collapses later? Does he somehow know that that's where it's all going to happen and he's just there too early? Yeah, I don't know, that is the Bridge that Collapses. It's interesting.
Speaker 1:He goes home in bed. The wife is there, the wife isn't there.
Speaker 2:That was a scary moment for me. Oh yeah, they made a loud sound when her head popped up and I was like oh, he gets a call from Gordon.
Speaker 1:It's weird and you're like, is this a weird one? So he goes to see Gordon. Gordon is dead in the forest, died of exposure.
Speaker 2:Hours before anyone could have made that phone call Goosebumps.
Speaker 1:Now, do you know the tarot Like?
Speaker 2:tarot cards yes, hell yeah, are you kidding me. Do you really tarot Like tarot cards? Yes, hell yeah, are you kidding me, do you really? What do you mean?
Speaker 1:Do you study the symbology of the tarot cards? I do not study the symbology.
Speaker 2:I can't read tarot cards, but I have gotten my tarot read to me on several occasions.
Speaker 1:Have you ever heard of this card? The hanged man? Oh yeah, oh yeah, yeah, yeah. How were Gordon?
Speaker 2:oh, I didn't even. I wasn't even looking. Dan, did you notice this? Or did the podcast tell you? I noticed this. Beyond you, son of a bitch, I'm proud of you.
Speaker 1:That's great. It's a very weird kind of you know. The one leg is kind of crooked over the other leg of this. Yeah, oh I can't do that dan can't do it with your fingers, because your fingers aren't no, it just pop.
Speaker 2:Did you hear pop in the microphone? No, all right, got to work on my finger flexibility.
Speaker 1:But yeah sorry.
Speaker 2:Continue. He's in that weird pose with the legs.
Speaker 1:I did not even notice they have one overhead shot and I'm like why are we doing an overhead shot? And then I'm like oh, that's why we're doing an overhead shot.
Speaker 2:I like this movie.
Speaker 1:It's an interesting movie. It's interesting movie, it's it's fun. It's fun, that's what I'll say. I enjoyed it good for them.
Speaker 2:Right, they made. They made the best movie that they could.
Speaker 1:Yes, amen to that with the money that they got uh, he goes to get a drink at the bar and then a little something, a little something about the chemical plant, and then now he starts seeing the wife. He sort of sees her and then Connie sees her at the police station. Connie has a conversation with her. But she has a different hairstyle.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's all nice. It's all very, very nice. And then at the thing the wife had told Connie. Tell John that she's sorry, which is what she said the last time he saw her. Beautiful stuff, Really nice.
Speaker 1:So he goes back to see Kiel. I don't know where Kiel is.
Speaker 2:I thought he was in Chicago, isn't that far away? I don't know. That's a waste. And then what?
Speaker 1:happens with him here? Oh, he's hearing voices and there's messages and disaster. Oh, so this all happened to him. He went through this same sort of cycle where he was getting the messages, the predictions, and then no one listened. He ended up getting it and then he tried to stop the disaster. It ended up he got investigated, he got divorced, his kid ditched him, psychiatric hospital and then he didn't go well, it did not go well for this guy.
Speaker 1:And then he's like what's more important, having proof or being alive? And then Richard Gibbs basically like what's more important, having proof or being alive?
Speaker 2:and then, you know, richard gears basically like I gotta have proof I and this is this is the part of the movie where my wife and I argued about it, because I was like I'm on richard gear side, I need to know, I would need to know. The fact that he walks away from the phone call coming up is unreal to me. I would answer that phone call every single time. That's because you're not close enough to death. And then I think I am Dan. I don't know, this ticker's not ticking.
Speaker 2:so good, tell me when you start seeing more ghosts, we'll start comparing ghost stories. All right, kiel's final line?
Speaker 1:we're not allowed to know. Yes, you got to take that to heart, Tony.
Speaker 2:It's great. Well listen, I refuse to believe it.
Speaker 1:I will fight to the day I die, the hubris of the human being. Amen to that, never giving up Guilty, he drives back, he throws out everything but not the tape.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:Fondles a picture of his wife. Not horrible fondling.
Speaker 2:I thought he was going to kiss it and I was just excited to hear your complaints on it, but he doesn't. He doesn't over fondle the picture. So he fondles it just enough.
Speaker 1:He fondled it an acceptable amount that I didn't get angry.
Speaker 2:Yeah, great, because I will get angry if you treat me, you do when people over fondle pictures. Oh, my wife, she's so beautiful, let me touch her photo. No, no, no, don't my life, she's so beautiful.
Speaker 1:Let me touch her photo. No, no, no, don't do that, stop, stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it.
Speaker 2:There's a Fondle line and you cannot cross it.
Speaker 1:The boss calls him and he's all like you got to go meet this dude and tour the chemical plant. And she's all like he'd gotten a call at some point that said the tragedy on the Ohio River and you're like okay.
Speaker 2:Ruh-roh. Also, I think we missed the part where someone else got a phone call and was talking to Richard Gere. The phone call was supposed to be from Richard Gere asking about the chemical plant. Oh, yeah, if there had been any accidents at the chemical plant. About the chemical plant oh yeah, if there had been any accidents at the chemical plant. So that's another thing where he's trying to put together oh shit, there's going to be an accident at the chemical plant.
Speaker 1:The fire chief meets him on the street and says why'd you call me about an accident at the chemical plant? And he's all like I never called you, I didn't do it. I didn't do that. Yeah, Boom. But you see that sort of foreshadowing to him trying to stop what he thinks is going to happen at the chemical plant. It's not even going to happen at the chemical plant.
Speaker 2:That's his stupidity.
Speaker 1:Putting it out there in the universe, that's the hubris of humans. Yes, so he goes to see Connie and then he tells her that he saw a leak and she's all like you saw him. And then he grabs her and then they almost kiss.
Speaker 2:That's pretty close. Almost, that's really close. I would have been into it. I just want to throw that out there. I would have been okay.
Speaker 1:You'd have been okay with that. That would be physical touching that you would allow in a movie.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you know it's the right level of fondling, right Dan?
Speaker 1:And then she's all like what if there's not a great tragedy? And then he grabs her again, and then you're like, oh, that's the A little tough, oh yeah. And then you're like, oh, it's not happening, they're not going for it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, no, we missed the moment and now we've regressed very far, very quickly.
Speaker 1:Yeah, he goes to the airport, yells at the guy and the guy's like, yeah, we're going Screw you. So he goes to the bar and everything's fine at the chemical plant Nothing happened.
Speaker 2:Yeah, just watches a newscast about how well it went and everything's great. Very strange, Damn.
Speaker 1:Then some random woman comes up and gives him a printed note that's like your wife's going to call you at 5 pm tomorrow?
Speaker 2:Yeah, is that how people used to give messages? Was that Morse code? I don't even understand. I don't know what that is. I don't know why.
Speaker 1:Telegram. This seemed like a very he should have just gotten a cell phone call. Sure, yeah, that would have been fine.
Speaker 2:The note was very weird, it was super weird. It was in an envelope and everything it was. I don't know.
Speaker 1:He packs up, he goes home waiting for the call. Connie calls and she's all like let's chat for 10 or 15 minutes. And I was like, wow, that's such an interesting line.
Speaker 2:Sure.
Speaker 1:Because people will be like okay, I got talk to you, I gotta talk to you off the ledge, but she's like let's just chat for 10 or 15 minutes.
Speaker 2:I'm like I'm gonna talk to you through the time that the phone is supposed to ring so that you can make that decision.
Speaker 1:But it's not. It's at noon and the call's not till 5. She's calling 5 hours before.
Speaker 2:No, no, no. The call is at noon.
Speaker 1:Oh, it's at noon. I thought it was at five.
Speaker 2:No, it's at noon, so she is calling in order to take over the time that the call is supposed to happen, so that he can have peace of mind of avoiding the call. It's really interesting.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so she's like that makes more sense than me being all confused. Yeah, so she's like that makes more sense than me being all confused Sure.
Speaker 1:So boom, she's like I booked you a flight at 145 to come out here, come for Christmas. And then he just laments about her. She, you know, I couldn't stop it. And then she's like nothing you could do about it, it's the way it is. And she's like nothing you could do about it, it's the way it is. And she's like that's not her, that call's not going to be her, she's dead. And then he cries and I miss her so much. And she's all like okay, dinner's at six, presents are at eight. You should come, you should be here, yeah.
Speaker 1:Great and she hangs up phone rings again, and this, to me, was the crux of the movie. Oh yeah, does he answer, does he not, does he? And this, I mean? You know, this is the Spock moment, isn't it? Yeah, oh yeah, Because this is where I got tingles. I was like holy shit.
Speaker 2:What do you do what?
Speaker 1:do you do? You're presenting?
Speaker 2:You answer the phone.
Speaker 1:You do not answer the phone.
Speaker 2:I would answer the phone. I'm sorry, everybody.
Speaker 1:I'm so sorry, and you know what you would also do. You'd die on that bridge, tony, oh, a million percent.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'm dead, I'm the first to admit it. All right, I am number 37.
Speaker 1:Well, actually, you know, this is the spot question. What happens if you answer the phone, Tony? What would have?
Speaker 2:happened? I don't know. That's why I need to answer it no, no.
Speaker 1:What's going to happen? Let's assume you have this is your branch of the movie. What happens? Okay, you answer the phone and what happens?
Speaker 2:I figure out all the mysteries and I save everybody. No Connie dies.
Speaker 1:Well, yeah, of course she does, so you'd be killing me, tony.
Speaker 2:Not on purpose. I just need to know Dan.
Speaker 1:I need some answers. The movie has told you everything you need to know that that's not her.
Speaker 2:She is dead and you cannot have answers, and yet this stubborn ass, so you're going to kill me.
Speaker 1:You're killing me.
Speaker 2:I don't think. I don't think you're killing. Specifically told me that it's you.
Speaker 1:You're killing you know what I mean you're killing, but I do know I'm probably killing some people. Yes, so you're okay with that, you're pushing the button and having people die because you need to know I'm not thrilled about it, but I do need to know.
Speaker 2:Wow, man, I'm not excited. I'm not gonna pick up the phone and be like I'm so glad I answered. I'll feel bad.
Speaker 1:This is you know this is what we know about tony's character number one he will save one person and let the whole universe die depending on the person.
Speaker 2:Don't just make it sound random, okay number two because he wants.
Speaker 1:He wants to know so bad he'll let me die.
Speaker 2:I need to know the answers. I only have so much time left on this earth, dan. I need to know as many answers as I can get. No, you can't know. No, you can't know. No, not going to happen. John Keel told you. You can't know.
Speaker 1:No, you know what, John.
Speaker 2:Keel, he's not allowed to know, I'm allowed to know. Okay, I'm special, not allowed to know.
Speaker 1:But what is it? Richard Gere makes the right choice, tears the phone out of the wall.
Speaker 2:He gets another call it rings again. Loved it. That was great.
Speaker 1:So he drives there 5.51. The bridge is all messed up. There's cars jammed on there. 6 messed up. There's cars jammed on there. Six o'clock. He gets out, turns out Connie's on the bridge. It's a traffic light problem. He realizes that things are going to go wrong. Things go wrong.
Speaker 2:This bridge starts failing.
Speaker 1:Bling Bling, bling, crack. Bling, bling Bling, it's intense People getting crushed People falling to their deaths.
Speaker 2:One dude got hit by the wire that the cable like whipped him. Jesus Stop.
Speaker 1:Eventually, Connie's cruiser falls in the water, he dives in. Oh, we missed that. At one point she talked about a dream about falling in the water and then letting go.
Speaker 2:Yeah, wake up. Number 37 is how that dream ends Wake up number 37.
Speaker 1:He dives in, pulls her out and it's just like the dream. And then we have the best shot in the movie. Is this overhead shot, where there's cars underwater with their lights still on? Yeah, and we pull up with the God shot and fade out.
Speaker 2:And they make the Y.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, the Mothman. Y of the map.
Speaker 2:Great 10 out of 10.
Speaker 1:The movie is over, we do the rescue effort. She's okay, hurt her wrist. And then he asks her if she was the one that called him and she's like yeah, I called you.
Speaker 2:Yeah, which is nice because you know a lot of people are calling people and aren't who they say they are, so it's nice. That's a nice way to end it. Yeah, I'm the one that called.
Speaker 1:And ends up 36 people died.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'm the one that called, and it ends up 36 people died and her call was- yeah, is it the fire chief again that comes over? Yeah, it's the fire dude.
Speaker 1:And then her thing she remembered was wake up number 37. So she was supposed to be dead.
Speaker 2:So all of this everything that happened, dan, was it so he could save one person? Yeah, it's beautiful.
Speaker 1:It's good, it's very sweet yeah.
Speaker 2:Very good Listen. Is it great? No, I liked it. You know. I thought there's some really interesting stuff in there. The acting is good across the board, which is not something we can always say on this podcast.
Speaker 1:That's what I said to Shannon.
Speaker 2:I'm like Richard Gere, I think that should be okay, laura Linney, okay, debra Messing, these are all people. These people all have abilities, so this is good.
Speaker 1:You know they're going to and everybody modulated where they sort of needed to be.
Speaker 2:Yeah, absolutely 100%.
Speaker 1:So yeah, I mean, and even thinking about the movie, it's a better movie when you think you know like all the pieces form a really nice puzzle.
Speaker 2:Yeah, with the bird's eye view of it.
Speaker 1:There's a lot of good things to think about from this movie. It's maybe not the greatest movie that it could have sold all these things to us, but it sold them Sure 100%. It made a bunch of promises that it actually paid off, and that is hard to do in a weird movie like this yeah, no, I had fun.
Speaker 2:This was nice, good way to start Halloween.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so I've made a decision, tony. Uh-oh, what's your decision, dan? We might not have to watch Megalopolis.
Speaker 2:Do you think it's going be good?
Speaker 1:no, I think it's oh okay, I think it's gonna be so bad it looks like the worst movie I've ever seen.
Speaker 2:We watched the trailer the other day. I was like what the fuck is this?
Speaker 1:the more I read about it. There's like this, these, this one guy that does reviews like an older guy okay, yeah his reviews are generally pretty good and he was just like this was the worst movie I've ever seen. And I've seen some line readings that they've posted and you're just like, oh my god, and like little clips of things.
Speaker 2:You're just like, oh my god so how does that lead to you thinking we don't need to watch it because I need to see this movie. I'm gonna watch it either way, so I would feel better myself if I had a reason.
Speaker 1:You know what I'm saying I guess we're gonna have to do it, I just uh, I mean it just looks so ridiculous.
Speaker 2:I feel like I have to see it also because the trailer have you seen the trailer that they've been they've been showing last couple?
Speaker 1:weeks. I don't know if I've been. I've seen some of the trailers, but I don't know if it's one of those annoying.
Speaker 2:That's just like sucks francis ford coppola's dick. It's like from the visionary director of this movie. And then I was like I don't care. Tell me about this movie, you idiots. I don't care. What he did 40 years ago, what is he doing right now? Because it looks like shit it's not the.
Speaker 1:It's not the ai generated one, where they have the quotes from people that they didn't even make. That said, his other movies were shit no, did you?
Speaker 2:I must have missed that.
Speaker 1:I need to find that the trailer before, the one you saw was all these quotes from like rex re, you know, saying apocalypse Now it's the biggest piece of shit I've ever shit out of my own bottle, fuck you. And there are all the negative ones are made up All of them. They didn't even fight because people didn't say bad things about apocalypse now.
Speaker 2:No, no, I love that.
Speaker 1:But they were AI created and you're just like what the? I don't understand, so that means we're going to preemptively say that people said bad things about good movies he made, so that when they say bad things about this movie, you'll be like, well, that must mean it's a good movie.
Speaker 2:I mean, it sounds like it's going to work. Sounds like it's going to work. Sounds like it's going to work. I was giving you a lifeline, tony, but if you want to do it, I don't think I want it, Dan I think we need to do it At some point, whenever it's as free as possible.
Speaker 1:It will be very available about two weeks. Then again, he paid for for it, so he might be like he's gonna hang on for dear life you're gonna have to pay 99.99 to watch this on streaming. Us like go fuck yourself this is.
Speaker 2:This reminds me of the roland emmerich moon movie, where he financed it himself because he's like no, this is, this is my best movie and I love that movie. I love it. The moon is a what is it? Megastructure Love that. I think it's great. This is not going to have the same effect. I will tell you this Please do?
Speaker 1:I would put that moon movie back on again, because it was at least silly and fun and weird.
Speaker 2:It wasn't good, it was a terrible movie. Yeah, yeah, of course, of course of course megalopolis.
Speaker 1:You know megalopolis, along with um, oh, what was? What was the aria ester movie? Was it aria ester, the, the one, the joaquin phoenix movie that we watched where?
Speaker 2:oh, beau, is afraid I you know it's been a while since we mentioned it. Thanks for bringing that back around like that. It's been a while since we've mentioned it.
Speaker 1:Thanks for bringing that back around. Like that one. It's like if that was on TV. The channel has changed instantaneously. It's like no, no, oh yeah, no, honey, no.
Speaker 2:No, it's going to be the most self-indulgent movie of all time, so I just feel like I need to see it.
Speaker 1:Now I get to do my quick bonus hate watching. Watch the Ellen stand-up special.
Speaker 2:Didn't even know that she brought one out.
Speaker 1:Yeah, this is the last stand-up special I'm ever going to do.
Speaker 2:All right, and she went out with a bang. That's great. Yeah, it was.
Speaker 1:Really great it was. She's a weird person.
Speaker 2:I believe that and I don't, and from you know, from what people say not very nice, I don't know.
Speaker 1:Yeah, she tries to fill a theater full of people that adore her, so that she could Do you think she paid those people?
Speaker 1:No, I think there's still a ton of people out there that adore her, which is fine, and you know what she does is fine ton of people out there that adore her, which is fine, and you know what she does is fine and you know she says some stuff in there where she's all like I was not. I'm not a person who should should have been a boss and you're like no, you shouldn't have been probably.
Speaker 1:That's probably true and you know, but it was very self-serving that you know. Now I'm leaving comedy and this is the last. You're like, you're not, you're not, you are. So comedians and actors, you know like you are, they need. We got problems, they need that. You got to pay attention to me, they need that.
Speaker 2:We do. It's a curse, it's tough. I'm not going to lie to you. I won't say any names, dan, but something happened this week at work. I won't even say where I work. I mean people that listen to this probably already know, but we do podcasts.
Speaker 2:And this lovely gentleman, very nice, good guy. I like him a lot. He's one of the hosts. He was talking after he finished the podcast. He's like man, it's just so hard to do these podcasts. I have to be on all the time and like that's just not my personality. I don't really like that part of it and I was like that's all I want, guy.
Speaker 1:Why do you have a show and I ain't got shit?
Speaker 2:That's unbelievable.
Speaker 1:Donnie looks at the 11 people who watch this.
Speaker 2:It's like why me I need that he's got thousands and thousands of you on his bullshit that he doesn't even like doing unbelievable.
Speaker 1:You believed him when he said he didn't like doing it.
Speaker 2:I do, I do.
Speaker 1:I do because he, he is a he's a print journalist, so that's what he likes to do, and we're forcing him to do a podcast yeah, I was talking to Shannon about improv, you know, and I was like I love doing it, but it's improv, you know, and I was like I love doing it, but it's like you know I would do it again in a second, but it's like I don't need, you know, I'm sure yeah, I get that I get it, but you, you, you yearn for that stage, tony I it's, you know it's.
Speaker 2:It's where you're happiest right, it's where you, it's where you thrive. It's where your energy is, it's fun. I love it, like me people. That's how that's how it feels sometimes.
Speaker 1:But that is why ellen is not going away right? No I, I don't believe it for a second, not a chance because you get to the end of it and she does sort of some heartfelt things at the at the end and then she's like I'm so glad I've gotten to do this 25 times at all these other places until we finally got here and I was like, oh, I thought this was a one and done.
Speaker 2:I did not know it's a farewell tour. She'd already done this a bunch of times and I was like it's just my last comedy show here, but other places I'll do it a bunch more.
Speaker 1:I'm like that's not how it should, Because did you watch the Aziz Ansari one? I did not.
Speaker 2:No.
Speaker 1:That one was raw.
Speaker 2:Well, because he got canceled or something right, oh yeah.
Speaker 1:It's a super interesting story Went to have sex with a girl and then she basically was like this really means that I'm your girlfriend, right? And you're like no, it just means that you're a fan and that he's gonna have sex with one night, you know. And then she wrote stories about how terrible he was and he got in a bunch of trouble and you're like and when he was on there, you were like whoa, this is all very raw and I was like, and with her should watch it.
Speaker 1:Oh it's super interesting, super, super interesting. And with hers I was like and with her, oh, it's super interesting, Super, super interesting. And with hers I was like, I guess this is supposed to be the same thing. And then you get to the end and you're like no, this is all sort of a manipulation to sort of have a bunch of people standing you stand, a bunch of people that are very much clapping all the right times to sort of make you feel like you're absolved from what happened.
Speaker 2:Well, that would be a good feeling.
Speaker 1:But, Aziz, it's all mea culpa, it's all like Okay, interesting. I saw my existence fading away and I realized that I had done things certain ways and people are going to see them certain ways and you better think about all that stuff, because it can all disappear in a fraction of a second, or not, or not Either one, because Ellen is not cast from Hollywood.
Speaker 1:She got a huge paycheck from Netflix and there's a lot of people that still love her and she can go and do whatever she wants in the world. So she's not really careful.
Speaker 2:We used to watch her show all the time, like the talk show with the dancing. We used to love that Back when Twitch was on. Rip Twitch, yeah it was fun.
Speaker 1:Have you watched the things where she terrorizes people on the show? No, no, no, no, go watch, I don't want it. All right, you got to watch the one with Madam Web when she was on there. That one's the best one, because she comes on there and she'd had a birthday party and Ellen's like why wasn't I invited to the birthday party? And she basically says I didn't think you liked me, ellen, and it is so uncomfortable.
Speaker 2:All right? All right, I've pulled it up, so I'll check it out.
Speaker 1:See, Tony, you don't like anything negative, do you I?
Speaker 2:don't I mean. Why, Listen, the world is so negative? I like to imbibe positive vibes as much as possible.
Speaker 1:Well, why don't you tell us something positive that you enjoyed this week?
Speaker 2:I could tell you a bunch of things. We watched a lot.
Speaker 1:It's fall it. I'll tell you a bunch of things.
Speaker 2:We watched a lot. It's fall, it's the fall. So pilots are coming out right now and we watched a bunch of pilots this week. So I only have one episode of each of the shows that I'm going to say. So I'll follow up with if any of them are. You know, hold strong. Sure, we watched the penguin, which was he's so good dude. Yeah, the show isn't great. It feels like A not as good Sopranos type show, but he is so good.
Speaker 1:Can you see him in the character, or is he just gone?
Speaker 2:You can't even tell it's him, it's not Colin. He's great. He's really, really good. Dr Odyssey with Joshua Jackson. A lot of people are hating on this show. We thought it was great. What is it? It's a medical drama that takes place on a cruise ship. He's a cruise doctor and he's doing all these surgeries. I mean it's ridiculous. Don't get me wrong. It is an absurd show, but we had a great time with it. We are watching Rescue, high Surf, which is basically the new Baywatch let's just be honest and it's a delight. The first episode was great, and then my favorite of the week was the new Adam Brody Kristen Bell show. Nobody wants this. It's a rom-com 10-episode rom-com on Netflix. First episode was really good, so we're excited to keep going on that.
Speaker 1:I like that, other than the penguin, those other three things, I've never heard of any of them.
Speaker 2:Well, I think you should have heard of Nobody Wants this because it's got Adam Brody in it and he is a gem. He's an absolute gem.
Speaker 1:I was driving with Shannon. We were talking about oh, we saw the billboard with Jimmy Fallon. And I was driving with Shannon. We were talking about oh, we saw the billboard with Jimmy Fallon. And Jimmy Fallon, you're just like what's going on with the plastic surgery on his face? Oh, no, and we start doing this thing. And then Shannon's like oh, what about Dax Shepard? Ooh, that's a hard length of road.
Speaker 2:Well, she's not wrong, right.
Speaker 1:I get to laugh, but he's a cool guy. I like dax, yes. So, as I said, haunted objects podcast uh yeah it's, I'm gonna look that up it's a man and wife. They're both actually funny, it's like wow it's. It's just amazing when you see people, when you listen to people on a podcast and they're actually funny, they they're not like I'm a guy who's going like this and I'm acting like I'm funny. Are you making?
Speaker 2:fun of me right now.
Speaker 1:Yeah, pretty much.
Speaker 2:That's exactly what I do on the podcast.
Speaker 1:And then new season of Bake Off. Of course that's great. Of course, I don't think it's going to be an incredible season, cause we've had some incredible seasons of bake off, but it's, it's good you know it's a big off and you can't ever go wrong. Bake off.
Speaker 2:I mean, everyone seems to enjoy it. It seems like it's just like a positive show, and you know.
Speaker 1:I rewatched the entirety of like the last three or four seasons, you know which is mostly just had them on while I was doing stuff, sure yeah, and you know it's just like there's so many pleasant people on these shows that you're just like that. You like spending time with? Yeah, sorry, oh, I'd rather watch a fake Baywatch that stars.
Speaker 2:It stars Nobody you've ever heard of. I promise you that but there's, you know, some good looking people running on the beach.
Speaker 1:Wow, if Love Island's not on, that's a good substitute, oh god, wow, we love this year's Love Island was US.
Speaker 2:The US Love Island. Uk sucked this year, but US Love Island was unreal man. If you have not watched it, go back and watch it on Peacock. It's delightful.
Speaker 1:Okay, well, now we going to do a movie. Tony, do you have a spooky movie for the Halloween month that we're in the midst of? I definitely have a Halloween movie.
Speaker 2:I doubt that it'll be spooky. This was the recommendation from Todd that.
Speaker 1:I talked about a while ago.
Speaker 2:Todd Mendition and I've just been anxiously waiting to do this movie because it looks unbelievable. We're going back to 1992. Oh God, and we're watching a movie called Mikey. Are you heard of this?
Speaker 1:No M-I-K-E-Y.
Speaker 2:M-I-K-E-Y, and it seems like it's just about a murderous child. His family mysteriously dies, and then he's adopted and then more people start dying. I think he just kills everybody. I don't know, I don't really know, but the trailer looked great. Oh okay, I'm in, I've never heard of this movie. Either had I until Todd sent the trailer and I immediately told him yes, we will do this. This is on the list.
Speaker 1:Well, happy Halloween, mikey. Good job.
Speaker 2:Todd Happy Halloween.
Speaker 1:So if you like what we do, give us a subscription, give us a thumbs up or leave a comment. Somebody left a comment about one of the final Breaking Dawn Twilight movies. Oh, wow, that was a long time ago, like talking about something about what happened in the movie or something. I'm just like I don't know what you're talking about.
Speaker 2:So you're just ignoring our only comments.
Speaker 1:No one or nobody comments I think it's just someone that wanted to talk about the movie because they loved it so much, Please please come do that. Defend it. I doubt they want to listen to us for an hour and a half about a movie, but the comments still help the algorithm, so keep them coming. Keep them coming, so yeah, we'll be back next week talking about Mikey, mikey. Goodbye everybody, bye, bye, bye.
Speaker 2:Bye, we'll see you next time.