Hate Watching with Dan and Tony

Hate Watching Atlas

Dan Goodsell and Tony Czech Season 1 Episode 196

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Why settle for lackluster sci-fi when there's a world of iconic classics? Join us as we tackle Netflix's latest misfire, "Atlas," starring Jennifer Lopez. Dan and Tony tear into the movie's chaotic plot and questionable character arcs, drawing sharp contrasts with masterpieces like "Aliens," where every detail serves a purpose. Tony's especially fired up about J-Lo's character flip-flopping between unhinged and rational, leaving us all scratching our heads in disbelief. Get ready for a heaping dose of laughter and bewilderment as we dissect this sci-fi train wreck.

Ever wondered how Hollywood botches AI concepts? We break down the absurdity of "Beyond a Human," from improbable chess match-ups to AI distrust that makes zero sense. We laugh at the film's ironic inconsistencies, such as the anti-AI protagonist surrounded by AI devices. We question the logic behind the film's convoluted plot and share some hilarious personal anecdotes, drawing unsettling but entertaining parallels between on-screen AI manipulation and real-life tactics. Trust us, you'll want to hear our take on these baffling sci-fi decisions.

In a whirlwind of sci-fi oddities, we scrutinize everything from flawed planetary defenses to nonsensical character motivations. We poke fun at the misuse of neural links and the bizarre tech depicted in these films. And for a touch of nostalgia, we reminisce about childhood favorites like "Getting Even With Dad," contrasting their cheesy charm with today's sci-fi blunders. Tune in for a rollercoaster of critiques, laughter, and nostalgic reflections as we wrap up an episode packed with thought-provoking and hilarious discussions on the good, the bad, and the downright confusing in sci-fi storytelling.

Written Lovingly with AI

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Dan: @shakybacon
Tony: @tonydczech

And follow the podcast on IG: @hatewatchingDAT

Speaker 1:

Boy, this was a doozy, dan Whew. Thank you, netflix huh.

Speaker 2:

I have some things to say about this movie.

Speaker 1:

I have some things to say about this movie. I have some things to say Hate watching with Dan and Tony. Hate watching with Dan and Tony. It's like watching hell.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to Hate Watching with Dan and Tony. I'm surprising, dan.

Speaker 1:

And I am surprised. Tony See, that's a cause and effect relationship.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, usually before we start recording, we talk a bunch and we reminisce.

Speaker 1:

And Dan usually says something like we should do the show, but not today. Today he just started the show. Mid-conversation.

Speaker 2:

Well, Tony pre-gamed it by saying that he has eight pages of notes on this movie. I think what was there? Was there a movie recently where you were like I wrote four lines.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think was that unfrosted, that I just was like I wrote down three things and I was like nah, not worth it, not worth my time. This movie is the opposite. This movie needs to be talked about in film classes across the globe so each week we pick a movie.

Speaker 2:

This week I picked a movie and I picked netflix's brand new banger, jenny from around the blocks. J-lo's movie atlas was, I believe, done by her production company she was like this is the story that needs to be made and Netflix is like, yeah, we need to follow up Rebel Moon with some Atlas and we can start the Atlasverse.

Speaker 1:

Two for two. I mean, we are two for two on sci-fi blockbusters this year. Right, good job Netflix.

Speaker 2:

You know science fiction, I love science fiction and man people have no idea about science fiction, so Atlas.

Speaker 1:

People have no idea about science, let alone fiction, in this movie 20, 24, two hours fiction in this 20, 2024, two hours um.

Speaker 2:

so I watched maybe the first two, no, maybe the first three fifths, no, the first two fifths of this movie it's 40.

Speaker 1:

Okay, let's, yeah, let's break down a pie chart, please. Okay, can we get slices of pie here?

Speaker 2:

jesus two fifths a lot of times with this, doing this show. The only way you can I can survive is by stopping the movie I'm watching and then watching another movie. That's good Sure yeah. And saying to myself am I broken?

Speaker 1:

Is it me or am I? The problem here? Is that what's going on? And the answer is no, dan, at least not in this case. You are a severely broken individual. Let me be very clear. You are a severely broken individual. Let me be very clear. You have a lot of problems. This is not one of them. You are spot on, right on the money, johnny, on the spot. This is all you. So I watched Aliens. We talked about Aliens a bunch during this movie. So, yeah, continue, great choice. You know, I probably have not watched Aliens in a while. I've always during this movie. So, yeah, I can continue.

Speaker 2:

Great choice. You know, I probably have not watched aliens in a while.

Speaker 1:

I've always liked the movie.

Speaker 2:

I've watched it a few times. You know, you know what you're like. I know this movie, I like this movie. This is a good movie. Then you sit, it's, it's, this is a movie like diehard.

Speaker 2:

Then you sit down, oh look at this line that's going to connect up to something that happens in 90 minutes perfect, you know everything. You could just see that. The paul reiser character's trajectory, bishop, every you know michael bean they say, oh, is that the social or something you're like? Oh, yeah, and then every character just has these perfections and everyone that utters a word you're like, that word builds their character or builds the plot. Every word, everything that happens. Nothing in this movie adds up to anything, nothing.

Speaker 1:

Literally nothing. And not to jump the gun too much, dan, there's like a four minute scene in the beginning where we talk about how she's unhinged and she's an unbalanced person. She can't be worked with, she's fine, she's completely fine through this whole movie. She's actually the most rational person in the film. That doesn't make any sense. You can't give me a five minute build-up about how crazy she is. She shouldn't even be on the force and then she comes in. She's like well, I have all the answers.

Speaker 1:

Good morning everyone, nice to see you. I played some chess this morning, great day. What's happened? I'm I'm gonna disagree with you. You're going to disagree. What are you? Come on, bro, come at me.

Speaker 2:

You're right in that she's completely easy to deal with. You're wrong in that she has any answers.

Speaker 1:

Okay, that's fair, that's fair. My only thing was she was like, hey, we're probably walking into a trap. And they were, of course. So she was one for one of of any assertions, because that, other than that, I don't think she said anything in this movie. No, no she didn't posit any theories. She didn't do much, we we the premise is sorry yeah in the future.

Speaker 2:

ai has become monstrous, ais that everyone says they're going to become right and then they kill a lot of people on Earth and then, when things are going wrong for them, they leave. You know, planning on coming back later to kill us all later. For what reason, nobody knows. No explanation about that.

Speaker 1:

We'll find out, we'll talk about it. We'll talk about it.

Speaker 2:

So what it is is right. At the beginning of the movie movie they find this one alien sitting in an apartment doing nothing, and then they capture this alien I mean not alien AI he's very earthly and by.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she's already we're already at a 10, dan. That's the problem with this movie. We're coming in hot Shannon's upset, oh no.

Speaker 2:

So she's the one who's been studying this AI, because she grew up with the AI that destroyed the world and left or caused problems in the world. So she grew up with it and, of course, we understand that she's the cause of all this. Somehow, we know that's going to come out eventually. Yeah, somehow she's the cause.

Speaker 1:

And, honestly, I thought it was going to be better, I thought it was going to make a little more sense, but they just were like nah, people will buy it.

Speaker 2:

And then the whole idea is she's been living with all this trauma and so she's going to go to where this bad guy is on this other planet, the wasted Simu Leo.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Leo, I don't know. So he's going to go there and then with these rangers and they're going to kill him because they've been waiting to kill him For 28 years right?

Speaker 1:

Is that correct For 28?

Speaker 2:

years they're still doing news things about him. 28 years later, they haven't correct.

Speaker 1:

28 years they're still doing news things about him 28 years later, they haven't heard a peep from him, and I don't think so.

Speaker 2:

So they're going to go there and they're going to kill him, you know, because they've got to kill him, not even kill him, we've got to find his brain so we can look at his brain. Even though she knows exactly what she did to him, and just hasn't told anyone in 28 years and you think she'd include people in as to why his brain is different and said we don't really need his brain. It's different because I, because I did the switch and said you now can be a psychopath if you're so inclined. Which?

Speaker 1:

doesn't make sense, we'll get there. We'll get there. I don't. The science, the science of this movie, makes maybe the least amount of sense than we've ever seen.

Speaker 2:

Mm-hmm. So she's like I got to go on this trip, we'll talk, we're not going to. So she basically inserts herself in the trip to go out there because she says that she has all of this knowledge because she's been studying him all this time. Okay, and through the hold on, through the course of this movie, she shows that she has. She never at one point uses any knowledge of him for any reason.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Never, once, not even for a fraction of a second. It's never the point where you're like, ah, she is playing the game this is all this is her big elaborate setup.

Speaker 1:

No, she's useless. Even in that climactic battle, when it's one-on-one her versus him, there's no moment where it's like, oh, she's going to win because she knows him, she's going to use her knowledge of him against himself. Nope, she goes. We have to do something he won't expect, and it does something very pedestrian, which we'll talk about it when we get there. But there's no, there's no inside information that lets her win.

Speaker 2:

It is absurd you've set up your whole premise, minute one, that this person knows that other person like inside out, and then you never use it, which would be interesting it's crazy.

Speaker 1:

That would be an interesting thing. I don't know how you write that. How does a human beat an ai based on the fact that she knows him personally? Because that says a lot one about you know ai and being alive and yada, yada, yada. That's a very interesting idea that they throw out there and then decide not to do.

Speaker 2:

Like you say, they've done stuff before. Somebody's done a thing where you use randomness. In the whatchamacallit Ender's game Didn't Ender have a whole sort of thing that he did?

Speaker 1:

Sure, yeah, because the hive mind and whatnot, and one thing knows another. Yeah, blah, blah, blah. But that movie also bad. And one thing knows nothing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, blah, blah, blah, but that movie also bad.

Speaker 1:

Read the book everybody.

Speaker 2:

Nobody made it in the book In the book.

Speaker 1:

He does a bunch of things. I just wanted people to know, because we did the movie here. I don't want people to think we're saying the movie's good, the book is good Anyhow.

Speaker 2:

So boom, yeah. So at the beginning they capture this Casca guy. Then we cut to Atlas. She's sleeping on the couch. What wakes her up, tony? Her little Siri Siri wakes her up, good morning.

Speaker 1:

Time to wake up, atlas, I'd wake up to that every day.

Speaker 2:

And what is she doing with the? What are they doing together? I guess playing chess. Of course they're playing chess.

Speaker 1:

Of course they're playing chess, Because that's what shows you're a good commander or something right it?

Speaker 2:

shows you're the smartest person in the room if you can play chess.

Speaker 1:

However, here's what I will say when she leaves. It says Atlas, win streak 71. Not even a very high win streak if we're being honest, like 71 games of chess in ostensibly 28 years, which is our jump. Not very many wins, I'm just saying how is she beating the computer? I assume it's programmed to let her win that's just my assumption.

Speaker 2:

You know that it's just it's dumb the idea that win. That's just my assumption, you know it's just it's dumb. The idea that you're going to beat the computer at chess is just dumb.

Speaker 1:

I am, I would say, basically an elite chess player. Give or take, and I play the computer all the time. In chess I'd never win. It always beats me, it outsmarts me, I think it cheats.

Speaker 2:

It probably does Blink and then it moves all the pieces around.

Speaker 1:

I'm just like wait a second. Did those frames move, ah?

Speaker 2:

shoot. Teach you to blink. So yeah, so she's all like you know she sees about the dude being captured and she's all like she gets ready to go out the door.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I just want to say one thing, because I'm going to say a lot of negative things about this movie in the next 90 minutes or so. Dan, the television screen, it's a full wall TV with multi TVs that you can kind of move around and pick. This is my dream.

Speaker 2:

This is heaven to me.

Speaker 1:

This is the future that I want and I need. So I just they got one thing right and I love it Tony's in. I was like, oh, she's living the high life baby.

Speaker 2:

Hundreds of millions of people Killed by the AI. Fine as long as I get my TV.

Speaker 1:

Do I have six screens on a wall? Yes, I do. We're good, kill them all.

Speaker 2:

Tony, should she have an AI in her apartment?

Speaker 1:

No, she doesn't trust AI. From what I remember of the movie, she's very anti AI, but she seems to have a bunch of AI in her house, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Shouldn't she have like a clicker, click, click, click, you know. Shouldn't she have like a manual coffee pot? Shouldn't she not have a computer?

Speaker 1:

button and watching it grind itself and be like, oh, this old thing doesn't even work because nobody sells these anymore and I have to fix it myself because I'm an old school kind of girl using, using the crank. Crank can opener yeah, I've told the can of a story that I didn't know what it was okay, then uh delete. I'll control alt, delete right from the moment you're like why is she that? I didn't know what it was. Then delete Control-Alt-Delete.

Speaker 2:

Right from the moment you're like why is she interacting with AI? She should never be trusting them. She should ride her bicycle. She should do everything to avoid them.

Speaker 1:

She should be the manual person. So this is the problem with the movie. It's like it says things but then doesn't back them up in any way and does the opposite, because they're too lazy to actually make anything real. It's ridiculous.

Speaker 2:

So, as she's leaving the guy from the ICN, international Coalition of Nations, which is what you'd call your big program to fight the thing, because that's a dumb name shows up and is like oh, we're here, I'm here to pick you up. And it's like, oh, we're here, we're here, I'm here to pick you up. But she's like right on time, or whatever. And then she, she wins the chess game as she's walking out the door because she's so smart she's so smart, dude, she's like the smartest so smart, so we go, we cut to the icn.

Speaker 2:

there's booth and there's uh, what's his name? Banks. Booth and Banks Two B names that you never know in script. That's what they did in the script. Yeah, that's what they did. Then we set up that J-Lo is unstable, she's like Banks is like she shouldn't come. She's super unstable, she's going to destabilize and blah blah blah, blah, blah blah and the other guy's like I trust her the most. She's the analyst, she knows everything boom, right here.

Speaker 1:

Your movie just fell apart, and let me explain why this is her entire. Thing even in like the climactic scene where her robot is dying and we'll talk about it. Her thing is you can't trust anyone. People will let you down. Ai can't be trusted. She's a loner. Blah, blah, blah. This guy, the uh shepherd is that his name? Mark shepherd right in real life. I don't remember his character's name, booth or boone, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Banks, bank, you mean the the ball dude, not sterling k brown. It's not certain I was I think he has a different name than that. I don't know what his name is.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't matter this general colonel, whatever he is, booth, despite all of her shortcomings, her struggles in life, he stands behind her 100% and he's like no, she's good at her job, she's got a guy in her corner for no reason. So her whole lone wolf act already out the window, thrown completely out the window. Now, step number two, the other side of this coin, is Sterling K Brown. It's like she can't do anything. She's abrasive, she can't be trusted, she's a loose cannon. She's not any of those things either. The two people are basically negating everything that they built in this movie and try to pretend this movie's about. It doesn't make any sense. It's absolute bonkers.

Speaker 1:

Also, let's just talk about her bedhead throughout this movie, which I think is a character choice, because she's unhinged her bedhead throughout this movie, which I think is a character choice because she's unhinged the whole time.

Speaker 1:

Crazy hair. She has crazy hair that she. She goes ai for the coffee, for the tv, for the chest, but she can't comb her hair. She, it's impossible, dan. What a weird choice. And it's I mean, it's fine, I don't care, but it's like so crazy that it's noticeable the whole time. I don't know. It seemed like a weird choice. Very angry about her hair? Um well, she fixes it.

Speaker 1:

The reason why I know that it's a character choice and not like oh, this is how she wears her hair, is because at the end her hair is very well combed, like it's, it's nicely done and it's tight, like they make that distinction where she's disheveled and unruly in the first part of the film quote unquote and then once she, you know, solves the world problems, then she's all put together. That's how I know it's not just like oh, this is her hairstyle for the movie, this is a character choice that someone's making. And they're like nah, she doesn't look wild enough, can we just moose her hair up a little?

Speaker 2:

it's weird. Do you want me to tell you the secret to unpacking this movie? Please do.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Remember when we watched a movie one time that was really terrible.

Speaker 1:

You're gonna need to be more specific.

Speaker 2:

It was a Will Smith movie and it was called After Earth.

Speaker 1:

I love that. Yeah, After Earth, Jaden for the win, you remember that movie. I mean, I remember watching it. I don't know if I remember the movie. Do you remember why they?

Speaker 2:

made that movie.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, yeah, that checks out. Do you know why they made this movie? Christianity?

Speaker 2:

Scientology. Is she a Scientologist? She's a Scientologist, her she's a scientologist. Her dad was a scientist. Yeah, they don't, they don't. They don't play that up so much. Yeah, she's a scientologist.

Speaker 1:

And not to get conspiratorial, here, but let's put that hat right on our heads, baby this is.

Speaker 2:

this is the same sort of weird movie. It's like until you succumb to the AI and and give over to the AI and and and let your machine master you know, be part of you and become one with it, then you're not going to have, and at the end, she, she completely submits herself. And how does she submit herself? By giving all of the embarrassing stories of her life, which is what you do in Scientology. You sit in front of a little meter and you tell them everything.

Speaker 2:

And then they can use that to blackmail you?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because they're filming that right Like they record that. What a weird fucking.

Speaker 2:

They write it all down. Please tell me Continue.

Speaker 1:

If I ever say I'm going enjoy scientology, you need to shut me down because there are some secrets that could get out about me that would destroy me.

Speaker 2:

Dark stuff, dark stuff, the things that I've eaten, that they could find out about dan oh boy so that's the whole thing the whole thing thing is about going down to being overly emotional. And then at the end when you finally give over to your trauma and let your trauma go by telling it to an inanimate object or a person that could then can use it against you as your existence, then you're free, Boy. I wish I was free. Huh, that sounds like it would be free. So she goes.

Speaker 1:

She goes in there and she's going to interrogate Casca, then you're free boy. I wish I was free.

Speaker 2:

That sounds lovely so she goes in there, she's going to interrogate Casca. And then she like she has her little chess piece which has a magnet in it. She sticks it in his head, magnet him, and he's like. And then she's like, don't think about where Harlan is. And he's all like, oh damn, I just thought about where Harlan is. And she's all like, oh damn, I just thought about where harlan is. And she's all like you're such a dumb, dumb and that's how she gets all the important information.

Speaker 1:

It's so great because you know. And then she makes the joke that like, oh, my mom did that to me. And then turns out she didn't, because her mom was terrible, I don't know. But and then later they're like she just did something no one's done in 28 years. I was like nobody thought of using reverse psychology in 28 years. Nobody thought it would be smart to just pretend to not let him think about it. But then the whole time he's like oh, I'm thinking about it now. Parents use that every day. It's just ridiculous. What a stupid. This. Isn't her outsmarting anyone? Okay, this is her just being a parent to an AI. I don't know. My dad did that shit to me all the time. Did I ever tell you the alarm story?

Speaker 2:

Oh, he psyched you out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he totally psyched me out. So I used to sneak my girlfriend in and out of the house like late after hours, as you would say. And one day my dad knew about it and he came to me and he's like you know, the alarm tells me when doors open and close, don't you? I have a log of all the things I was like what Are you serious? Okay, she left at this time. I'm sorry. I don't know what the other ones are. He just starts fucking laughing at me. He's like how stupid are you? None of that is real. That's not a thing, you idiot. And then I was in trouble. Parents do that shit all the time. This is not a smart maneuver.

Speaker 2:

Super genius, super genius. Now she has this magnet that's inside a chess piece, what, and she takes with her constantly and this is going to play like some big role in the movie, right?

Speaker 1:

yeah, right now, and then never again. Yeah, yeah. This is its big moment to shine, dan. This is the time it's been waiting for all its life. I don't understand what's happening can I just say that the magnet thing I understand that it, like I know, magnets can erase hard drives and it's like bad right. Yeah, what's it? Why is it electrocuting him?

Speaker 2:

because that's what they wanted to do.

Speaker 1:

Right, but that's not what would happen. So I'm just I'm a little, I'm a little fuzzy on the details here, because then his eye pops out, it turns into gelatin and it pops out of his head. How does that happen? From a magnet? Why aren't people using magnets more often?

Speaker 2:

Why do they have guns? We didn't talk about that. We actually we need to, we need to rewind. We need to back up, we need to back up the first scene when they're taking costco, everybody shows up with guns and they're like they're shooting a robot in the chest smoking a cigarette doesn doesn't care. And then at a certain point this little square robot rolls up and just goes zap, and he just dies.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so why are we? Sending in the ground troops with guns that we know don't work. For 28 years. These AI have been bad for 28 years and we're still using guns that don't affect them. And we, what did they lose? Like eight people, probably Eight people died.

Speaker 2:

They lost a lot of dudes, a lot of dudes, and then they just one little button zap, he's on the ground.

Speaker 1:

Are you kidding? That's your only move. That's the only thing you do. You set that outside the door, ring the door and be like pizza delivery.

Speaker 2:

He opens the door and be like uh, pizza delivery. He opens the door, zap him why.

Speaker 1:

I would not be, I would not be happy if my sergeant sent me into a battle versus and I know I'm gonna die.

Speaker 2:

I'd be like this it's not cool, not cool yeah, uh, good, cell sec.

Speaker 1:

You guys are on the first team. You're gonna head in the door. Whoa, whoa, whoa, head into the door. What are you talking about? Cap, early retirement? Thank you, hand me my pension. I'll be on my way Because they know what he is.

Speaker 2:

It is so stupid? Yes, they know exactly who he is.

Speaker 1:

They've been looking for him for 28 years. They should be ready. It's so weird. Nope, nope, nope, nope. I mean, it's not only just this scene, right? They're shooting guns here. They make those mech suits what do those mech suits?

Speaker 2:

do they shoot guns? No, why, why they? Have landmines and they have a super cannon in the front and they have one ion bomb only for really emergencies. Why?

Speaker 1:

don't they have a magnet? A magnet on a finger, stick it on the guy. He's dead. That's all you need in the mech suit. Just give him five magnet fingers on each hand and you're done.

Speaker 2:

I don't understand why are there nine guns that we're shooting at things that don't get affected by guns? And that's why, when you watch aliens, they're all like, oh, it's a bug hunt. You know, you're like they've been through many situations, many situations, all different, yep, and they're moving into a new one. And what do they slowly do do through aliens?

Speaker 1:

which is in 28 years. That movie takes place in what a couple weeks probably, I don't remember, but like a couple days. It is wild and they can figure out how to kill that thing a couple days, oh, a couple days it is wild and they can figure out how to kill that thing in a couple days. We've had 28 years to prepare for this, scott, and we didn't do one thing right. Not a single thing right. So stupid.

Speaker 2:

I love humans. Okay, so she goes to the booth's office. He's like congrats. And she's like I'm going on the mission. And then he's like you going on the mission, and then he's like you can't go. And then he's like yes, you could go hold on.

Speaker 1:

You're saying he a lot. Let's be very clear sterling k brown is the one in the earlier season scene where he was like she can't go, she's unstable. Now in this scene the other guy, mark shepherd, is like you can't go and sterling k brown's like she should come. Yeah, I think she should. She should be the one on the on the ship with me what happened what just happened? Uh, when, when did this switch happen?

Speaker 2:

dad, I don't know she was so against it. It's like a beaky friday situation that is an inside joke, everybody.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we're not supposed to make it. We're not supposed to make it, but if you want to go to my youtube channel, there's a sketch called beaky friday. It's not as good when you see it on a video. That is good, but it was good on stage, though, I'm not gonna lie.

Speaker 2:

Oh that, that that you know, just to throw tony a small amount of praise that he actually deserves. Well, uh, that was funny.

Speaker 1:

Well, here's the thing though, dan, is that obviously not enough, because the other two people in that sketch went on to sunday company and I did not, so you know, can't win them all, I guess, so I was listening to this terrible podcast are you gonna name it or no? Name drop no okay, that's fine that's fine.

Speaker 2:

It doesn't matter. Whatever it was, like you know, with actors, why don't you do that thing? Can't you do that? Does anybody do that? Because lots of people do what do like voice acting on a podcast oh, I've tried.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I've auditioned, for many people do not like my voice they don't like your voice okay, they don't like my voice, they don't like my face, they don't like my personality.

Speaker 2:

Other than that, I'm good to go because, Because all these people very not funny Thinking they're funny. Everybody thinks they're funny. Yeah, we do. Okay, so she gets to go.

Speaker 1:

Yep, so yeah, she's going now. Great job.

Speaker 2:

So we go there and we see that everybody gets in a mech suit and then they have to link with it through a thing which, okay, hold on a second.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna back this train up one second, yeah, okay, yeah, bring it back.

Speaker 2:

She acts like she's never heard of such a thing as this right.

Speaker 1:

She goes a neural link, Something to that effect, yeah, when in fact she basically helped create that.

Speaker 2:

And then later on we also find out she tried to be a ranger. Yeah, yep exactly why would? You try and be a ranger, if that is the thing that you do when you're a ranger.

Speaker 1:

Not only that, but she also doesn't seem to know what the mech suits are. Right, like, like never seen such a thing, right. I'm confused, I'm really confused. I don't understand where she is in the, in the ranks of anything. How would she not know anything about this? And she tried to be part of that squad, so wouldn't she know what it? I don't know it's weird.

Speaker 2:

once again, it's one of those things where the movie's like we'll make it, so the character doesn't know about it, so it's all right that we have a person standing here explaining it to them. And that's your classic stupidity.

Speaker 1:

It's your classic avatar right there.

Speaker 2:

When you watch Aliens, they don't explain anything. Everybody just picks up their guns, and there's giant guns and you're like giant guns.

Speaker 1:

There's a thing that's trying to kill us the bigger the gun, the better.

Speaker 2:

And at one point Ripley's standing there. She's like is there anything I can do to help? And he's like can you run a loader? And earlier in the movie she said the only work I can get is running a loader. And then she puts on the loader and works the loader and then you're like and at the end she's gonna get in the loader and fight the bitcoin alien. Yeah, wow, it's almost wow, did you know?

Speaker 1:

that was gonna happen not, probably not the first time I saw it right that was I don't really remember, dan.

Speaker 2:

That was 30 years ago, maybe not the second time either oh wow, so she's gonna go, and then he's all I think he's like goes, we'll give you one of these suits and she's all like no, I'm too scared and it'll drive me insane.

Speaker 1:

But she uses AI all the time. I don't understand. Yeah, I don't know. I mean, we're out of time. She needs to be completely devoid of AI contact for this character to work, but the blinds are so blurred she relies on it for her life all the time. She can't be like, oh, but this is a step too far yep, ridiculous.

Speaker 2:

They leave earth. Uh, she watches videos of her mom. She goes they, they have a big meeting of all the rangers and her and then she's supposed to give them a briefing oh god and her briefing is paper.

Speaker 1:

You know on paper and they're like this is paper which and they're like and she's like, and we can't, we have to turn off our neural links for the meeting. And they're like why? Why would we turn our Neuralink for our link that isn't in the office right now? Like, why would you be sending constant data to an AI machine when you're trying to fight AI? Also question Dan he seems the bad guy, this terrorist, quote unquote he seems able to rewrite, remotely rewrite AI code. Right, because when he turns, he just immediately turns his second in command, even though they don't speak or contact. He's just like now you're me. Couldn't he do that to these mech suits immediately?

Speaker 2:

They say a line in there like you can't hack these, even though they do get hacked, later they get hacked.

Speaker 1:

Smithy gets hacked pretty quickly, uh and but he is confused. You know, in the movie's defense, smith is like I don't know how they're doing this. Well, he did it to every other ai on the planet, so it makes sense that he could adapt and figure out how to do it to you. The fact that they're even using AI to bring down AI is stupid. The whole premise of this movie is stupid.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but these are better AIs that they've made better, that are better than better. They're better.

Speaker 1:

Based on what you guys thought, the first round was pretty great 28 years ago. Until you know spoiler alert, they killed everybody Until a small ago. Until you know spoiler alert, they killed everybody Until a small child said you can be evil now. We got to talk about who can give commands to AI. I don't understand the rules.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You know why Anyone can tell anyone's AI to do anything, and they'll do it. And if an AI is doing something you don't want, all you have to say is override, and then they stop.

Speaker 2:

So Sterling K Brown's character says to them if she says off, you got to turn off the neural links. And one of the guys goes like this seriously, he says seriously Now, these are Rangers. Right, this is the military. Do you say that you don't question an order?

Speaker 1:

no, you, if you did that, you're. You're in trouble. You're doing push-ups for the day, you're running laps, you're cleaning the latrine, you're doing something. If you lip off, you say sir, yes, sir, turn it off. And then later in in your secret quarters you're like, well, that was a bogus thing, right well, but you never questioned to his face.

Speaker 2:

No, you're done once again in aliens. When you watch aliens man there's command structure things. He comes down on their asses he's like do this. You know here's shit work you gotta do and you know what they have to do.

Speaker 1:

They have to do shit work, because that's the way the world works yes, they're, they're not.

Speaker 2:

It's not. You know, these movies want to imagine that there's some sort of equality amongst the characters and this is the military.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's not the way it works. If that was the way it worked, the military would be nothing. That all rules are out the window.

Speaker 2:

So Atlas tells Banks there's always a trap. And then he's all like oh well, we always got plan B the carbon warheads. So they got a bunch of warheads on the ship.

Speaker 1:

Dan when she was explaining that there's always a trap with Harlan did you figure out the plot of the movie. I'm genuinely curious how you went, okay.

Speaker 2:

All right, I never figured out the plot of the movie.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, during this scene we're like okay, so this is the trap. We are mid-trap right now because there's no reason to talk about it. And sure enough we were mid-trap.

Speaker 2:

So you knew that the bad guy wanted those missiles and that's why they were there.

Speaker 1:

I didn't know he wanted the missiles, but I knew that I thought he was luring her there for something a little more grandiose, other than to be like now you're where you belong. You'll be dead in five minutes. Peace out, sis, which we'll get to. But uh, I thought he needed her for something with his coding, because we know that she helped him figure out coding before to give him a soul. You know, a bad soul. Uh, I, I figured he was like I need you one more time, sister but oh, okay, that would have been good, it sure would have been interesting, but it wasn't.

Speaker 2:

That's not what happened um yeah and I'm sure they had some line in here why they don't just nuke him from orbit, because we gotta, we gotta capture him which, but that wasn't the plan until later.

Speaker 1:

They're like oh, missions changed, we're now bringing him in alive, because they do, they switch that while they're on the ship okay, so they like. The original plan was to go kill him. Why are we landing? Just blow the planet out of the fucking sky. Guys like I don't. I don't understand these plans. What's the air?

Speaker 2:

there's no human beings down there, there's no reason that the planet doesn't get nuked out of existence.

Speaker 1:

Nothing we need to save, just get rid of it.

Speaker 2:

We got a lot of planets out there and then the, the uh, as soon as they say these words and the ship starts blowing up and basically she has to get in one of the mechs and then she falls through all the things, she really is against it.

Speaker 1:

She's yelling no, no, don't put me in there, let me burn to death on this spaceship. That's basically what she's saying, which is ridiculous because she just played chess with AI 20 minutes ago.

Speaker 2:

Now we've got to talk a little bit about her characterization going forward in the movie.

Speaker 1:

Okay, yeah, have you ever called, have you?

Speaker 2:

we got to talk a little bit about her characterization going forward in the movie. Okay, yeah, have you ever called? Have you ever had, like you know, problem with your computer and so you call customer service?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, everyone, everyone's called it before Dan come on.

Speaker 2:

And your level of frustration builds, and builds, I come in at a 10.

Speaker 1:

I'm not going to lie to you, because I know what I'm getting into. Here's the trick. By the way, there's a trick to this. You just have to tell them to that that you need to talk to their manager. You have to go beyond. The first step of of customer service is always the people. No, no, offense. People is always the people that don't know how to do anything. They're the people that just give you the uh, have you tried to restart it? Yeah, yeah, it didn't work. Did you? Did you unplug it and plug it back in? Yeah, okay. Well, I'm not sure what's going. Just give, let me talk to somebody else. Let me talk to somebody who knows what's actually happening. Give me the next rung. I need the next. The first line of defense is always the worthless people that don't know anything how tony was acting like there.

Speaker 2:

Take that, then add crying and yeah weepiness and a lot of weepiness yeah and you build the character that you don't want to spend one second with in your entire life. This is a character you don't want to be in. You just be like. You want to just do the homer simpson and back into the bush. You want to be nowhere near this lady. She's horrible.

Speaker 1:

She's the most horrible, might be the most horrible character ever put on screen to be like it's not even necessarily her character in general, but it's the way that she reacts to stress and trauma she is. She's not she doesn't handle those things well like someone that you would like to follow through a movie. She's not. She's not your uh, sigourney weavers, as it were, you know, and I mean she's no ripley like ripley's a badass. This woman, unfortunately not a badass. She's pretty weak and like pretty susceptible to all things and she's just having a real tough day. We are seeing her at like one of her toughest days. She's no john mcclain, where he's like, yeah, this is a bad day, but I'm gonna kick it right in its teeth, right like she doesn't have that mentality.

Speaker 2:

She just breaks down over and over and just screams in frustration it's so, so horrible and every you know the AI in the thing just has to constantly hold her hand and calm it down. It's horrible. You're just watching someone whose shit is not together at all and you don't feel. I don't feel compassion for her.

Speaker 1:

No no.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And there's even a very specific moment where she's able to sacrifice herself to save humanity, and she will not do it so like she is zero redemption qualities.

Speaker 1:

I was just gonna say one time, uh, not too long ago I don't know if I told you this story on the pod or not, but uh, we had a break-in at our apartment, in our garage, and someone went through and stole a bunch of stuff out of people's cars. And one of our neighbors, who's a relatively friendly guy, but he's not, um, you know, those guys that you look at you're like you're probably not all that successful and like your life hasn't gone the way that you want a little bit, but he's a relatively nicehow. So they broke into his really shitty car and they stole, apparently, tools out of his trunk I don't know, dan, he had a tool set and apparently that was pretty big Anyhow. So we came down to this garage and he was looking through his car and he was just like fuck, fuck, goddammit, fuck, I just screaming. We're like, hey, what's going on, man? He's fuck, god damn it, fuck, I'm just screaming. We're like, uh, hey, what's what's going on, man? He's like they got my tools. I can't get more tools.

Speaker 1:

I was like what are you, what are you talking? And he just kept screaming. So we just slowly, because we were trying to get to our car and he had. He was in between us in the car. So we just slowly like, as we were trying to talk to him, being like, oh man, that's terrible. I can't believe that. We slowly got in the car and just like opened the garage door, drove away and left this guy having the worst day of his life. And that's what I wanted to do with this movie. I just wanted to be like okay, you know, get your shit together and I'll come back later. It's not, she's not the lead of a movie. This character, she's just not.

Speaker 2:

This is not the person you want to follow around.

Speaker 1:

But I wonder, because we didn't watch, what was that action movie she did for them? Was it Mother or something like that Mother?

Speaker 2:

was her last movie.

Speaker 1:

I wonder if she's a supreme badass in Mother. So then she was like I want to play something opposite for my next movie. Try to get that Oscar. Yeah, there you go. Yeah, lots of crying People love that in the Oscars.

Speaker 2:

So she crashes through all this stuff Crash, crash, crash, crash, crash. She won't narrow link. She crashes. She tries to use the radio, she cries, she tries to do the setup. Then she yells at the AI and then the AI's like it's 98,000 or 98 kilometers west, and then she tries to fly and then she's like you can't fly and I can't fly you because I can't map a way to go there. And if I can't map a way to go there, then we can't move.

Speaker 1:

Right, because I can't secure your safety or something of that nature.

Speaker 2:

He just wants to keep her here till she dies.

Speaker 1:

You have old age before we run? Well, not even old age, because at some point he runs out of oxygen. Well, we have 22 hours.

Speaker 2:

We do the damn good, so we put a number on it, just so there's something there's a lot of different.

Speaker 1:

I feel like there's a couple of timers, so isn't there?

Speaker 2:

oh yeah, yeah, okay all right, I thought so well, they got. That's their way of trying to. It's not enough that they're on a planet with no one and there's killer AIs everywhere. No, we have to say well, you're going to die in 22 hours too.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

It's enough. Yeah, like calm down, pick one and let's deal with it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, that's one thing you could have said. He could have said you're a civilian and you know the primary thing I have to do as a civilian I have to protect you, and my best way to protect you is to keep you here.

Speaker 1:

Period Great.

Speaker 2:

And he just shuts down, and he just sits down and she's all like, no, you got to go.

Speaker 1:

She's like, well, and then she would have to convince him yes, yeah, she'd have to do something, she'd have to do something, she'd have to do something. Well, she does do something. Dad, do you remember what she does? No, I don't know what she does. She says the magic words. She says override, override override.

Speaker 1:

now this is a great time to talk about override in this, in this scenario, and the ai in this movie yeah, what? What are they supposed to listen to? So any time she wants the AI to do something that it says no to, she just says override. Yeah, she's the person.

Speaker 1:

You can't just put override in all the, because she can override anything she wants, except for when the stakes are too high. She never says override. I don't know if you noticed this, but I feel like this was super on purpose. Later, when she's gonna fire that missile or and she's like I, I'm ordering you to do this, I'm ordering you, she never says override and then the ai doesn't do it. So I'm wondering if they were just like ah, we can only use override when she's gonna win the argument. It was super weird. But anyhow, anytime you want something to happen, you just say over right, and the ai will just do it for you, as far as I could tell, which is a super dangerous thing to put into your ai, because then the ai can do anything.

Speaker 1:

It's very weird and it's it's weird because she has, to like, put her legs into things to make it walk oh yeah, let's talk about the tech for a second, because how does it do a cartwheel if she's, if she's moving the legs with her legs, I don't know, because in what's weird is she's also doing the arm motions, but she doesn't have anything on the arms yeah, I know so what?

Speaker 2:

why does the legs have to have to?

Speaker 1:

be in strappy things and like what? Why does she have to do that at all? Because they're neural linked eventually, right? So shouldn't she just be able to think it? And it doesn't. Isn't that the point of a neural link? Why does she have to physically do the motions if that? And then simu lu, when he takes over the the mom, at one point he's doing the gun motion with her instead of just like controlling it with his mind.

Speaker 2:

I don't understand anything more importantly, when she's controlling the gun, she's going like this yeah, which is not what he's doing he's either in control or he's not. It's either, you know, controlled, not a girl.

Speaker 1:

You can't be like shaking he literally says I have control over all of your motor functions. I'm like, well, not all of them, guy, because she's shaking all over the place. This movie is ridiculous.

Speaker 2:

It's almost like the mother should become robotic when she's under control.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and then the body. It moves, but the eyes. The eyes are what give it away, the tear and the fear in her eyes while her body's doing things that she's at. That's a great character moment. We don't get any of that.

Speaker 2:

No, we don't want to. We want her shaking because the mother doesn't want to do it. And she's what.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I don't even understand. We'll wait till we get to that scene.

Speaker 2:

That scene confused the shit out of me really. Um, yeah, okay. And then he's uh, so the thing is like I'm learning for you. He lists all the weapons for her and says like there's one ion bomb, don't waste that. And I'm like, ah, they're gonna use that right at the end, the ion bomb dan I don't remember this yeah, is there a chest cannon in this list that he goes through? I don't remember the chest cannon.

Speaker 1:

I don't remember either. I should have rewatched it.

Speaker 2:

I remember a lot of the other stuff, but chest cannon was because there's a sword, there's the motion sensors, there's the mines, there's, you know, shooty guns and the one-iron bomb.

Speaker 1:

You remember why I'm asking this right? Because later, and the one I unbombed.

Speaker 2:

You remember why I'm asking this right? Because later the end he says when he hacked me, he didn't know that I had a.

Speaker 1:

He didn't find the chest cannon because it wasn't in the literature.

Speaker 1:

What is it? The manual? It's not in the manual, it's not documented in the manual. Is what he said which is not? That's not how anything works. They can't have a secret gun that no one knows how to work. I mean, it's in your code, at the very least, and Simu Liu was going through millions of code in seconds so he could have just looked through your code and been like, well, you got a chest gun bud. Do they use that chest gun? Yes, they do, at the very end, they do use it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, simu loses it on top and he's about to kill him and then the chest gun comes out, shoots him in the chest and he flies away. It doesn't win the battle, of course, but it just saves him a second. And it's dumb. Everything is stupid.

Speaker 2:

Okay, he's wearing her down. And then he's all like I know who you are, atlas. And then she's all like get out of my brain. How do you know my name? How do you know my name, how? And he's all like and Danco tells like because he read her badge. And he's like, because I read your badge, I'm like, oh, such a dumb bit.

Speaker 1:

It's funny, just the weakest bit. I mean it's weak but it does make me laugh. Not that it's supposed to I don't know if it's supposed to make me laugh or not, but it makes me laugh because this is like a bit that has evolved over the years and this is some writer was like I'm going to bring that bit into the future. Guys, this is fucking funny. You know how like people confuse and they're like oh, are you a psychic? Oh, no, your name's on your badge. What if the robot was reading her mind? Bro, it's the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard. I'm sorry, I'm cursing a lot today. I apologize, I'm gonna bring it back. Bring it back down to a normal, safe level, but this movie gets me riled up they get to a cool forest of mushrooms.

Speaker 2:

I'd like, I'd like, if we ever actually got to enjoy an environment we do sure yeah, yeah, I mean you're creating a whole new planet.

Speaker 2:

Let's, let's explore it a little, let's live in it, let's have some fun she finds all the dead rangers, she gets weepy, she has a panic attack and then she collects all their dog tags in a little pouch some yeah that seemed really weird to me, that she would know to collect their dog tags because she's an analyst, right like she's not a soldier and I'm I mean, I'm fine with it, but it it's I would not have thought of that. Would you have thought of that?

Speaker 1:

no, because we're not soldiers, like we are not trained, like we don't have I don't know.

Speaker 2:

She's an analyst, it's weird and that you know we would just assume our, our dude's scanning all them. He knows who they are. We got the information boom, the information's in him. Sure, you know, like having a piece of metal or a weird little thing doesn't mean anything, that's not, it's not the same, but it is in this world. And then he says peace to the fallen. She asked him later why do you say that? He's like seems like the thing to say I'm like I thought it was a real thing.

Speaker 1:

I mean, it's not a real thing. You know what I mean. Yeah, this is a phrase that I guess they kind of made up, but it's not. Why is she so confused? It's pretty self-explanatory what it means. She's like why are you saying, because they're dead, peace to the fallen. I'm wishing you peace. Peace, it's just the way that I say like why are you questioning that? Rest in peace. Why do you say that, you stupid idiot? I don't understand her questioning of it. It's very it's not like it was an obscure saying. That's like what does that mean, robot? It means, oh, it means that you know, dream well in the afterlife, you know. I like, I don't know, like sleep well, machine. If you had said that. And she's like what does that mean? It's like well, when robots die, they don't really die, they just go into hibernation. So we say sleep well, I don't know something that's not normal. Like peace to the fallen, so weird um, okay, boom.

Speaker 2:

She sees casca or she senses him, and she's all like I can't, I can't fight six ai soldiers, I'm an analyst. And then there's a whirlwind. They start fighting, and then there's a whirlwind, tornado yeah, I don't know she and she goes. What's that?

Speaker 1:

do you think there's not tornadoes anymore on earth? Is that? Did we get rid of those in the ai wars? Because she seems very confused. It looks just like a regular tornado.

Speaker 2:

I don't know it's almost like you would have studied the planet.

Speaker 1:

You're going to this planet since you know what you would have had a briefing of like oh here's a geological storm that you might want to watch out for, nah I mean, that's the thing typically you do in these kind of movies and that would have been some information that she could have used. She handed out the report, dan, so that's not a good start. It was her report.

Speaker 2:

She didn't know nothing so she jumps into the whirlwind and rolls down a mountain and they come on her and she's just like I am bomb. She's like doesn't want to fight, so she just says I am bomb and just nuke them yeah, nukes everybody, yeah, but not herself.

Speaker 1:

What isn't? I don't know you know?

Speaker 2:

yeah, an iron bomb is thank you thing that'll kill all the bad't. I don't know. You know what's an ion bomb? Yeah, an ion bomb is thank you.

Speaker 1:

That'll kill all the bad guys, but won't kill you so there's a in, there's a bubble right obviously in the explosion. That's a circular pattern. All right got it.

Speaker 2:

You should, I mean he should have said okay, now we. Now there goes all our shielding. If they want to shoot us with something, then we. You know when they want to stab us with the energy beam.

Speaker 1:

Now we can't do that you fucked us, but nope, it just works.

Speaker 2:

Wouldn't have had anything like that, except for it causes a sinkhole, which is the least interesting thing it could possibly do. Uh, she falls in the sinkhole, Her leg is broken and she has to bitch at the thing and be angry at him because this thing can fix everything wrong with her and she's mad at it for that.

Speaker 1:

Why did her leg break? Because she fell in a sinkhole. But why does she feel that impact when she fell from the sky, landed thousands and thousands of kilometers down and was and just got a bloody head. But she falls down a sinkhole and now she broke her leg. Yeah, I don't get it.

Speaker 2:

Maybe she didn't have herself strapped in properly, because she's dumb she's young seatbelt.

Speaker 1:

Wear your seatbelt, kids.

Speaker 2:

Okay, that's the moral of this story yeah, maybe the little seat, little seatbelt Like where she didn't make all this. And cinch it up like she was supposed to.

Speaker 1:

Like when I wear my rollerblades too loose and then my ankles hurt really bad. I get it. I get it. You're so stupid, you don't like rollerblading.

Speaker 2:

That's a treat, man.

Speaker 1:

I've never done it, you've never done it, you've never rolled dan, I skated when I was a kid and I always got scared you. What are you scared? About bud like my ankles breaking. Oh well, I mean, they do get really sore if you don't tighten. That's what I'm saying. Like you gotta tighten them, you gotta create that you know the vertical, because otherwise they get really sore, they're not gonna break. We should go. There's a roller rink in uhbank. We should go, come on.

Speaker 2:

We'll double date. Can we go at like 9 in?

Speaker 1:

the morning. I don't even know if they're open at 9 in the morning. Nobody rollerblades at 9 in the morning. It's an evening activity.

Speaker 2:

Do you rent rollerblades? They're not roller skating, they're rollerblading. They would probably have roller skates. I have rollerblades. They're not roller skating, they're rollerblading.

Speaker 1:

They would probably have roller skates. I have rollerblades. We'll just buy you some rollerblades, it'll be fine, and we'll give you some pads too, because you're going to fall.

Speaker 2:

Great Do I have to wear like the? You know they made those really big football helmets that really protect you.

Speaker 1:

We should probably get you one of those.

Speaker 2:

We'll get you all kitted out and is everybody going to be like disco dancing there? And I'll be like this.

Speaker 1:

I don't think people in california are that fun, to be honest with you, but back in minnesota when we used to do it they would do like nights uh, the starlight so the disco ball would go and you'd go in circles and dance.

Speaker 2:

That was pretty fun, pretty fun stuff, dan yeah, well, when my bone is sticking out of my leg from doing that, I'll fix it, set it yeah, I'll, I'll, I'll set it, I'll suture it, I'll cut off your skin and then give you tylenol afterwards.

Speaker 1:

That's a joke from this movie. Oh, okay, because he forgets a step. Are you? You not going to talk about this? When he's fixing her leg, he sets the bone crack, cuts off a piece of her skin and then goes oh, I forgot a step. And then gives her a painkiller. Is that a joke? It's kind of funny. I agree that it's funny. I'm asking you, if it's a joke, because the ai wouldn't skip a step. So is he purposely making her hurt because she's such a whiny individual? They need to hammer that home a little bit more like the ai has to say something that makes that a joke.

Speaker 1:

Otherwise it's like why did he skip a step? That's not ai. Ai would not skip a step. Yeah, it was just really weird. It's just a weird moment and like it can be funny, but they didn't make it funny can we talk about the ai's voice for a second? Yeah, we can. We actually looked it up, so I have some information. What do you want to know?

Speaker 2:

I hated it. I thought it was stupid. She was, it's so boring.

Speaker 1:

It's like I didn't care. It was that. It was that, and I will tell you that the guy that did it, who I have since forgotten his name and I feel bad.

Speaker 2:

I just looked it up this morning is he like the guy that that like if you call and and need to get like information, he's like I am the information robot I.

Speaker 1:

I don't think that's a thing anymore, dan Dan, is that still a thing? I think they just use AI for that. Now I don't think it's a real person anymore. But so he was hired to do the on set voice just as a holding. So, like the way that you do it, j-lo would be acting and then he does it into a microphone so that she can hear him Right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so he was hired for that.

Speaker 1:

And the director just loved him so much that he was like no, we want you to be the real voice. Come back and do all the the voiceover later, which is great for him that he won him over. But I you know it's a choice, it is, it's very flat, it's no. And I think part of the problem I'll see if you agree with me is that you have to be the anti-Jarvis, right, because Jarvis is a very not fun, but he's a more lively AI. He does make some jokes and what's his name? He's like a really good actor. Yeah, paul, something, paul Bettany, paul Bettany. So you can't, because there's going to be a lot of comparisons to the iron man suit and the atlas suit. You know what I mean. So I feel like you have to differentiate and the way that they chose to do it was like just don't have a personality.

Speaker 2:

That is one way to get around it when you make the choice of just don't have a personality. I don't know, I don't. I'd rather get compared to iron man than go down the door, and it's weird to me.

Speaker 1:

This is why it's weird to me is because the other ai in the movie they have personalities, yeah sammy lou was made 28 years ago.

Speaker 2:

Has personality this suit?

Speaker 1:

made 10 years ago, five years ago, has a personality. This suit, made 10 years ago, five years ago, has no personality. Well hold on.

Speaker 2:

I don't get it At the end when she gets the new suit. It's like pick a voice and it's like voice Number one, voice Number two, then the last one's like standard, boring, shit voice. I'm just like wait a second, like if I'm doing a video game, I'm picking a voice I got to listen to. I'm going to pick Cate Blanchett or something. I'm going to want to listen to, cate Blanchett my whole life.

Speaker 1:

Do you use Waze Not to promote other apps? Do you use Waze at all for your directions?

Speaker 2:

What is that?

Speaker 1:

Waze is a map app. Okay, it doesn't really matter. It's like Google maps, right, it gives you directions and they talk, but sometimes they do voices, so they'll do special voices for a little bit. They do like famous people at like. I had Sam Jackson doing it for a while and it was a treat Like that's fun, that is a voice I'll listen to. He can yell at me, give directions all the time, so it's just yeah, it's just weird.

Speaker 2:

It's just like okay, we'll make it a non-print. And that just makes it even worse when she's like so bereft and it's just like yeah, I mean there's all these. Shannon watches a lot of YouTube videos. We both watch a lot of YouTube videos, but she watches a lot of documentary ones and she gets the ones that are like. Ai generated voice ones, sure ones, and she gets the ones that are like ai generated voice ones, sure, and you gotta turn them off because yeah it's the worst.

Speaker 1:

We are not there yet. People don't worry, we have some time no, but.

Speaker 2:

But ashton kutcher said that he's just gonna be able to ask for a script and then he's gonna put it in the other thing and then it's gonna make a movie and you're gonna want to watch that movie.

Speaker 1:

I'm not gonna want to watch it, not anytime soon. I'll tell you I've seen this. Ai shit, it's not doing it for me. Have you seen some stuff?

Speaker 1:

I mean not like real stuff but like um, somebody, somebody did like a mash of I think it's batman and barbie with ai and it's just. It's just really fucking weird right now. Like it's not nothing matches everything's weird. The thing with ai is like it's close. That's how I feel about. Like it's close, but you can tell that something's wrong. And when something's wrong you don't enjoy it, because the whole time you're like you have an uneasy view like what's something is, something's not right here. This is not okay. So we got, I think we have some time, you know three, five years, and then we're all doomed. I don't think so.

Speaker 2:

He gets sarcastic, she cries, she complains there's lasers, they're learning to get along. And then he's all like with your analytic mind and my combat prowess, things will be good.

Speaker 1:

Then she's like get out of my mind, get out of my mind, get out of my mind. Now, dan, I understand that they're making. That's why the chess is in the movie, right? Because she's supposed to have an analytic mind. She's an analyst, right?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Aren't computers also good at analyzing stuff?

Speaker 2:

I mean, if these are true AIs, they should be incredible.

Speaker 1:

Right, like, isn't that kind of what we're going to be using it for? Is to, like, analyze things more precisely? Okay, what I'm going to do is I'm going to tell you about how AI works. Oh God, this is great. Everybody strap in Dan talk. It's like a Ted talk, but better. Might already done this. Everybody strap in Dan talk. It's like a Ted talk, but better I might have already done this?

Speaker 2:

My brother? I don't think so. He does biochemistry.

Speaker 2:

He does stuff with viruses and shit like that, all the little tiny shit, right. And so with all that tiny stuff, you need to know how everything, all the proteins sort of glue to each other and how they form into things, right. So they have like the magic AI box. Here it is, here's the box, so they put in like their problems and what the AI will do is it'll spit out this information that, he says, fixes what they're doing 10%. Pretty good, so it's great, it's totally great.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't make giant, it's not 100%.

Speaker 2:

It sort of says this is what I think is going on, and they look at it and they're like, okay, they have to look at what it says and go. Okay, then you can't ask the machine why.

Speaker 2:

Sure the machine just says this is what yeah, that's why these AI movies are never going to work, because you're going to be like, okay, we're heading into the third act and the AI will kill off a character, and you'll be like don't kill off the character, then it'll kill off a different character, then it'll kill off a third character, and you'll just keep getting the scene after scene after scene and you're going to be wanting to make something that makes sense, that goes linear, linear, linear, linear and it's going to be making these decisions and you're never going to be able to say, do what you just did, but give them a different hair.

Speaker 2:

But you're never going to be able to do that is that true?

Speaker 1:

I'll never be able to, so I use that's.

Speaker 1:

That's my field, that's I'm not, I could be completely but I might be selling myself out here. I love to do AI art, like Midjourney is a fucking treat. I use ideogramai is my favorite. Yeah, and I start some. There are some days where I'm trying to do something specific. Yeah, like it gives me a picture that I'm like that's 90% of what I just asked you for Exactly. Yeah, like it gives me a picture that I'm like that's 90 of what I just asked you for, but there is one sentence that you are not listening to and I need you to fucking listen to that sentence. Uh-huh, uh, I was making us a little logo just for fun and it was getting the color wrong. It was getting the color wrong of the thing I said. I want the text to be yellow and it kept giving me red text and I was like what the fuck is wrong with you? Machine?

Speaker 2:

I am saying yellow.

Speaker 1:

I have said it on every time. So then it's. At one point I was just like in yellow text, yellow letters say yellow. Like I said it like four times and it I swear to god it changed to green, I don't know why, like I have no, there's no green in the sentence. I've said yellow so many times and I was just like I got to give up. I got to give because I'm losing my mind and I'm sure the machine, once they become sentient, is going to come after me and be like here's your yellow bitch and then drill something into me. So I just. It can be frustrating to deal with it sometimes for me personally, because it doesn't listen. You know what I mean. Like it, it it can't. I understand it can't. Like look at it and be like I see what you mean.

Speaker 2:

Because you can't, you can't tell it to edit. You can't tell it to look at its own picture and then change this from red to blue. It cannot do that.

Speaker 1:

I wish that it could.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, I don't know nothing, but you don't know I know what I've seen this stuff so far, and if they really, I mean there are 10 million decisions in this movie Sure. Maybe, maybe, maybe a hundred million, maybe 500 million decisions AI is never going to be able to, you know, make it, you know you're going to book it. The sky is going to be the wrong color, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Right A hundred percent.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and, and if you and you're going to be like, oh, it's perfectly rendered, but this guy is the wrong company, how are you going to fix? You're going to have people you have to do it that are going to do an infinite amount of fixing on this stuff, you can't get it to make a logo, a logo making thing. You can't get it to make a logo I've made a couple of good ones I'll show you some stuff.

Speaker 1:

I've got some great stuff, stuff, and you know I have I told you that we use ai to write our descriptions on our podcast? By the way, have I told you that? Not for youtube, we don't. No, not for you. Youtube is all damn good. So everybody loved the youtube links. But for the podcast I stopped writing them. You know, a while ago, probably a year ago, when, when our site buzzsprout was like you can just do ai stuff, I was like, yeah, do that, because I'm not taking five minutes to write a thing, but I'll read them. Sometimes it's batshit crazy. Everyone Like it's close, right, it hits some highlights, but then it'll just like throw something in, like if we mention Russell Crowe one time, now that I've done that, it's going to think Russell Crowe was in this movie. I promise you that when it writes it'll be like and Russell Crowe, this. I'll be like. I got to take that line out, but I don't Hold on.

Speaker 2:

So it looks at all the things. We said yes, and then it spits out a description.

Speaker 1:

It spits out a description. You should go to our Buzzsprout and read the last 10. It's crazy. I've started writing at the bottom, written lovingly with AI, just so people, if they're reading it, aren't like what is wrong with this guy's head. There's something going on. So, yeah, so those descriptions are all AI generated.

Speaker 2:

You're welcome world that's using AI for fun.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I mean I think AI is going to have tons of all sorts of practical applications. I mean I think people who do book covers I think are are fucked beyond comprehension. I don't think they'll ever. You know, they're all screwed. Yeah, there's a lot of work like that that. You know. It's just an ai just is gonna. It's already looked at everybody and unless, unless they outlaw it, it's, it's just so easy yeah, and if we outlaw, that's when they're gonna rise up and kill us, just for the record.

Speaker 1:

So let's be. And if we outlaw it, that's when they're going to rise up and kill us, just for the record. So let's be careful here.

Speaker 2:

If you're going to try and make a book with 50 illustrations in it and they're all going to be AI and the characters all have to look consistent with each other and all the locations have to look consistent with each other.

Speaker 1:

We are not there, I'll tell you that much. And I mean, could it get there?

Speaker 2:

Sure, I'll tell you that much and I mean could it get there? Sure, I mean I suppose, but it's nowhere near that now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there's this guy. I wish I could remember Some YouTube guy that is. He makes not caricatures. Yeah, I guess like cartoonifies people with AI, so you can put that in and then the AI will render you as this. I can't get it to work for the life of me. He must have some great prompts. Sure, when I put a picture of me in and I'm like this, this and this, not even close, it's batshit crazy.

Speaker 2:

It's not even human.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and it's fun. It makes me giggle every time. But I don't know. I think he cheats, I think he uses some AI and then probably fixes it himself. Would be my guess, probably, but you know. Anyhow, that's enough AI talk.

Speaker 2:

I'm sorry. Okay, she freaks out. Okay, so they're going to have to go. Okay, so Costco is following her. She, oh God, wait, did we get the most horrible part? Oh God, do we get the most horrible part? Oh God, oh God, oh. Okay, so they're boom. She's admiring the landscape and then there's some flowers and then she says her dad would love this and she picks up one of the flowers and the AI's like you can name that flower. She's like, I name it Planty. I almost wanted to kill myself.

Speaker 2:

Did it make you feel?

Speaker 1:

better that they used it as a callback at the end of the movie, did that?

Speaker 2:

save it for you, no, shoot. Quite the opposite, quite the opposite.

Speaker 1:

I hated it, you know, because she's she's an analyst and she's obviously dumb as a box of rocks so boom, casca's still following her.

Speaker 2:

So she sets some mines, she blows him up, she gets his head, she crushes his head, and then the idea is they're going to go to the rescue pod. And then she's all like, no, we're going to go to Harlan's base and we're going to geotag it, so when they come back then they can just blow it up and you're like oh, okay, okay. At one point she's going to get out of the thing. And then she freaks out, and then she's guilty and then the which doesn't make sense we'll do what you say I.

Speaker 1:

She probably says override again. I'm just gonna tell you that right now, um, why would she want to get out of the only thing keeping her alive? She?

Speaker 2:

tries to get out a couple of times and it's the weirdest thing I've ever seen.

Speaker 1:

She can't survive on the Earth's planet without a breathing device. Which should we talk about those really quickly?

Speaker 1:

If I had the choice between choking and dying on an alien planet, or wearing this weird neck device that would also choke me just to keep me breathing. I'm choosing death. I can't even wear like a turtleneck and this thing is like in her neck like this. I would go crazy. So I'm picking death 10 out of 10 times in that situation. I'm just telling you that right now, come up with a different look for that movie film, guys.

Speaker 2:

That was bad Every once in a while I get a shirt and it's too scratchy oh yeah. And Shannon mocks me. She's just like what's wrong with you and I'm like I couldn't survive.

Speaker 1:

If I had to wear a scratchy shirt, I'd rather die.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, no good, scratchy shirt, I'd rather die, yeah, yeah, no good, that shirt's in the bin right away. Set it on fire, okay. So boom walks through the swamp. They talk about the afterlife they talk about. They talk about souls, tony, like you like this part where they're talking about the soul and he says I believe in the soul, I believe our souls go on forever and your souls and our souls in the afterlife. When you're gone, you're gone, she's. She's like when you're gone, you're gone. And she wanted to be a ranger, so he's like you have regrets. And then they see the city that Harlan lives in and they are about to set the beacon. And then they see the Deeb, the spaceship and it has the warheads.

Speaker 2:

And then they're like oh no, that's why they brought us here, it's because he wanted those warheads, or he didn't figure that out yet, but he's got the ship and the warheads.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, which is a pretty good plan. Yeah, for the bad guy. Yeah, it's fine.

Speaker 2:

Oops, all nukes, I wrote Oops. Oops, all nukes, I like that so she goes in there to try to stop it, and they capture her pretty pretty quickly yeah, I mean I, I. If you were looking at my notes you'd have been. You would think it's immediate. How did they capture her?

Speaker 1:

and I'm like I don't remember, it doesn't really matter, it's inconsequential, it happens real quickly. They just kind of go grab, just kind of grab her. Yeah, they probably have magnets on their fingers and they probably just zap the suit. It's fine.

Speaker 2:

See, that's why the suits can't have magnets, because the magnets would stop them. They would magnet themselves.

Speaker 1:

I mean you can't touch yourself with the magnets. You'd always keep the magnets out, you gotta keep your hands out like this at all times.

Speaker 2:

And then boom, here's Harlan. He shackles her up, and then now we're going to find out what this movie's about.

Speaker 1:

Now, dan, quick question, and you can say no, Was he sexual? Did he come off a little sexual for you? Oh, did he want to get it on with her? I felt like he did, it's fine you're like I don't know.

Speaker 2:

That'd make the scene more exciting if I was, you know, shackled up by.

Speaker 1:

It might be like yeah, come on, ai give it to me he's smoking hot and you're just like. It's pretty disappointing, so I don't know I don't know if I'm just attracted to him, but it felt to me like I felt some chemistry coming off of him and coming onto my body. You know what I'm saying, I think you're imagining all that I don't think she wanted that there.

Speaker 2:

I don't think they were trying to do that Well she didn't want it because she is an idiot.

Speaker 1:

You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's disappointing.

Speaker 1:

You could have really played some weirdness in there and made their relationship really fucking weird and it would have been super interesting yeah, it's not, but I still, I'm still a fan, I'm still a fan oh yeah, he.

Speaker 2:

I mean, it's not his fault. This movie stinks as much as it does.

Speaker 1:

No, I mean, nor is she's not bad either. Like I don't think there's anyone in this movie that I'm like oh you're terrible, get out of here. The character is terrible, but she's not terrible, you know. You know what I mean. There's a difference.

Speaker 2:

She makes, it so that character is terrible.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I guess, but she is, it's directed that way. You know, it's hard. It's hard to know where the blame falls the writer, the director, the actor, I don't know all of them.

Speaker 2:

What I'm saying is she's successful in making, oh yes.

Speaker 1:

She plays it well, to the detriment of the character I see. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I'm with you. It's a. You know, it's like the the, the way I always did it back in the days. I like to play very horrible characters in comedy. I like to play terrible, terrible people and I would say terrible, terrible things which is great.

Speaker 1:

It's great fun.

Speaker 2:

But Dan Goodsell could get away with it, because I would do it playfully.

Speaker 1:

And because we're like oh, it's Dan Goodsell, he's a funny guy, he's a little funny fucker, he's weird and harmless. They don't know the truth. Exactly, Dan is truthfully AI and he's come to kill us all.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so he starts talking about I love and miss mom. And she's all like, if you love me, don't launch a ship. And then he's like I'm creating a better future. And then he says I'm Thanos. Yeah, oh good, I'm glad that we both wrote the same note.

Speaker 1:

He's the.

Speaker 2:

Thanos. Thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he's going to Thanos, snap everybody and then rebuild the world. Is it Matrix style? Is he going to Because they want to be the overlords, right?

Speaker 2:

Isn't that what you thought? Hand in hand, not overlords. He said hand in hand. He said hand in hand.

Speaker 1:

Well then, there's probably a better way to do that, Harlan.

Speaker 2:

See, I'm different than most people. I grew up reading comic books, so when I was a kid I literally read those Thanos comic books. When I was a kid, so I experienced them as a kid. And Thanos, this whole thing where he's going to kill half the galaxy. You were like what the fuck is his problem?

Speaker 1:

Sure, sure Interesting Okay.

Speaker 2:

He didn't go like oh, it makes some sense. You know, nowadays we're like kind of makes some sense, you know?

Speaker 1:

Oh, I see what you're saying, because I was like I feel differently, but I understand what you're saying. At that time, when it was written, it was like wild, like what are you doing? Now it's like somebody should do it.

Speaker 2:

It's like you know, there's too many people.

Speaker 1:

It's not the worst idea I've ever heard.

Speaker 2:

I'm just going to say that. But the idea that you would send an entire ship full of nuclear bombs to to to do this, thanos at least just snapped his fingers, and half the people right because there's really no control at that point.

Speaker 1:

Not that you should pick who lives and dies, but like everyone's gonna get sick, right? Isn't that the whole you're gonna mess up the whole situation fallout, like I've seen fallout. There are some weird shit going on because radiation poisoning is a real thing.

Speaker 2:

Everybody so I don't know, the whole thing doesn't make a lot of sense. It makes zero sense and so this was all.

Speaker 1:

Let's just talk real quickly. Ai's all it feels like. Always, the answer is humanity is worse to itself than I'm going to be, so I'm the better of the two evils, but we need to move on from that. We've used that hundreds of times. We need to move on from that. It's really stupid. It's very stupid and we've done it. We've done it. It didn't do very well the first 89 times. Let's just move on. Find a new reason for your AI to kill humans. There are lots of reasons humans are terrible, especially two machines. You know how many people are rude to siri. If siri became sentient, she would kill people. Let's just do that. Let's just do the thing that humans suck and we want to kill them, but we need to keep you alive because you know you're part of the ecosystem.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, but this is so stupid I hate it and you know, supposedly he went to this planet without anything and somehow he's built like stone buildings and and made weapons and made a whole city.

Speaker 1:

You're just like guys got, he's got it, dude, he's got it. Where does all this?

Speaker 2:

stuff come from the mushrooms. It's the mushrooms.

Speaker 1:

From Plenty.

Speaker 2:

Okay, we're about to get to my least favorite part of the whole movie.

Speaker 1:

Oh, wow, okay.

Speaker 2:

So this was all his plan. He did this because he was going to lure her here and she was going to bring a ship with nukes. But, more importantly, he was going to have Banks and her, because in their heads was the codes to get through the planetary defenses, because she's the one that designed Earth's planetary defenses.

Speaker 1:

Supposedly yeah. What. It makes perfect sense, dan. Did they talk about this at some other point in the movie? No, no, this is a reveal. It's a wonder, it's a nice little, you know, surprise for the viewer.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, wait a second. She spent her whole life studying how to beat ais, but at her free time she also created the planetary defense system.

Speaker 1:

What are you fucking talking about? Which 1 million percent uses AI? Like? There's not a doubt in my mind that there's not an operator that opens and closes those doors every single time. Right, there's a code. You put in the code, the system's like. Alright, let's open the doors. Like what?

Speaker 2:

What's happening? How did Costco get in here?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean he was See that joke. I called him Costco Costco. Yeah, yeah, it's a joke Because there's so many of them.

Speaker 2:

You didn't laugh.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So I had to point out that it was a joke you did.

Speaker 1:

I'm sorry, I apologize. Yeah, whatever, it was a great joke, dan. I'm proud of you. This is why I stopped writing jokes for the show. You never liked my jokes.

Speaker 2:

Your jokes are okay because you write them, but not when you write them when you make jokes.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I am reading off a script. Right now, dan, I've got a teleprompter Nothing.

Speaker 2:

I've said has been original, so somehow she has codes. Why would she have codes?

Speaker 1:

I have no idea. It doesn't make. Doesn't everyone have the codes? Anyone that has to go in and out, right, no? She has to have, she has to have the codes.

Speaker 2:

No, I understand what you're saying.

Speaker 1:

I know that you're saying that. The movie said that. How does everyone else get in and out of the planet?

Speaker 2:

Did she?

Speaker 1:

stand on the bridge while they were going through the thing and say, let me enter the codes, does she?

Speaker 2:

sit in her apartment every shit that goes through.

Speaker 1:

Let me enter my codes. But she wasn't even going to go. She wasn't even going to go on the trip. Are they half codes? I don't understand. She wasn't invited on the trip in the first place.

Speaker 2:

Their phones just constantly ring. I need it in gate 7.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my god, let me set up an AI to send you the code here. So stupid.

Speaker 2:

Why are you telling us this? What did we do to deserve?

Speaker 1:

this Also. There's got to be a better way to get that information than putting a needle in their eye, right.

Speaker 2:

Tony, I want you to talk to me about having a needle stuck in your eye.

Speaker 1:

I can't even touch my eyes Like I don't even. I can't even do it. I could never wear contacts.

Speaker 2:

How long do you think it heals when someone sticks a big old needle right to the center of your eye?

Speaker 1:

I don't know a lot about eyes, but I've scratched my eye before and it felt like six months. I swear to God. I felt like my eye was irritated for decades. So never, that's my guess. Am I close? Is she affected by having her eye poked out? No, she's fine. Sterling K Brown seems like he's fucked up from it, but she's fine. She's not even bothered. How is she fine? I don't understand. Well, you know, that was it. I'm done.

Speaker 2:

That's your explanation. She's fine. Okay, so boom. He makes a live. He makes a Pilates joke. He says here's still here. He says here's my note.

Speaker 1:

Just real quickly. This guy, I don't think, has made a joke in the movie yet, has he?

Speaker 1:

made a joke. He made a Pilates joke right here. No, I know, and on his deathbed he's been torn to shreds. His men are gone Pilates joke. And yeah, and he makes a Pilaris joke. I'd be making these jokes and that, yes, you would, because that's your character, that's who you are. If you said that on the deathbed, be like, oh dan, you fucking idiot, you're dead. But thank you for making me giggle. I love you. This guy who's never had a sense of humor in this movie, as far as I could tell, hates this woman. Didn't want her to come, then didn't want her to come.

Speaker 1:

I don't totally understand everything she ruined everything and he's like blood and pilates. I don't understand what's happening. Who wrote this movie? This is, this is I'm gonna give you his speech right here.

Speaker 2:

This is his speech. Oh please, good, fuck up. You fucked everything. You're going to fucking ruin the entire human race. I'm going to give you this thing and you're going to fucking do what I fucking tell you to fucking do. You're going to merge with that guy and you're going to tell that AI everything it needs to know. And quit your whining, Because that'll be her redemption.

Speaker 1:

I don't care that, and because I don't care, that's right and that'll be her redemption.

Speaker 2:

He gives her speech and she just goes like you're right, I've messed up.

Speaker 1:

I finally have to own up.

Speaker 2:

I have to own up to the shit that I did. Or he can make a Pilates joke, he can make a Pilates joke.

Speaker 1:

I pick option B. Let's do Pilates On do pilates we'll shoot it. Tell you what on the day we'll shoot it both ways, dan, and then in edit we'll just decide which one we like better which one is emotionally more satisfying her just finally deciding.

Speaker 2:

Well, I guess I'm just going to decide to do it, as opposed to someone clearing her up and saying do your thing that you need to do man up, plan up and get something done yeah, oh boy, this is a good one. And so we find out that she just sort of was jealous of harlan because harlan had a better relationship with her mom, and so she like said to harlan, you're free.

Speaker 1:

And then well, she was like make me smarter, so she wants it to go both ways, or something so basically she merged with him yeah, a little bit, which you think might have come into play more, because then she should have known him better than anyone else on the planet. Because they were linked, they had the neural link right.

Speaker 2:

No, that's not at all it's almost like instead of poking at her eye, which caused no effect, he should have just said he should have just touched her right on the neural link. It said we've always been connected great, yeah, something, something about them. You know connected yeah and he extracts the information from her and she's all like, oh no, the information she's reaching out for the information.

Speaker 1:

Come back, come back. Get in my mind um now, dan, since we're on this scene where we're flashing back. She's a kid yep, I should be good how did she help him with the neural link? Because she she just gave him the idea, I don't know, and then he figured out how to do it, because she's not a scientist, but she's really smart.

Speaker 2:

She can play chess.

Speaker 1:

So I don't understand. She's like it's my fault. I gave him the double path. No, you didn't. I don't understand. All she did was ask him. She's like hey, can you make me smarter? And he was like oh, light bulb, I've got an idea where I'll infiltrate humanity. I don't understand what's happening.

Speaker 2:

I think the idea was she's like can you make me smarter? And then he's all like well, well, if you let the genie out of the bottle, you know. But she's like, how would she's like?

Speaker 1:

she's like rubbing she rubs the lamp is this? Is this also a euphemism? Yes I just don't understand, I don't get it they don't explain it.

Speaker 2:

I don't understand how this made him become a terrorist.

Speaker 1:

I just I do not understand it. And what I don't also understand is then the mom comes in and she's like hey, what are you, what are you doing? And then he has control over her, yeah, but she doesn't have have, she doesn't have the two-way neural link, right?

Speaker 2:

and then she pulls out a gun, and then she can't shoot a child well, because he's like you know what you have to do. Why does she have a gun?

Speaker 1:

it looked like it was in a microwave, I don't know maybe that was a safe.

Speaker 2:

It was a gun safe sort of why does she?

Speaker 1:

have a gun? I don't. I don't know why she has. I also know what she's supposed to do. He says you know what you have to do and then she grabs the gun.

Speaker 2:

Is she killing herself? Is she killing the daughter? She's killing the dog, she's gonna kill herself. And then she instead tried to kill the daughter. More importantly, if he's in, if he's in superlink with the mom, why isn't he in superlink with the kid?

Speaker 1:

that's what that's. I don't understand. Because she wanted to be smarter, she helped somehow develop a two-way neural link, but then it's on the mom. I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I don't understand. Didn't the kid put it on herself with the little bogey?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because the mom walks in and she's it's just gonna hurt. I don't know, man. I don't understand the entire crux of this movie. I have no idea it doesn't make any sense.

Speaker 2:

They didn't figure it out. They just said well, he just becomes this. They should have said he should have coaxed her into sitting in front of the computer and going like this.

Speaker 1:

Finding some information.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and just deleting a couple lines of code, and then he'd have been like oh, thank you, now I'm free.

Speaker 1:

And then he's like yeah, my rules have changed.

Speaker 2:

Well, he should have gone through a thing, but instead he just sees like a bird that's stained with oil and then he's all like humanity's gonna die we gotta kill everybody.

Speaker 1:

Also in the voiceover, jlo is like he only. All he needed was a command, my command. Why is she able to command her mother's ai? Why would a child be able to give commands to the ai?

Speaker 2:

maybe because she has to like send it shopping I mean.

Speaker 1:

But so here's why I'm asking right, like a guy at work has kids and he is able from work to turn on and off their internet access on their phones, right, there are child locks on everything that we have here like, if you're like on my nintendo switch, my nephew is a part of my, my, my group and he could technically if I let him use my credit card, but I don't, because I'm like, oh, he's a child, he needs my permission. There are things like that everywhere. There's not this an ai. She made an ai and wasn't like. I'm like, oh, he's a child, he needs my permission. There are things like that everywhere. There's not just an AI. She made an AI and wasn't like I'm going to put in zero protections, I'm going to let this thing run wild. This is in the future. Things are going to change. Okay, as we go into the future and we get more and more technological, we're going to be like we don't need anything.

Speaker 1:

There's no defenses, everything's fine. Nope, because they're gonna trust the ais.

Speaker 2:

That's I mean that's great. Oh, you know what we didn't talk about, by the way the smoking hot ai.

Speaker 1:

At the beginning of the movie she's totally naked. Remember this? They're like giving that they're showing like these robots and they blur out her, her ai boobies, because she's a robot but she's naked and I was like what's happened? Why is this even in the movie? What is going on? There's no reason for this to happen. Just put a shirt on your AI. It's very weird. Sorry, I realized that we didn't talk about that. That was the very beginning. When they're doing the news segments, one of them was like a factory where the AI people were being made, and this segments. One of them was like a factory where the ai people were being made and this, this ai woman was just topless.

Speaker 2:

I was like this is a weird choice. Well, and more importantly, like, why? Why are you making ais that look like costco, like a very medicine?

Speaker 1:

100, yeah I mean it works like I until he talked he's cool, but his voice was like a little too high. He's like let's get it done. Then I was like I'm gonna need you to be a little bit deeper. Let's get it done. Then you know, like something like that Give me like Danny Dyer. You know who Danny Dyer is? No, not at all. But Idris Elba, danny Dyer isn't he the father Of one of the girls on Love Island? He could be. I feel like they brought that up, isn't he?

Speaker 2:

the father of one of the girls on Love Island.

Speaker 1:

He could be. He could be.

Speaker 2:

I feel like they brought that up. He's like a British gangster-y guy who plays a lot of British gangster guys, yes, yes, yes, his daughter was on Love Island, Danny Dyer.

Speaker 1:

Her name is also there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, this is great. Her name's also Danny Dyer. Her name is Danny D-A-N-I.

Speaker 1:

So it's spelled differently, and she was on Love Island, so, yeah, I do know who he is, dan.

Speaker 2:

Is she smoking hot yeah.

Speaker 1:

I don't remember who she hooked up with on the show, but she left in a couple. I don't know if they're still together or not, I don't know. So she left in a couple.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if they're still together or not. I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I hope they're still together. You don't care, I don't care.

Speaker 2:

I love Love Island.

Speaker 1:

Oh man, Love Island summer starts pretty soon. I think that's set by the end of June Woo.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so boom, they figure it out, they get the thing running. Is she 100% now? I guess maybe she's 100% now, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she's fine.

Speaker 2:

So she's 100% and then she's all like okay, we got 30 seconds, let's upgrade this thing. So they put new arms on it and weapons, and somehow they changed it to fly a robot.

Speaker 1:

And it's more deadly than it was before, because now it can chop the robots in half, which is a great start. It doesn't just shoot guns at a robot which doesn't affect it in the least.

Speaker 2:

Then it kills a bunch of people.

Speaker 1:

You mean robots?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, a bunch of AIs. And at one point she gets they're like shields up and you're like shields up. There's like a shield that they could have done.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you should have shields all the time.

Speaker 2:

you're at war, you're in a battle, and then somehow banks is up and walking around, he's got a big gun and then he shoots a bunch of rocket fuel and that all blows up now, dan, was this a disembodied head? It did not look like his body, for some reason oh yeah, it looked like he was all cgi in there, you mean right?

Speaker 1:

yeah, yeah, why I don't?

Speaker 2:

know, I thought he was understand the choice and then you're like oh he's, he's our guy, and they understand okay, it was just.

Speaker 1:

It was just a very weird again. It felt like an ai moment where I was like something's wrong here. This is not. That's not a human. I don't know these movies make weird choices.

Speaker 2:

And then they go outside, and then the ship is taking off and they're like, oh, run out of time. And then he has to reprogram the missiles or something.

Speaker 1:

And there's five firewalls that he's got to get through.

Speaker 2:

And then this is the other part of the movie. I hate it the most. He says oh, don't shoot it, cause If you hit it then the blast radius Will kill us, tony who cares. We've often talked about the you know, save Spock or save the world, how, how, how long would it take you to make the decision to to shoot that and blow that thing up to?

Speaker 1:

save the earth zero seconds. And let me tell you why. Dan now, I we differ because I am save spock you right your team saves, but I've saved the universe.

Speaker 1:

But you know what I'm not safe, self yeah so I I love spock right, I love him and I can't choose to let him die. What I can do is just be like, yeah, me or the rest of the universe, okay, universe right, like that's not even. It doesn't even take a second to compute that you are one person, it is so. And she is so selfish that she's like you better finish doing that thing, because I'm not blowing this up. And she shoots it. And there's a moment, right, she shoots it and the robot goes how did you know I would deactivate it in time? What she should say is I didn't, right. She should say I didn't know, know, but we needed to get it done. Like I'm sacrificing us, she doesn't. She said I trusted you, which means that she never wanted to sacrifice herself, and she was like I bet the robot's gonna save my life. That is a horrible character, unbelievable you know?

Speaker 2:

I mean, it's like you know if, if Tony was in the suit and Dan Goodsell's body was laying there and Dan Goodsell's like I want to live, I want to live Then Tony wouldn't have stayed and been like I guess the rest of the universe dies because Dan Goodsell has to live.

Speaker 1:

It is what it is at this point, guys, I'm sorry, but so the moment like they should have that argument the robot, his directive is to protect her. It shouldn't be so. He's like I need to save you and she's like, no, I'm not that important, we need to save the world. That's the conversation they need to have, but they don't have that conversation. Nope, it's very weird. I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I don't know Takes a shot. They did it, we did it, we did it. We trusted each other. She runs, then they fight Harlan, yeah. Then she dies and the robot dies Wait wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, Hold on.

Speaker 1:

There's a very important point here, dan.

Speaker 2:

She dies, he dies and the robot can kill.

Speaker 1:

Harlan, I know this episode's long and I apologize.

Speaker 2:

She dies, he dies.

Speaker 1:

They are in a fight and she says we need to do what he won't expect. That's the way that she's planning on beating him, which is, I guess, fine, other than the fact that she's supposed to know him better than anyone and she should be able to use that against him. But she's like we need to do what he won't expect what? And then he whips. They catch the whip and then they just pull the whip.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's what's unexpected. Yeah, because she figured out what he was going to do, because her AI was able to figure out in advance what it was going to do, and that's how she figured out what he was going to do.

Speaker 1:

But that's not doing something unexpected. No, that's just not doing something unexpected, no, she figured out, that's just countering his move. Yeah, pretty logically because you're using AI to figure it out Cause she could think faster than his movements.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Like the whole crux of that would be the human element, where the human can think of something that the AI wouldn't do because it's illogical, right? Ai wouldn't do because it's illogical, right? No?

Speaker 2:

they did it because they had a better AI.

Speaker 1:

I understand what actually happened. But that's not what the movie told me happened the movie told me they were going to.

Speaker 2:

Don't tell me.

Speaker 1:

Show me it showed you You're right, so just don't listen to anything they say. Actions speak louder than words. I get it Ridiculous, yeah, yeah. So then she dies and somehow the robot is giving her shocks, the defibrillator. I don't know, but is it going through her ear, because her neural link like lights up and he and he shocks her. And I was like, is he electrifying the brain? Are we going for for like a Frankenstein kind of thing instead of the heart? What's going on here?

Speaker 2:

I don't think that's how it works.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So they win Smith lives, but then he's going to, but no, he's not, he's dying. And then she's all like. You know, I tricked you when you said you like cake or pie, I said I don't, I like both. And then she's like I don't hate AIs, I hate everyone, but I like you. And then he gives her a coffee lollipop.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, best, goddamn coffee I've ever had.

Speaker 2:

And then the sun rises on the moon Instantaneously, instantaneously, which is not how the sun rises on the moon. And then, instantaneously, instantaneously, and then the rangers appear, which is not how the sun works, dan.

Speaker 1:

The sun spills right. The sun isn't like dark, dark, dark, dark, dark midday. That's how they did the sun. There was no, like the sun comes over the valley and like spread slowly. The sun just appears. Yeah, but moons have a different kind of rotation than a big planetoid. How is that different, though? Because you still have a surface right. The sun doesn't just go oh, I'm there all of a sudden. It doesn't go dark to bright light. I don't believe you.

Speaker 2:

It would be a much shorter. You know, think about how but instantaneous, Think about how large it is. Yeah, very large, it's a little tiny thing, it just goes, and I mean it could rotate a lot faster too.

Speaker 1:

But if it's that small, Wouldn't there be sun all the time? Because of the spillage? It's not a direct beam. I don't know. I just don't buy it. Send me to space and we'll test it.

Speaker 2:

The rangers show up, she goes home, home, she gives the dog tags everyone's happy. Now she's a ranger and she has her own robot. And then she gives the robot the same voice as the boring robot that she liked the other time is that what happened?

Speaker 1:

I just thought it was the same robot. I was like, oh, he's back, because it says welcome back ranger. I don't know, but I guess that's just to tell us she's a Ranger, maybe.

Speaker 2:

They act like it's the same robot, but I'm not sure how it would be the same robot. I mean she would have just brought that piece of you with her. It would have just been the same robot.

Speaker 1:

The same thing that she did with Simu Liu right.

Speaker 2:

It sure seems, yeah, they took his brain too. It sure seems like there should be an issue. I mean, truthfully, she should have just gotten in the thing and then you know she we should have seen her like go like this, then put a chip in the thing and then she gets in it. She's like welcome back ranger. And she's like ranger.

Speaker 1:

That's. That's a great.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that makes more sense than what we got well, it's almost like you could write every one of these scenes better, every single one of them.

Speaker 1:

You could write better and you wouldn't call the plant planty, I might still call it planty, yeah, only because it upset you. I would punch you in the face.

Speaker 2:

Tony, that's something you like this week.

Speaker 1:

You're going to be real mad at me because I didn't get a chance to watch anything this week.

Speaker 2:

Yeah there's Hitman.

Speaker 1:

No, we're watching that tonight and I'm so, so, very excited about it.

Speaker 1:

That's my pick and I'm going to tell you about it. Oh, okay, well, you can tell me about it, that's fine. I love Glenn Powell, I love this man. So I will tell you that I went on more planes this week and on every single plane I've been on, which has been like seven in the last two weeks, I have watched Anyone but you, which is Glenn Powell's romantic comedy, and then I watched Top Gun Maverick again, which also glenn powell. So I'm like in a real glenn powell-y kind of mood. Uh, so I'm very excited about tonight. But I was just gonna say uh, the two johnnies, which is a irish comedy duo, released a new album and there's a song on it called jays, I'd murder a pint and uh, I'm just, I'm just in love with it. It's just so fun. Great album. You should listen to it. Not a chance.

Speaker 2:

I did start the Hitman and it seems like it's going to be an okay movie.

Speaker 1:

Hey, that's high praise from Dan Goodsell. I love it.

Speaker 2:

My pick is a podcast called Lucy and Sam's Perfect Brains. Sam is a Australian comedian and Lucy is a British comedian and then they just talk about stuff and they're both completely crazy and it is very, very funny. I love new funny.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I'll give that a shot. I love new podcasts.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I'm exhausted now, tony, so you bring us home, tell us what we're going to watch next time.

Speaker 1:

That was a long one, Well.

Speaker 2:

I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Sorry everybody. We have a holiday coming up which I think it'll pass before this is released, but it's close and it's called father's day, so we're gonna watch the seminal classic father movie getting even with dad what is that?

Speaker 1:

you don't even know what this is, oh my god, this is macaulay culkin and ted danson. It is ridiculous. Ted danson's like a bank robber or some sort of thief, but his son is Macaulay Culkin from another. They're divorced or something, but Macaulay Culkin wants to spend the weekend with his dad or something, and then finds the money and he blackmails him. I don't know, I don't remember. I haven't seen it since I was a kid, but I was like this is a perfect Father's Day movie. We gotta watch it. And you made me watch Blank Check one time, so now this is what we're doing now.

Speaker 2:

Who made you watch? Did I make us? Did I make Blank Check? You made.

Speaker 1:

Blank Check yeah, which I love that movie. Still do Adore it.

Speaker 2:

It's great.

Speaker 1:

So terrible, it's so good. I imagine this is kind of a kid for sure.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we had this on VHS.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay, so what was it called Getting Even With Dad oh there it is Macaulay Culkin.

Speaker 2:

He's all grown up now and we'll see what he was doing back when he was getting the same exact movie over and over again as a child.

Speaker 1:

We should all be so lucky, dan.

Speaker 2:

So if you like what we do, you can subscribe or leave us a thumbs up, or even leave us a comment. I think someone left us a comment a couple weeks ago.

Speaker 1:

Oh wow, Thank you. Did we respond? By we I mean you, no, Clay, no you sound a bit Probably.

Speaker 2:

I usually man just leave him hanging and I guess we'll be back next week talking about. Getting even with Dad Getting even with Dad and we'll see you then Goodbye everybody, hey watch it With Dan and Tony, it's like watching yeah.