Hate Watching with Dan and Tony

Hate Watching Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire

Dan Goodsell and Tony Czech Season 1 Episode 193

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Remember that time we got into a heated debate about Capicola ham and couldn't stop laughing? Well, buckle up because Purple Dan and Tie Dye Tony are back with another riotous review, this time taking on "Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire" (2024). We kick off with some good-natured ribbing about our aging looks and quirky personalities, setting the stage for our take on a film that, quite frankly, left us colder than its title suggests. We dissect why this supposed "Frozen Empire" neither chills nor thrills, poking fun at its overcrowded ensemble of characters and bewildering plot choices. And no worries, the sheer number of subpar new releases ensures we won't be running out of material anytime soon!

Ever wondered why some sequels just can't recapture the magic of the originals? Well, you're in for a treat as we lament the lack of engaging characters and humor in the latest Ghostbusters flick. Kumail Nanjiani's character may offer a fleeting moment of fun, but the thin storyline and underutilized stars like Finn Wolfhard leave us yearning for the good old days of Bill Murray's quick wit. Speaking of Murray, even his comedic genius couldn't salvage a script that seems as lost as the ghosts it aims to bust. We also analyze a particularly baffling scene, comparing it to the second Ghostbusters film, and critiquing the new team's lack of distinct skills and roles.

The plot thickens—but not in a good way—as we unravel the film's convoluted twists and head-scratching character motivations. From Phoebe's inexplicable decisions to Garak's murky control over the team, we explore the myriad ways the narrative stumbles. Highlights include our take on the fire master showdown and the absurd ghostly horn retrieval, complete with plenty of Purple Dan and Tie Dye Tony's signature wit. The climactic team's effort, or lack thereof, sparks a discussion on the flawed logic and ineffective strategies that plague the film. Tune in for a comedic yet incisive critique of "Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire," where we leave no proton pack unturned!

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Tony: @tonydczech

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Speaker 1:

My page is all wrinkly.

Speaker 2:

You're not wrinkly, Dan. No, my page is wrinkly. I know I was turning it around.

Speaker 1:

That's why you just got to keep gaining weight your whole life and you never get wrinkly.

Speaker 2:

You know what I'm already doing that, and it wasn't even for that reason.

Speaker 1:

There you go Not wrinkly.

Speaker 2:

That's the first time of my life I've been ahead of the game. Congratulations me Good job Tony. Thank you.

Speaker 1:

Did something right.

Speaker 2:

It's the nicest thing you've ever said to me.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Hate Watching with Dan and Tony. I am Purple Dan.

Speaker 2:

I am Tide Eye Tony. Oh, that's an alliteration. Oh, it's Tide Eye Tony. How you doing. I'm Tide Eye Tony.

Speaker 1:

Give me some of those 60s meatballs.

Speaker 2:

Give me a Capricoli. Is that ham Capricoli? I feel like I'm close.

Speaker 1:

No, I don't think Capricoli is a thing. Capricoli, I feel like I'm close. No, I don't think Capricoli is a thing.

Speaker 2:

Hey, capricolis. If I say it like that, it sounds like a thing and people will believe me. Capricoli sounds like a type of pasta. Capicola.

Speaker 1:

Capicola, I think is something.

Speaker 2:

That's what I think I meant. Let's reset Capicola ham.

Speaker 1:

It's a Capicola ham and the pepperoncinis.

Speaker 2:

Now I'm going Italian, for some reason.

Speaker 1:

Finally sliced, Finally sliced. So yeah, on this podcast, slash YouTube, slow slash whatever else you want to say.

Speaker 2:

We're 194 episodes. This is the first time you've ever mentioned YouTube.

Speaker 1:

You know we're easing in.

Speaker 2:

Easing in Good for you. You don't want to do too much at once. I'm proud of you.

Speaker 1:

This is why I could never have been an actor is because I cannot do the same thing twice in a row. It's literally impossible for me.

Speaker 2:

It's pretty much all I can do. If you ask me to change it, I'm like I'll just leave the room. I can do. If you ask me to change it, I'm like I'll just leave the room. I can't. Thanks for having me at this audition. Don't give me any redirects.

Speaker 1:

Nope Boom. So on this show we watch a movie this week. Tony picked the movie.

Speaker 2:

Well, god picked the movie. He handed it to us on a silver platter. Ghostbusters Frozen Empire. Spoiler alert. It's platter uh. Ghostbusters frozen empire. Spoiler alert.

Speaker 1:

it's not frozen for very long you know, and there's not a lot of any the guy doesn't really run an empire and do diddly squat this. This movie has very little to do with cold and being cold, really yeah yeah, or empires.

Speaker 2:

It's just kind of you know people, people running around doing almost nothing.

Speaker 1:

Maybe it should have been Ghostbusters 5. Some cold stuff sort of happens at the end. It's a bit chilly. You know, a couple of weeks ago I said you know we were kind of winding down because we're running out of movies. I was, I went on Rotten Tomatoes and I looked at all the new movies in theaters Not that we would do a lot of them, but they were all just like 14 Rotten Tomatoes 18.

Speaker 2:

I don't know why you thought we were running out of movies. We're never going to run out of movies, stan, I promise you. The one thing that won't happen is we run out of movies. We might quit, we might have a falling out, but we'll never run out of movies.

Speaker 1:

We might quit we might have a falling out, but we'll never run out of movies. It doesn't look that way, yeah, so Ghostbusters, frozen, empire 2024, an hour and 55 minutes. We brought back the whole cast and since we had that big cast in the first movie, we thought we really better interject, like five or six new characters, a couple more, just the cherry on top.

Speaker 2:

Well, because it worked so well last time and everyone was so mad that there wasn't enough characters. In the first one they were like boy. I feel like we're really underplaying this. Let's bring in more people, so it's great, it's great that they listen to the fans.

Speaker 1:

So the Moroney Hudson James Ac is is in here playing a guy that works at another ghostbusters facility, sort of somewhere yeah yeah, type of thing. And then uh, who else was there? Yeah, all the other characters, the kumail oh, kumail.

Speaker 1:

and then kumail comes in there in like one of the most disjointed roles of all time, where he plays one character. Then, as he's in the middle of playing that character, he sort of abandons that character and then he starts just doing Kamel because it was just too much work for him to actually play a character.

Speaker 2:

To be fair, I prefer that. Once that switch happened, I was like, oh okay, here he is, let's have some fun.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, the initial character he tries to play is like a weird poor hustler guy In his defense, dan.

Speaker 2:

What I'm going to say is characters are not the strong suit of these Ghostbusters sequels. That's not one of the things they're very good at.

Speaker 1:

What is the thing that they're very good at?

Speaker 2:

Um, boring me, they're very good at that.

Speaker 1:

And the thing about this movie is it doesn't. What was the movie we did last week? Well, we did the Die Hard movie a couple weeks ago, and that movie is just like this movie, at least the train makes an amount of sense.

Speaker 1:

A couple of weeks ago, and that movie you're just like. I mean this, this movie at least, like you know, the the the train makes an amount of sense, does it? Does it blend together to make you interested in caring about the characters or, you know, being being engaged? No, but like in that diehard movie, that first half of the movie, it was a hard time even understanding what's happening. This, this movie, is like we just made this other movie. So let's just it's your classic. It's just your classic 90s second one. Let's just make the same movie again, but with an extra two percent sure, sure and so it's the same gags that we had in the first movie.

Speaker 1:

Here they are all're.

Speaker 2:

I feel like there's less gags. I feel like they like took 80 of the gags because the 20 they were just too tired. They're like we tried so hard on the first one. Let's take it a little easier because it's not as funny, and not that I thought the first one was hilarious, but I feel like there were less jokes in this one well, I mean, I only clock, I only laughed once I think I laughed twice.

Speaker 1:

I'm excited to hear what you laughed at um, and I mean you know this is not a thing I normally want to say is I wanted more finn wolfhard and I wanted more of the girl that he was, because they didn't do anything he was he was gone.

Speaker 2:

He's a waste of space and I don't even as an anti-Finner, as I have dubbed- myself this is not his fault. I felt the same way. We got to the two-thirds through the movie. I was like is he even in this film? He has done nothing and that's a real shame, yeah, and.

Speaker 1:

Gary Coon as the mom, you're just like man. She gets to be a scold a couple of times and then.

Speaker 2:

That's about it.

Speaker 1:

It's kind of Phoebe's movie but they're like, but also not really, because they strip away.

Speaker 2:

They strip away. They're terrified to make it Phoebe's movie.

Speaker 1:

Yes yes, they're terrified to make it Phoebe's movie.

Speaker 2:

They knew that she was the best character in the first one, so they understood what they needed to do, but they just wouldn't do it. No, they're like, okay, we'll make a movie kind of about here, but we're not gonna give her anything to do. No, we're gonna take away everything that made her interesting in the first movie, all of her fun snark not in this movie. Oh yeah, it's nothing. She's, and I like her a lot. I don't know who she is, but she's great. She's Not in this movie. Oh yeah, it's nothing. She's, and I like her a lot. I don't know who she is, but she's great. She's not in this movie, there's nothing. It's so thin Way for thin.

Speaker 1:

This is one of the thinnest movies we've ever done, because it's just like everybody needs to be on screen and they're like they don't even get 25 people.

Speaker 2:

No, you have bill murray in the movie. He makes two jokes. That can't be right.

Speaker 1:

There's no way he made more than two but he he sure he had one he made one joke, left at two of them well, okay, well, he had one joke at one point and then yeah he got a little. He got to roll a little when they were in the firehouse. He had a few things. He said corny.

Speaker 2:

I don't remember what the line is, but that one made me laugh. That's the only one I remember. That's it. And then he had one joke with Kumail when they first meet, when we first see him, and those are the only two jokes I remember from pretty much the whole film.

Speaker 1:

Just jumping ahead, he and Kumail are doing a little bit, and it is what I would call a little bit they don't even allow them to make three or four jokes.

Speaker 2:

There's no time to breathe Like we make the bit we get out. That's it. We'll set it. Do one joke and now we're done. Next scene.

Speaker 1:

This movie does not overstay.

Speaker 2:

No, which is the, the original ghostbusters. There's lots of bits right. They go on runs. That's what you do with these comedians. They are comedians. Let them comed, not. I know that that's not a word, comed, but I I don't know what the action of being a common comedian would be, so i'm'm going to say Comed.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and this is kind of like Unfrosted, where you're just like you got these people, if you aren't spending hours on set figuring out how to make Amy Schumer funny, because Amy Schumer can be funny, I know she can be funny.

Speaker 2:

So you say I have recency bias, dan. So the last thing I saw you in is the only thing that matters.

Speaker 1:

I mean, wasn't she good in Trainwreck?

Speaker 2:

I mean, no, oh, she wasn't. Lebron was surprisingly good in Trainwreck. Bill Hader is charming. I don't remember her being particularly great. I only saw that movie once. I'm going to be honest, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

So Ghostbusters, frozen Empire. We go to New York, oldie Times 1904, the Manhattan Adventurers Club. It's gotten cold, so they call the fire department. The fire department opens the door. All the adventurers are frozen. There's something playing on the Victrola and then there's a person holding an orb, who you're not sure if they're frozen or not frozen well, I to.

Speaker 2:

Just on that point, dan. I never know who's frozen or not frozen, because apparently it doesn't matter, because you can freeze and unfreeze within seconds and you're fine. I don't get it. Yeah, like this, like the guy who touches the door, this fire guy who touches the door handle at first, or his hands on the door to feel the heat or whatever, and his hand freezes, it freezes, he screams, and then he just pulls his hand away and then it's fine. Oh really, how does that work?

Speaker 1:

I don't understand I mean, at the end of this movie they kill all of new york and then when they kill the bad guy they're like nope, new york's fine we did a great job.

Speaker 2:

Everyone's safe.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, you know, and that's the sort of classic thing is is a movie like this, you can't cause so much mayhem, but you're, you have to cause so much mayhem because marvel movies have caused so much mayhem, which and this is totally off topic, so I apologize, but so many people were upset with zach snyder's man of steel because he caused the damage and then was like, hey, we caused this damage, there is fallout, there's these people are dead, people are mad and everyone's like what is god? Superman wouldn't destroy a city. Yes, he would, because he's flying around superpowered, fighting superpower people. Things get destroyed all the time, we just don't care. And zach was like what if we cared? And nobody liked it? Bad idea that's.

Speaker 1:

That's not what superhero movies are about. They're not about the big guys destroying the cities and the world. They're not them saving it.

Speaker 2:

Through gentle means apparently.

Speaker 1:

Yes, Tony, Rewind the earth. He can always rewind the earth and fix everything. So there you go. So basically, there's an evil entity. It's going to be locked in this puzzle ball until it gets out, Okay.

Speaker 2:

Which happens 90 minutes into a two-hour movie.

Speaker 1:

What do you mean? It should have gotten out earlier.

Speaker 2:

Or something, something. I would have loved something to happen earlier, dan. So here's what, just in general. Right, this opening scene sets a Frozen theme, but nothing actually happens in this scene, right? No, no, he's already somehow in the ball, even though everyone's Frozen. Yeah yeah, okay, so there was. We didn't see a fight.

Speaker 1:

Yeah Well, we can't see the fight because we're going to see the same fight at the end of the movie, right?

Speaker 2:

No, I mean, I agree with that. I agree that that's the problem. But my problem is this is called Frozen Empire and there's a little cold in the beginning and then the world isn't frozen until 90 minutes into the movie. Until 90 minutes into the movie, this scene where they're on the beach and the cloud is coming the freezing cloud, I don't know what the hell that is Didn't make any sense. That's the first scene of the movie. To me, the very first scene of your movie is kids playing on the beach. Oh, we're having a great time. Little kid playing with his little dollies. And then the world freezes, icicles down, down, down, and then we have to deal with the problem. Ghostbusters coming, something's going on. That's the start of your movie. That's not night. That's not the start of your third act. For me, that is the beginning of the movie. And then we build from there. This movie is so anticlimactic because that's the climax A beach getting cold and then them fighting an ice guy. Nothing there's nothing.

Speaker 1:

There's no build to it. Anyhow, I didn't like this movie. Damn, that's our review. Um, yeah, we'll talk about that scene too, because that scene felt like it was not part of the movie. It felt like they made that scene for the trailer. It was the trailer, yeah, but it doesn't happen until 90 that's what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

Like that trailer sets up, you're like this is what this movie's. Doesn't happen until 90. That's what I'm saying. Like that trailer sets up, you're like this is what this movie's about. No, it isn't.

Speaker 1:

That's what 20 minutes of the movie's about, and and even the, but my point is that that isn't really what how this movie should have happened why?

Speaker 2:

why is, why is that?

Speaker 1:

why would he? Well, we'll talk about it when we get to it, because that's what people want to see. Why does he come off of the ocean?

Speaker 2:

Oh, okay, I have no idea. Okay, so what I'm saying is that the whole movie is wrong.

Speaker 1:

We're having two different points.

Speaker 2:

I understand that.

Speaker 1:

Your thing is, there should have been some actual action. The second act should have been New York action. That that you know. The second act should have been new york, it's called frozen empire.

Speaker 2:

There should be some sort of frozen empire in the movie and then maybe we deal with said frozen empire at some point.

Speaker 1:

None of that happens well, I think the second ghostbusters is called city of Slime or something. Okay.

Speaker 2:

Do they deal with any slime in it?

Speaker 1:

Well, there's a whole river of slime down beneath the.

Speaker 2:

You know that they have to investigate and that leads to them. Oh, they have to, so it happens early and then they investigate it and then they solve the problem. Wow, who would think of such a weird way to tell a? Story no, this movie we have to do like a lot of emotional things and then set up for nothing brand. There is zero payoff to this ghost girlfriend, oh my god, she has, she has that one single match that's the big payoff.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, you're absolutely right, did you know that was coming, by the way, yeah yeah, and that's that's what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

Dan Goodsell, I'm the worst. You're not good at it. They telegraph this so hard. She's playing with it every two seconds. And you're like, okay, well, that's going to matter at some point. And then Kumail's like I don't have any fire. And you're like, okay, well, there's the end of the movie. Thanks guys. Ridiculous.

Speaker 1:

I've never seen seen someone push so hard for something like that. It is silly for something that's pretty clumsy. Yeah, it's very. Oh my god. So boom, here comes ecto one driving around new york city. It's, it's, it's gary and kelly and trevor and phoebe all back to do the same exact scene.

Speaker 2:

I only remember phoebe's. I wrote them all down. That's why I mean that's great, that's a really good move. I wouldn't have been able to tell you anyone's name except for Phoebe.

Speaker 1:

And I put them in little boxes and then they're easy to find.

Speaker 2:

My reference key, so I always know.

Speaker 1:

They're chasing the Hell's Kitchen sewer dragon. Yes, carrie, coon, kelly, the mom is playing the giant bitch again. I know you're with me here in the car and you're gonna do a thing, but fucking don't do it, you stupid child that's pretty good face plant now.

Speaker 2:

Now dan, okay, the original Ghostbusters, right, three Bachelor Men. Correct me if I'm wrong. They all had characters, right, like they had individual skills, like things they're good at in science.

Speaker 1:

I'm a nerd. I'm excited about it. I'm just Bill Murray. Nobody knows why I'm here.

Speaker 2:

Well, to save the movie is why Bill Murray's there. No, I understand, but right, they have their own things, right, yeah? What are these people good at?

Speaker 1:

You mean, why would you hire them as?

Speaker 2:

Ghostbusters? Yeah. Why are they a Ghostbusting team? What are they each individually good at? That will solve a problem.

Speaker 1:

Why would Kelly, the mom from the first movie, be dressed up in a suit and doing a thing?

Speaker 2:

And not only that, why is she the one flying the drone in this scene?

Speaker 1:

She got turned into a dog in the first movie. That's why they have so did Paul Rudd. And that's what they have. They do a high five thing. We got turned into dogs. That's why we're here.

Speaker 2:

And then they made a sex joke, which I did. I did giggle at. So what are they good at? What, this ghost busting team that is supposed to replace the old ghost busting team? What are these people good at? There's only one person on this entire team that's good at anything, and that's Phoebe Trevor's. Just, you know, a loser teenager that can't be good at anything. He should be the one flying the drone, in my opinion, because he's like a. You know, I'm a teenager so I can do tech right. I feel like that's a pretty easy thing. Why is the mom flying a drone? Has she ever flown a drug? Does she play with toys? Has she played a video game? Why is she flying a drone? And then gary's the driver. I'm fine with that if that's his role, like he can't do anything else other than drive. I don't know, but no one has any skills.

Speaker 1:

No, this isn't a team. They all put on proton packs, they all know how to use them and they're all good at it. I saw this in the movie good at it and someone I'm assuming someone answers the phone. I don't know who answers the phone and there's someone who knows we don't get to see that. They get paid somehow, I don't know, maybe they get paid.

Speaker 2:

Not a chance. There's no way that they get paid.

Speaker 1:

People know to call them, I suppose I don't know. I don't know either, Dan.

Speaker 2:

The one thing they did fix was they did a thing where they showed the television stuff and explained that what happened in New York was a thing everybody remembers and did happen, and they had the toys. That was actually. That was something I did enjoy is they had the old Ghostbuster trap toy where you step on it and it shoots air out to open the trap. I loved that thing. I had three of them, so I thought that was cool, that that was like an in-universe thing. Now that the toys came out, that's all great. These new people aren't Ghostbusters.

Speaker 1:

But they are now. That's what they're doing. Nope, nope.

Speaker 2:

So my point is sorry, dan is that at least in the Lady Ghostbusters movie. They were all good at things. Nobody's good at things in this movie, except for Phoebe.

Speaker 1:

Well, there's no reason. The whole thing is. There's no reason for the plot of what happens in this movie, except for phoebe.

Speaker 2:

Well, there's no reason that the whole thing is, there's no reason for the plot of what happens in this movie.

Speaker 1:

Not at all, none at all but they did it anyways, because there's there's that we're all spanglers except for he's not a spangler at what point phoebe like yells at her mom and tells her that she's not a spangler. Yeah, like, so which?

Speaker 2:

I think what she's saying is that she's not a Spangler. Yeah, Like so. I think what she's saying is that she's too dumb, like the whole point of being a Spangler is to be smart. And she's dumb, I think, is what they were going for. It's like it's basically what I'm saying is she's not good at anything. She shouldn't be a ghost buster, cause she is Egon's kid right. Yeah, so she.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I don't know, dude, here's my question to you. What's your? Yeah, well, I got an answer.

Speaker 1:

Is mom and Paul Rudd. They're married.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if they're actually married.

Speaker 1:

Well, but he does say step teacher.

Speaker 2:

They say it at the end that they're like married. I guess yeah, maybe.

Speaker 1:

I mean at the end that they're like married.

Speaker 2:

So I guess yeah, maybe I mean they did.

Speaker 1:

They did have sex in the first movie, so like as dogs. So you know, you gotta they're married, you gotta get married, I guess. So sure, why not? Did they act even for a moment like they're married at any point?

Speaker 2:

no, do they kiss? I don't even think they kiss in this movie. No, well then, yeah, they act like they're married.

Speaker 1:

Oh yes, it's, it's such a like miss to like not have them. It's weird. Be into each other Like they're not even into each other. They don't even seem like they're like. Well, we kind of you know you're hot, I'm hot, but they don't seem interested in each other.

Speaker 2:

Character work, not their forte here.

Speaker 1:

Well, I mean you got to kind of write in their relationship Because they do a whole sort of you know, is he the stepdad?

Speaker 2:

And it's like Right, because she does call him dad at the end and there's like an emotional beat there. You're right, it did not land. For me I'll just say that.

Speaker 1:

There should have been some setup where, you know mom says to him well, you're her stepdad now and she's going to have to. You know, that's like.

Speaker 2:

That seems like such a world's easiest conflict, right, right it is, it's pretty, it's obvious, we all get it and we can all relate. I mean, you know whether or not you've had it.

Speaker 1:

You understand it everybody understands that level of relationship and how it's rocky and they're gonna have to come to terms with that and instead they're like you're her buddy and now you have to sort of act like you're not her buddy yeah in like one scene and she's just gonna be confused by it and it's not even going to be emotional. It's like such a weird choice, didn't?

Speaker 2:

make any sense to me. Did other things in this movie make more sense to you?

Speaker 1:

No, not really Okay. Boom, boom, boom, they crash into some bikes, and then we see Winston and Winston.

Speaker 2:

Wait, Paul Rudd gets a really great joke. He gets to say who puts bikes there? Oh, home run. Trust Crushed it.

Speaker 1:

Okay, good one, it's a scene ender.

Speaker 2:

Dan, it's a joke and it's a scene ender. It should probably be funny, but it's not and they kept it in the movie. Why is that there? Probably because Jerry Seinfeld wrote it.

Speaker 1:

Hey, I love it. What's the deal um? So now we see winston. Winston's like super rich, and so he's paying for everything also just real quickly, dan.

Speaker 2:

How good does ernie hudson look? He looks great. He looks so much younger I don't and I don't know the real ages, but he looks so much younger. And I don't know the real ages, but he looks so much younger than Bill and Dan.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, bill Murray looks ancient.

Speaker 2:

Well, you're right about that. Maybe he, maybe he is, maybe he's 10, 15 years older, I'm not sure, but Ernie Hudson still looks good.

Speaker 1:

And he's fairly believable as Winston, You're like oh, he still looks good. And he's fairly believable as Winston, You're like.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I actually believe him as this guy Absolutely Unlike again Dan Aykroyd Dan.

Speaker 1:

Aykroyd Boom. So then you know we do a little Winston scene and sort of set up that he's doing stuff and helping them and got, you know, bought the firehouse and all that. And then we get a scene where they have to go and be yelled at by the mayor the mayor from the first movie. These are by far the worst things in the whole movie. He is so terrible. He is terrible, it's so bad.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, maybe he didn't, maybe he's not aging as well Mentally, I don't know. I mean, it's also not written. Well, let's be very clear, because there aren't really jokes.

Speaker 1:

Well, and it's not appropriate.

Speaker 2:

It doesn't make any sense. I mean, first of all, it doesn't make sense Because they're yelling about Phoebe Like a lot of it is about You're too young to do this. Right.

Speaker 1:

They don't even know what her part in any of this is. Yeah, super weird.

Speaker 2:

I don't even know which. What her part in any of this is, yeah, super weird. I don't understand anything that's happening. The only reason that he works in the original is he's the butt of the jokes of bill murray.

Speaker 1:

Bill murray stands there makes a hundred jokes and they cut out. They edited the sixth best into a piece and that's yes, that's where you're exactly it's not like oh, this character's so great from the original, let's bring him back.

Speaker 2:

No, he was the butt of the joke, and then we don't do that again.

Speaker 1:

Very weird Because there's no one there to banter with him. Phoebe can't banter with him Because Phoebe's the person who should be like go fuck yourself In the first movie she was so snarky, very lippy.

Speaker 2:

That was great. And they did it twice in this movie where they set up she's about to be snarky with someone and then they cut to the next scene and they're like, oh, I didn't even know she knew those words. We have to see her be lippy. We have to see that. It's ridiculous.

Speaker 1:

So the mayor is setting himself that I'm out to stop the Ghostbusters, because that's what I did in the first Ghostbusters movie I'll teach you Ghostbusters to Ghostbust.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, hey guys, remember when we did this before. Let's do it again.

Speaker 1:

OK, there's black mold in the firehouse. Phoebe tries to argue oh, so they're like you're, phoebe, you can come join the team. It's three years, you're fired.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Why she got fired, because she's too young. Youth, you're gone.

Speaker 2:

We're gonna go out there and do the ghostbusting Because Someone else can do it, but nobody is apologetic about everyone's just like god, I'll be fine, it's only three years, don't worry about first of all, as a kid, three years is a very long time, oh yeah, but like I mean, if you feel bad about just like, we can't have you, but you can help here. I I don't. I don't know. It's just really weird how everyone just gets on board with her being banished, even even though, again, she's the only one with any skills. She's the one that gets out on the car and shoots in the ejector seat and shoots the prototype. We don't see anyone else do anything, that is true, but then they're just going to bench her, that is true.

Speaker 2:

The movie is dumb.

Speaker 1:

Gary and Kelly have a talk about raising kids. Uh, they locked the ghost in the containment unit. The containment, it's gonna be a problem. Didn't we already do in ghostbusters 2 that the attainment unit was a problem?

Speaker 2:

I I you remember these better than I do, probably, but when this happened, I was like, yeah, we've already, we've already been here. I don't remember how they solved it, but this is all very deja vu.

Speaker 1:

I believe that was Ghostbusters Deja 2. Boom Ray is shooting a TV show called Repossessed, a YouTube show where someone brings in something haunted and then he checks it with the E meter.

Speaker 2:

And then watch this show.

Speaker 1:

You would watch that show.

Speaker 2:

Not only what, I watched the show. My mother would be obsessed with this show, dan. She watches all those terrible YouTube ghost hunting shows where people just go to the woods and like film and like did you hear something? Did you hear something? Whip camera on and go to the woods and like film and like, did you hear something? Did you hear something? Whip camera on, and then they yell and run. She loves those.

Speaker 1:

She would be, she would fall in love with this show. If, if this was on youtube, somebody should make this show for real. And then a kid that you don't know who it is and then you realize at a certain point that it's podcast from the first movie. He is 20 years older 20 years older.

Speaker 2:

Is that possible? Larger?

Speaker 1:

and thinner and more kind of good looking and and less funny less funny? He's not funny. So then he hits the thing with the hammer and the whole idea is that's the joke, is that he hits the bad thing with the hammer to destroy it? I don't know because that's what's the joke, and that's what gets the hits Cause you have to do something why why would I?

Speaker 2:

I just don't get like I genuinely.

Speaker 1:

when that happened, I was like you just ruined your own bit, cause that's funny Cause you see, you need like a thing, like a like we could have like this like birds swoop in at a certain time and then we're like it's bird time and then we celebrate, we go like this Bird, bird Bird.

Speaker 2:

Everybody go like bird, bird, bird.

Speaker 1:

The bird is a word. That's the copyrighted material.

Speaker 2:

Ah, shoot, I keep doing that. So that's what it is. Can we have a bird time?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, man. This is why we don't get any hits.

Speaker 1:

So Phoebe shows up. She's going to talk rap with Ray. She goes downstairs because podcast is living with Ray.

Speaker 2:

Right Now. That's weird. Somebody writing this movie needs to take a step back and be like, okay, this is inappropriate, Doesn't really matter what's going on. He lied to his parents and says that he's at computer camp or something, space camp or something space camp. And nope, he's living with a 75 year old man who believes in ghosts. It's all weird I don't know.

Speaker 1:

It is interesting how the young people have been transported without families into the situation, because we gotta have, we gotta. There's no Ghostbusters 2 without podcast everybody would have been like. I'm angry. I can't believe you brought out podcast. All the marshmallow dudes are in the basement and they're mating. He says they're mating right, what?

Speaker 2:

why? What's happening? I don't know, man. I mean, they're still cute, so I understand why you would want to bring them back, because everyone loved them in the first one, because they're cute and slightly psychopathic People liked that in the first movie. I think people I mean, listen, I didn't like the movie, so I don't really know, but I feel like people thought they were fun. There it is. I don't really know, but I feel like people thought they were fun.

Speaker 1:

There it is. Um, then kumail comes in. He plays like a sort of scammer dude. He's got this box of stuff he's trying to sell. There's this orb. It's mezzo-arabic, it activates and it messes up the containment yeah, somehow it sort of activates and sends some stuff out and activates all the way back to the firehouse. Now, yeah, which sure seems like you would want to take this to the firehouse and have it do a thing when it gets to the firehouse.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

It should have tried to manipulate them to get itself back to the firehouse, but who knows?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, great, yeah, that'd be fun.

Speaker 1:

Here's Tony's favorite part. Finn's room is leaking so he goes to the attic. There's a giant pile of junk food and Slimer's inside of it and he slimes Finn.

Speaker 2:

Yep, that's it, though. That's it, like I'm cool. If there's a reason for him to be in the movie, there's not. Well, for him to be in the movie, there's not.

Speaker 1:

Well, his reason to be in the movie is to give Finn something to do, which is to try to capture.

Speaker 2:

Slimer yeah, okay, sure, that's not a plot in the movie we need.

Speaker 1:

That is not what anyone ever needs in their lives at all Boom, alarm. Everybody leaves. Phoebe goes to play chess alone in the park. What Yep? Super weird. And this ghost shows up. It is Melody, she's 16. She's 16. This 22 year old woman is 16. She talks like she is a contemporary person. She died in the teens in a tenement fire building. Yeah, she says she is 16 and she is the love interest in the movie.

Speaker 2:

I mean kinda yeah, it's all super weird, there's not much else. It super super weird.

Speaker 1:

I don't know and this is the. This is the super hot girl from the babysitter I hold on.

Speaker 2:

Not the super hot girl, she's the neighbor in the babysitter. Oh, is she.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, this is not samara weaving oh, it isn't samara Weaving, first of all Samara.

Speaker 2:

Weaving is like 30. If she was playing the 16-year-old, we'd have even bigger problems. Okay, you're right it is, but yeah, so she's the weird neighbor in the first one, and then, like the spoiler alert for Babysitter 2, she turns bad in Babysitter 2.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, so she's. She's 22, playing 16, where the other girl is 17 I don't know 17, 17, so they're five years apart, but they're hot for each other sort of and she talks are they and she talks completely like a contemporary teenager yeah, and she's supposed to be really confused.

Speaker 2:

So you, you're telling me they did say that she died a long time ago. She died in a tenement fire.

Speaker 1:

We don't have tenements anymore.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I thought she was talking about Tenet. She was at the movie Tenet and it got fired.

Speaker 1:

No she died in a tenement fire. She had the matchbook, looked like it was 20s.

Speaker 2:

And to be clear, she did not die in a.

Speaker 1:

She murdered her family right, it was an accident her murdering her family, was it?

Speaker 2:

That's what she said. Then why does she keep lighting the match? Like I get strong pyro vibes from her and I understand why they're doing it is because they're setting up the end of this movie, which is terrible. But she's really obsessed with that fire. I mean, she's made herself on fire Like she definitely killed her whole family on purpose.

Speaker 1:

And this girl, this girl that grew up in a tenement and in the 20s, beats Phoebe at chess twice.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and Phoebe's like a genius right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and she's all like I've been playing a lot of chess all these years and you're like how?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because she also says in the same scene that whenever she does this, people always run away screaming. So she doesn't actually play chess. She gets maybe two moves, let's say Two to three moves tops before people are like wait a second, I'm playing against nobody, so stupid.

Speaker 1:

So we know that they're in love. She has unfinished business. What's her unfinished business, Tony?

Speaker 2:

Saving the ice planet, the Frozen Empire? Don't know. Also, is that the rules of Ghostbusters?

Speaker 1:

because I don't think it is I don't think there are rules are there? Does the cartoon have rules?

Speaker 2:

maybe cartoon has some rules, but I don't know, because I was trying to think back to the first movie when egon apparates disappears. Yeah, he did it after he helped save, I guess maybe because he was the guy that knew about the mystery the first one. So maybe that is what it is, I don't know who knows, okay, boom, the next day we go to the you didn't tell me what her unfinished business was. You asked me a question, I didn't have an answer.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you don't know you're asking questions that you don't know the answer to the two plots would have been the orb is going to release this ghost. Yeah, this is one train. The other ghost is her trying to figure out what's the deal with this girl, and then they intersect at the same location. It turns out this girl is working for the bad guy. Spoilers again.

Speaker 2:

I guess yeah.

Speaker 1:

So terrible. So again, I guess, yeah, so terrible, so uninteresting. And why? Why is it phoebe like, okay, we'll do that in a minute, okie doke, because it doesn't make any sense. Okay, the next day we go to the other ghostbusters facility. There's james, a caster winston's guy. They've they've built this big unit which is four times as big, and it's going to take them seven years to transfer all the ghosts there, or something Whatever.

Speaker 2:

Something like that. Yeah, it's in an aquarium paranormal research center.

Speaker 1:

They have a ghost extractor where you put the where the ghost is stuck in a thing, it extracts it and then it sucks it into the thing. Okay, whatever.

Speaker 2:

They put the Now Dan. Is that why Dan Aykroyd does his show to collect haunted items and then get rid of the ghosts? We don't know. Okay, but don't you think that maybe that's I don't know that's maybe what they're doing, and that would have been an interesting thing to explore a little.

Speaker 1:

Or mention, yeah, or mention, yeah or mention.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. You could connect the things that are going on in this movie so they make sense and then maybe he brings the ghost ball into the machine and it releases the ghost and we don't have to deal with this weird trick love story I'm making you release the ghost for no reason.

Speaker 1:

The other thing is they have, like this superpowerful orb and they're just like just throw it on the pile of magic shit, just leave it, it's cool.

Speaker 2:

Don't worry about it too much, it's locked.

Speaker 1:

We wouldn't want to extract the ghost out of the most powerful thing we've ever brought in here. We'd just throw it on a pile. Cheers. We meet the barf monster and we meet theessor. Possessor can take control of inanimate objects. Okay, possessor, guess that's going to be needed later, gary kind of. We have this sort of semi-emotional scene where Gary's like come help me, phoebe, and then he's like it's going to go okay, phoebe, just time flies when you're young, which, of course, is not true. It is, phoebe, just time flies when you're young which, of course, is not true.

Speaker 2:

It is not true at all. It flies when you're old.

Speaker 1:

And then Phoebe takes a call oh, then they leave. And then Phoebe takes a Ghostbusters call and then her and Podcast are going to go do something.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, what I don't know, man.

Speaker 1:

At the PRC the orb is processed. Somebody gets a frozen hand, but not really. I mean actually he has it in the sling the next time, but I'm sure at the end of the movie it's fine, right, but other people don't.

Speaker 2:

So it's confusing because at the end of the movie everyone is frozen, but then the next scene, they're fine.

Speaker 1:

So her and Podcast go to this diner where the ghost is oh, look, it's melody. And then she's all like oh, and then podcast is like do you know something? Do you understand something? Do you know something? And phoebe's like this, oh. And then podcast is like I'm your only friend, right? Why don't you speak with me? And she's all like oh and then. And then phoebe leaves and then they just blow out the window right, which is weird which is weird, and then they go outside and it's called melody's diner right, that's her name.

Speaker 2:

Maybe that was her diner.

Speaker 1:

Maybe that was gonna be a clue to what happened to her.

Speaker 2:

I don't know no, it wasn't though. So yeah, uh, I don't understand any of it. It doesn't make any sense. And also like to be fair the ghostbusters all they do is destroy things.

Speaker 1:

They actually don't do a good job who's gonna pay them to catch the sewer dragon?

Speaker 2:

nobody. Nobody. Who's gonna pay for the window that they just shot out? Winston? Is he because from his deep pockets? Do they say that that's what he's doing, covering their mistakes?

Speaker 1:

Back at the firehouse. Oh, melody follows her back to the firehouse. They go downstairs. Nice digs, they get to tour. She takes her down to the basement. And this was an interesting thing is that we sort of you know she's all like, you know you're putting people in there. It's kind of horrible.

Speaker 2:

And it is Because we're starting to learn more about the lore of Ghostbusters and it turns out like one not all ghosts are evil. Two there is a place to go after the ghost plane, so they're just keeping people in purgatory forever. It's actually horribly inhumane and we just continue to do it. And we're the good guys, not a thought of that. Very weird thing to bring up on your own movie.

Speaker 1:

It's almost like Phoebe could then go to them and say we need to talk about this, and Winston could be like well, I don't think so.

Speaker 2:

And you could almost have, maybe, a plot where you begin to talk about how this all needs to be dealt with somehow With the humanity of. Maybe we should help ghosts move on instead of trapping them forever, maybe, but then that's a different show, so we can't do that. No, that's a movie. Is that a movie? Which one is that?

Speaker 2:

I mean, that's something you could do, that's a thing you could explore in a movie that explores something as opposed to a movie that's like now we're gonna go here, yeah, we're gonna have a funny joke, maybe no, we're not.

Speaker 1:

Don't be silly uh, the orb starts freezing more of new york city. And then melody goes outside and talks to the ghost in the orb and we're like, oh, melody's working against the ghostbusters, she doesn't want to just have sex with Phoebe.

Speaker 2:

Which is too bad. You know, she deserves it. She's a good kid Finn fails at Slimer again. Why? Why can't we just give him a real storyline? You know, feels weird, disingenuous.

Speaker 1:

They go to see Kumail, they go to the back room. We get a bunch of sex dungeon jokes.

Speaker 2:

A lot of sex dungeon jokes Right. I did enjoy the part Hold on Phoebe's here right, yeah, because she's one of the ones that says it.

Speaker 1:

Why is Phoebe making sex dungeon jokes? I have no idea.

Speaker 2:

Well, because she's a horny teenager. That's what we've learned from this movie. She's trying to get it on with a ghost, she's trying to Patrick Swayze that shit. It's super weird and awkward. But there is one moment where Kumail's like stop making sex jokes about my recently deceased grandma, and that was funny. He's funny even in this. He is a funny guy.

Speaker 1:

You're like, oh yeah, this is a guy I want to see be funny.

Speaker 2:

He doesn't really get to be funny in this movie, but Yep, just a couple of times, but when it does it's nice, you know, because he's a talented guy, very talented.

Speaker 1:

Phoebe has some private time to talk to Ray about ghosts podcast. I wrote a video of Orb talking. Then they go on the Ecto-C. Oh, so they hear some talking in this video. So they're like oh, let's go someplace. Ray has a motorcycle with a sidecar, which is the Ecto-C.

Speaker 2:

What's the C stand for? You think A cycle. Motorcycle, oh, motorcycle, oh yep. No, I bet you're right. No, look at you having brains and stuff. Yeah, that's one of us. Um, well, that's why we have different talents, dan, what are yours?

Speaker 1:

I look pretty. Oh yeah, nice, nice hairdo on your Timberwolves blue crew.

Speaker 2:

First of all, that was 20 years ago. All right, so I'm still, but I had hair. You know what I mean. I had long, long flowing hair. Well, I didn't flow, but I had long hair, did you and I?

Speaker 1:

miss those days.

Speaker 2:

Did you get perms and shit? I didn't get perms, but I did frost my tips, as they say, so I did used to bleach the top of it.

Speaker 1:

So now we have this one scene where Bill Murray asks one question of Kumail because they're trying to figure out, because he's magical. They test him and he's magic, so they are going to ask, like back to the whole, where Bill Murray's character asks the people the questions as he's trying to hit on the girls.

Speaker 2:

Which is a very funny scene.

Speaker 1:

It's a funny scene because it talks about his character. His character is a sleaze.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Zapping. The man wanted to get with the girl.

Speaker 2:

Wow, it tells us about who he is, and then he plays that character, then they continue to explore that character throughout the rest of the movie, which is wonderful, as opposed to doing one scene where he's that way and then pretending he's not that way the rest of the movie, which is what we do nowadays. Well, we don't have him. The rest of the movie.

Speaker 1:

No no.

Speaker 2:

I mean in general. Oh sure, that's always a complaint for movies that we watch is like we have one scene where he's a character and it's slightly negative and then they're like, nah, we're just kidding, he's actually a really great guy.

Speaker 1:

She can't have a negative character, because no one's going to fall in love with that, and that's so wrong.

Speaker 2:

I love flawed characters.

Speaker 1:

So Ray pulls the Ecto-C and parks it right in front of the big library, goes in, but she can't.

Speaker 2:

I don't think you can actually do that, but it's fine.

Speaker 1:

They do a joke with that. He's all like that's okay, they know me here. And then he walks up there and the guy that runs the library is like you can't be here.

Speaker 2:

They're banned.

Speaker 1:

You're banned, I'm like okay, that's what this movie should be, but we shouldn't have Bill Maher, we shouldn't have Dan Ayk, these things right.

Speaker 2:

I mean, listen you, you only got three of them left, so it's hard. It's hard and he's he's the easiest one to get you know and the sad thing is bill murray's still very, very funny yes, yes, he is the guy. I don't. The guy's got it. You know, if he gives a shit, he's gonna give it to you and that's that's a, it's a big if. But yeah, if you can get it.

Speaker 1:

Boom, they go down there and who's the? The, their person. They're going to see the, the library of folklorist, who's in the basement and played by Penn Oswalt. Yeah, um, yeah. They should have done something with him, like put a wig on him or beard on him or clothes on him, they were just like. Pat, just come on down.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, do a day.

Speaker 1:

Wear your own clothes, yeah.

Speaker 2:

We're not going to pay. Just come on down and hang out for four hours.

Speaker 1:

Boom. Then he takes them down to the library below the library. Uh, we get a whole thing. He figures out who the bad guy is. It's garaka. Who's this guy that control army of the dead?

Speaker 2:

and here's my problem, dan, is he sees the orb right and he immediately knows exactly what it is.

Speaker 1:

He saw a picture of it.

Speaker 2:

But not only a picture of it. He saw a picture of a stone carving which looks nothing like the orb Other than it's a circle.

Speaker 1:

It's a little circle Right.

Speaker 2:

And this is the only other circle in the world he's like. I know I've seen this circle before.

Speaker 1:

It sure seems like it should have been a lot larger in one of the images. Just like a little bit, Just ridiculous so this guy can control an army of the undead. Did we ever see an?

Speaker 2:

army. Did we see an army of the?

Speaker 1:

undead. He uses fear as a weapon and he can kill you with fear.

Speaker 2:

No, he can't he kills you with cold. I saw the movie.

Speaker 1:

He freezes people and it's like in icicles he shoots you with icicles. Uh, of fear, yeah, yeah then they talk about the fire masters and we're like, oh, the person in the first scene was a fire master. Oh, the grandma was a fire master. They use fire and brass. We're like, oh yeah, oh yeah, we saw this brass, we know exactly what's happening. Then he's like oh, now we got to go to these wax cylinders, wax recording cylinders. And this is the one joke I liked.

Speaker 2:

He said oh, wow, okay.

Speaker 1:

He's like oh yeah, on one of these cylinders we have the only case of Mary Todd Lincoln saying the F word. Apparently she saw a moth.

Speaker 2:

A moth. I didn't even hear this joke.

Speaker 1:

It's the best joke in the whole show. Patton Oswalt delivered it perfectly.

Speaker 2:

Well, because again.

Speaker 1:

Huge laugh. He's very good at delivering a joke.

Speaker 2:

Yep, and you're just like, if you give him jokes, he'll give you a joke. If you give him one, he landed that joke and the third one. He might get two jokes.

Speaker 1:

And then he tells the story of what we saw in the opening, the prelude the prologue, which, by the way, I already saw it.

Speaker 2:

I don't need you to recap it. Yeah, we did. In fact, this would be almost a time for that to be seen in a flashback while he's telling me that story, and the beginning of the movie would have been the beach scene.

Speaker 1:

Could be Now. The possessor then steals the wax disc because they need the wax disc.

Speaker 2:

Right, what? How did why is it even there? What was it possessing on the way?

Speaker 1:

It was in like a pen or something. So it possesses out of the thing. It goes outside and then it grabs the lion the lion in front of the thing and then Phoebe finally zaps it with a proton pack. That's in the thing and gets destroyed Later on when we go back to the library, the line's fine, it's there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's fine.

Speaker 1:

Why? I mean, isn't that a point where you put a thing around that, some tape or something?

Speaker 2:

Some caution tape.

Speaker 1:

And there's still a little rubble, maybe Sure. It's destroyed. I don't understand. No, it's destroyed. I don't understand, no, it's fine.

Speaker 2:

They just superglued back together. We have hundreds of them, don't worry, dan. That's why and it's so weird, because then they get in trouble for destroying it but it was going to kill people because it was running around and getting ready to eat people, right?

Speaker 1:

And I believe once again she gets in trouble for it, as opposed to the adult stepping in and saying it's all my fault.

Speaker 2:

Right, I took her to the library, and then it should have happened.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no adult ever steps up and tries to take the blame for Phoebe. It's so weird.

Speaker 2:

It is bizarre.

Speaker 1:

Hold on. They arrest the kids, then Winston yells at them. Yells at them.

Speaker 2:

Doesn't yell't, yell at ray yells at the kids yep, who he employs pretty much, by the way why did you do it?

Speaker 1:

and then the terrible mayor comes out. The ghostbusters are over, arrest her. They say arrest her, she's 15 years she's 15.

Speaker 2:

She's not going to get arrested you can't arrest someone who's 15. Right, yeah, she might get. What is it? Detained Juvie? Yeah, but she won't.

Speaker 1:

And then he's like we're taking your firehouse, we're taking your everything, we're revoking your ghostbusting license and you're just like how do you take their firehouse? I don't understand, did the firehouse?

Speaker 2:

break the law.

Speaker 1:

What did the firehouse do?

Speaker 2:

Well, it's a bad firehouse.

Speaker 1:

It's a naughty, naughty firehouse, and then the parents show up and they're like you're not grounded, you're fired. She was already fired, mom, you're not a spangler. And then you know, gary, wake up. I don't know what that was about. And then Phoebe just walks out and you're like, how is Phoebe just walking? I don't understand she would have to go out with her parents if she was leaving the police department.

Speaker 2:

She can walk. She's fine, don't worry about it.

Speaker 1:

Oh, now Ray and Winston fight. You could have gotten those kids hurt. Go on a vacation.

Speaker 2:

Winston, I mean Ray, which doesn't make sense because Winston employs her as a Ghostbuster. They could get hurt on any Ghostbusting case. Why is he mad that someone else brought her on a Ghostbusting case? That doesn't make sense. There are a couple moments in this movie where people get mad at things that they do. It's really weird. Oh, it's because they want someone to be mad, right, but they're picking the wrong people, so it's it's very confusing we're gonna make this scene intense, where you're gonna care about these characters.

Speaker 1:

Someone's getting mad at them and you're like when's the guy?

Speaker 2:

that should never get mad, especially about a thing that he does on a daily basis. Very confusing.

Speaker 1:

They got back to the firehouse, They've taken all their stuff, even though later on they have all their stuff. Oh, I guess they have all this stuff. They make more stuff Cause he just made.

Speaker 2:

I mean I guess, but they make it really fast.

Speaker 1:

And then they're like we should just leave New York city. We can't leave because this is the home of the Ghostbusters and that's all we care about is busting ghosts. Which is very strange. I mean there's the truth of the whole thing right In the first movie, ray and Egon. That's their dream is to bust ghosts, right.

Speaker 2:

Yes. So they are always pushing it forward. We have to, let's do this, let's do this. And then they bring eddie murphy along reluctantly, which is why he gets to say all those jokes. Eddie murphy, you said eddie murphy. Oh my god, bill murray, damn it so they bring bill murray along.

Speaker 1:

He's reluctant at every point. He's your guy that's like no, no, no, let's not do this, no and he brings comedy because he's a contrarian, he's the contrarian to the two hardcore people. Your problem with this thing is that phoebe is the motivator right, and then you fire her and they make her sort of the contrarian or you make her the adversarial role yeah, it doesn't make any sense and it just does not make any emotional sense.

Speaker 1:

Um, so, boom, we go and we go get ray. I mean, we go get kumail and he's gonna be. We gotta, we gotta make him work on his fire powers, so we're. So that's what podcast and ray are doing. Uh, gary talks to phoebe but really he's talking to the door because she's out there hanging out with melody and then she's all like, oh, if I go into the old big, the new lab, I could turn myself into a ghost. And she's's all like, yeah, okay, I suppose.

Speaker 2:

It's the reverse. Casper, remember Casper.

Speaker 1:

The movie yeah, christina Ricci, christina.

Speaker 2:

Ricci turns Casper into a real boy. I mean, maybe saw it once, maybe. I mean, it's the exact same story, only the opposite, where Christina Ricci finds a way to make Casper a real boy and then they make out. I think they go to a dance or something. No, they dance, I think. No, they dance, I think they dance. But, they're private parts. They push the private parts together and they dance. But then in this movie we're going the opposite direction and phoebe's gonna ghostify herself.

Speaker 1:

So it's the same story and we're all like wait a second. Yeah, when did this become a thing?

Speaker 2:

never it never, because it takes a ghost out of an inanimate object. It doesn't take a ghost out of a person, then they're like your body's not inanimate. Then it'll be like, and it'll last for two minutes.

Speaker 1:

Why does she want to?

Speaker 2:

Do you guys already have tests on this? You know how long it's going to last. That's weird. Why does she want to do this? For ghost sex, which is weird? Because, honestly, you'd want to do it the other way around, because ghosts can't really touch each other. You know what I'm saying. It was so weird. Yeah, it doesn't make any sense. What's even more confusing, though, is that she somehow talks when she's disembodied. Her real body's talking. That's not how that works. Your ghost is out of your body. You'd think so.

Speaker 1:

It's so dumb, so her ghost leaves. And then we find out that this was their whole plan. Right, because what they need a human to speak the words, even though it was a, it was a gramophone that spoke the words before so just do that again or maybe, maybe someone in the adventurous club listened to the thing and then sang. It was like restate, like retelling they all sang along with the gramophone Guys what a hit here we go, and so Phoebe's doing this because Garak is going to let her see her family.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think that means she's moving on. I think Right.

Speaker 1:

I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I'm pretty sure that's what it is, cause she said, you know cause? She burned her whole family to death on purpose, and now they're in heaven and she wants to get there, I guess.

Speaker 1:

And she says I'm sorry, but now Garak just takes control over Phoebe. Why didn't Garak just take constant control over Melody? Why would she trust Melody?

Speaker 2:

I don't understand any of this. It was because it doesn't make any sense. You're all alone in that, Dan. Everybody else gets it.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so Garak is now free and he leaves, and what is the first thing he does, what is the absolute first thing he does?

Speaker 2:

he's, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

He stands in the street he attacks a smoke shop that's called like the fire master and then kills a guy and says are you the fire?

Speaker 2:

master. Oh right, sure, like the key master. What I don't know doesn't make any sense. I just got that dan fire master, key master. I literally this is the first time I've made that connection.

Speaker 1:

That's wonderful stuff, pretty stupid um, and then he goes to his apartment and gets his horns, horns now is that how horns work?

Speaker 2:

he just plugs them back in Sure Sure.

Speaker 1:

It's a ghost.

Speaker 2:

What does he care? I mean, that's a good point.

Speaker 1:

Now, at this point, do days pass? I?

Speaker 2:

don't know.

Speaker 1:

You got me, so now we get the ice attack on the beach and the bridge, which is the only part of the movie I really enjoyed.

Speaker 2:

Now does kumail live in, like across the bridge from where they are? I don't understand.

Speaker 1:

I have no idea because why is he come? He comes in off the ocean for a reason I don't know I don't know either. We never will and then, okay, what did you like about he said? You said, you liked this.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because it just gives off disaster movie vibes, which is fun, and I think it would be a great beginning to a film about a frozen empire.

Speaker 1:

And then all New York is frozen and then we don't deal with that Is anyone killed?

Speaker 2:

Is anyone affected? No, because it's fine. Listen, you can freeze and unfreeze. So then I do have a question about the beginning of the movie. All of those people that were frozen in that room? Why did the Fire Master save them? Yeah, they're fine.

Speaker 1:

They should have been, From my understanding they're fine.

Speaker 2:

Nope, it's confusing.

Speaker 1:

Okay, boom. Let's see I stack on the bridge. Now they're driving across the bridge and now we have some wacky banter. We haven't done any wacky banter in a long time.

Speaker 2:

Let's do some wacky banter. It's been a minute, let's put some in.

Speaker 1:

Boom, boom, boom. And now we find out that the bad guy Is going to go to. He wants to empty the tank that's in the firehouse. That was his whole plan.

Speaker 2:

And he does, though, right Doesn't he do that? I don't know. Yeah, he does.

Speaker 1:

Because then they put him in the tank, he booms it and it shoots up.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So where are all those ghosts? They're like shot up in the red and loosed. They're all loosed, but we don't deal with that. No, that's what't deal with that. No, that's what they're going to do. Ghostbusters 3 is collecting everybody that got out Ghost world. Go free.

Speaker 2:

Got to catch lots of ghosts again and maybe we'll deal with it, although it'll probably be just like Jurassic Park, where Jurassic Park 2, they unleash all these dinosaurs on mainland USA and then in Jurassic Park 3, we don't deal with it. It's fine.

Speaker 1:

We have a secret dinosaur flea market underneath the building, isn't?

Speaker 2:

that what we have. That's it. That's how it would work.

Speaker 1:

Kumail has his armor. I don't know why was Slimer in the movie. We're going to find out in a minute. Possessors yeah, I don't know why was Slimer in the movie? We're going to find out in a minute. Possessor.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't agree that. That's reason enough.

Speaker 1:

I'm just going to say Possessor tries to kill them with Ecto-1. Then he gets in a pizza and a proton pack and then Slimer eats the piece of pizza that Possessor is in While Possessor is in the piece of pizza. And then he's dead, and as he eats it, Don't you ignore my question.

Speaker 2:

Is he dead? What happened to Possessor? Why doesn't he just possess something else he could jump around?

Speaker 1:

Finn says I know that guy Hold on.

Speaker 2:

Phoebe says.

Speaker 1:

Phoebe's. Like you know, this guy can't deal with brass. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to take one of our 10 proton packs and I'm going to coat the stuff in brass. And what is one of the brass things they use I don't know what was it? The poles. They slide down. They went at the pole with a hacksaw. Are the poles ever damaged later on?

Speaker 2:

No, no, because we use them all the time.

Speaker 1:

Somebody needed to slide down the pole and then drop, and then drop.

Speaker 2:

Also, why is she the only one that does the brass? If she thinks it's going to work, wouldn't all of them do the brass?

Speaker 1:

Or you'd have somebody doing the brass and then they'd have to get it to her, and then you'd have to do this whole thing, and then that would be the tension that they would. Will they be able to finish this in?

Speaker 2:

time. Then she would have her redemption arc. I mean quote, unquote. She doesn't need it, but the whole thing is like they're like you can't be a part of the Ghostbusters, but then she's got to be the reason that they win, right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they got to say that brass won't work. And then she's like it will work. And then she's up there doing it and they're all like we're going to go down and fight there and you're going to be real Egon and a real Spangler, Spangler. And then she's all like you're not a Spangler, you're just a crying baby and then she comes down the pole shooting brass fire.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, that would be great boom, kumail.

Speaker 1:

So all of America is frozen. Kumail tries to come down and fire master it, but his lighter doesn't work because they used all they used it too much and all the propane is gone and so then he takes the lighter. Like I crushed your lighter also, there's like the chain mail on the front that protects. And so then Garg takes the lighter and is like well, I crushed your lighter Also, there's like the chain mail on the front that protects him.

Speaker 1:

He, of course takes that off immediately, because you've got to see the actor? Ooh, it would be crazy if he didn't see Tony Stark. I'm Iron man, but I fly around with my face exposed, my face just wide open. So all of their things fail because they don't have brass. Phoebe zaps in and it's working. Oh wait.

Speaker 2:

We didn't talk about that. So in an earlier scene, the sidekick girl, whose name I do not recall, faces off against the cold guy and he freezes her proton stream. Is that what's ion stream? What's it called protons from sure great freezes it and it falls down. So then when she tells everyone what happened, she's like my gun barely even made a dent, didn't work. Yeah, but that's not what happened. He froze your stream and then he does it again in this scene and everyone is surprised that he froze the streams. But he already did it and she would have told you that it's very weird. Yeah, they weren't paying attention. They're adults. Adults don't listen to stupid children. Is that what this movie's?

Speaker 1:

about. Children have nothing to say. Shut up children. Shut up children. So Melody lights her last match, kumail takes the fire. They, they're getting him. And then this is the thing I hated the most in the entire movie.

Speaker 2:

Oh, okay.

Speaker 1:

So so basically, we got Phoebe with the with the thing, and then all the old Ghostbusters go downstairs because they're going to use the trap to capture the God. Right go downstairs because they're going to use the trap to capture the god right. So to give everybody something to do, everybody puts their hands around phoebe, including finn, and if you look at it, finn's like who does.

Speaker 2:

He's trying so hard to get in the group but they didn't tell him how to do it, like they didn't plan this out beforehand, and they're just like you all have to join and he's back here doing his best to get in. He just can't do it. The poor kid is set up to fail in that scene.

Speaker 1:

It's ridiculous and then all the old Ghostbusters are down and they're trying to throw the switch and they're all like it's gonna take 40 people, oh, every Ghostbuster ounce of geriatric power to click the switch. It's so dumb that, like the collective effort is pushing a switch or pushing on Phoebe. Yeah, touching as opposed to figuring something out.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but doing something as a team that would require everyone's skills and expertise.

Speaker 1:

You know, all Stupid Melody did was light a single match. There must be some more matches around. Stupid melody did was light a single match. There must be some more matches around. There must be. You know, like have everybody. You know like everyone's like going through everything trying to find something whatever. They're trying to figure out how to light a flame. Somebody's up on the gas stove and they light a piece of spaghetti and try and carry the piece of spaghetti down there. Spaghetti not burning, well.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's a Paul Rudd character moment there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh, spaghetti Biscotti, but no, they're all just going to stand behind.

Speaker 2:

Phoebe and push on her. Yeah, it's fine.

Speaker 1:

And they win, and Melody says goodbye. The beach is okay, the library lion is okay.

Speaker 2:

So what was her final business? Unfinished business. She didn't like that match. To save Using that last match, yeah.

Speaker 1:

What, and not burning down some other family? She didn't kill another family.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so her unfinished business is starting a fire without casualties. Is that what you're telling me?

Speaker 1:

That is exactly the unfinished. We have solved the mystery, all right, oh boy. Everybody cheers for the Ghostbusters because they know what happened in the firehouse. They sure don't Away from the sight of everyone is what saved the city, no sir. No, no, no, Tony, that's why they're cheering for them. No, they're cheering for a different reason.

Speaker 2:

We don't know what it is, but it's got to be a different reason than that, because that doesn't make any sense.

Speaker 1:

The mayor comes out to yell at them, and then there's a newscaster, and the newscaster is like you know, the Ghostbuster saves everyone. Don't you want to say that they saved everyone, mayor?

Speaker 2:

And he right. And everyone's like woo, cue the music so weird and gary, it's such an awkward scene.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't make it's so terrible because they're trying to do the first movie in the new york we love the ghostbusters.

Speaker 2:

That scene really worked and you would yeah, because, well, they got to see everything that happened. The ghostbusters took down a giant marshmallow guy in that movie. Yep, yep, they did. Everybody knew what was happening. Nobody knows what's happening in this movie.

Speaker 1:

Giant marshmallow guy comes to the town, destroys things, and then they kill it and then they zap him. Great, it doesn't matter about Zool and everything else that happened on top of the building Zool, everybody sees that the marshmallow guy got killed Exactly.

Speaker 2:

Period Boom, done, yep. End of story, like that's all you need. This takes place on private property. Inside, nobody knows what's going on.

Speaker 1:

He built an ice wall behind him, so no one can see it. No one can see it. Maybe podcasts should have been videotaping and been useful Live streaming.

Speaker 2:

He should live stream it.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, and be useful live streaming. He should live stream it.

Speaker 2:

Oh my god, I can't believe what's happening.

Speaker 1:

Right, this is we live in the tiktok generation. We live in the live stream generation. Do that 100.

Speaker 2:

His name is podcast.

Speaker 1:

Having something to do he had nothing, I'm the guy with the hammer. What you're?

Speaker 2:

the guy behind the camera.

Speaker 1:

You're making a youtube. You're the camera guy, you're the guy that makes the show happen, right, you're. You're the loser, like Tony that puts the show up. Hey, hey, we're important. The sidekick. The sidekick whose only job is to record damn good self-talking.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I forgot to push record. Today we got to start over. Yeah no, I don't understand. I don't understand why everyone's excited. Talk to us, podcast, podcast. Where's your hammer, tony? I don't. I'm not good with hammers, you know like I hit a lot of thumbs as they, as they say you gotta think about what, what our thing, what our hammer could be for the show what our thing is okay.

Speaker 1:

Okay, you know, like Groucho Marx, you know, in the you Bet your Life. He said the secret word and the bird came down. I was like I have the secret word.

Speaker 2:

So you stole the bird idea. Is that what you're?

Speaker 1:

telling me.

Speaker 2:

That was our best idea, and it turns out it was already done.

Speaker 1:

There's no new ideas, tony. That's true. You're right about that, that's true, you're right about that. We find out that Phoebe calls Gary dead and I'm like they're married.

Speaker 2:

Right, yeah, weird.

Speaker 1:

And then Finn gets to drive. Now Finn's going to be the Ghostbuster driver.

Speaker 2:

Which is the first thing that he does in the whole movie.

Speaker 1:

No, I know that guy. He recognized Slimer.

Speaker 2:

Oh, he recognized the guy that he's been chasing the whole movie when.

Speaker 1:

Slimer, ate the thing that possesses things, and could just as easily leave again and continue to possess.

Speaker 2:

No, no, his stomach iron clad, even though he's a ghost.

Speaker 1:

More importantly, how do you ever catch possessor? You can't right. Can he just jump into the sidewalk and he just possesses the whole?

Speaker 2:

sidewalk. Yeah, yeah, he can possess anything. I don't know what to tell you. I didn't write that character. What are?

Speaker 1:

the terms of oh god, possessor. You know why didn't he have the lion and the plinth? It was on and the plinth you wrote it on, so this movie is dumb yeah.

Speaker 2:

It's not very good it didn't make me angry. It did make me a little angry you know what I mean Mostly because Phoebe was the only character from the first movie that I enjoyed and I don't feel like they kept the same character for this movie.

Speaker 1:

She's not enjoyable, yeah, and that's a bum movie.

Speaker 2:

She's not enjoyable. No, yeah, and that's a bummer.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's a waste, but that's what Hollywood is Hollywood's this giant waste pit.

Speaker 2:

I'd like to just go on record and say I love Hollywood and I would love to work in it. So don't listen to Dan Goodsell. There's good stuff out there. We see good stuff all the time there.

Speaker 1:

There's good stuff out there. We see good stuff all the time. There's tons of great stuff out there. You more than me, obviously. That's true because I actually watch stuff, Tony's like. I rewatched your TV. I watched it a thousand times Because I need nostalgia, I need to feel good about myself.

Speaker 2:

You're making fun of me for nostalgia. They just made this movie completely based on nostalgia. So it works, dan. Not for me, but it works so that's Ghostbusters.

Speaker 1:

If you like our show, subscribe, give us a thumbs up or a like.

Speaker 2:

No, they're not going to do that. It's too late. Dan Podcast would have never left it to this late.

Speaker 1:

Podcast. We need podcasts. We really do. Now we talk about something we liked. We watched the new show Bodkin with Will Forte, yep.

Speaker 2:

And then there's, like the Irish girl and the Scottish girl, and it's produced by the Obamas oh was it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Shannon got very annoyed at the last episode. She got very annoyed.

Speaker 2:

Oh okay, Interesting.

Speaker 1:

There was a lot of good character. You know, the characters were really interesting.

Speaker 2:

Love that.

Speaker 1:

They were. It was mining some interesting areas and you know there was definitely some twists and turns that you did not expect. And you're like okay, you know it's not a home run, but I would say it was worth watching Like a solid double.

Speaker 2:

That's a baseball reference. Dan, you brought up a home run, so I said a double Three-pointer, one three-pointer right in the middle of the game.

Speaker 1:

That's the wrong sport. The wrong sport.

Speaker 2:

That's field goal.

Speaker 1:

Okay, what do you got for us?

Speaker 2:

Tony, we watch the Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare and I thought it was delightful.

Speaker 1:

That's whatchamacallit.

Speaker 2:

Guy Ritchie. Guy Ritchie, is that his name?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the podcast, I watch the rest is entertainment with richard osmond and marina, whatever his last name. Is she right? She hates guy richie and so it's so funny because she just like just hates guy richie and everything he does well, he does have a particular style, so it's.

Speaker 2:

It's one of those guys that's easy. If you don't like it, you'll never like anything he does, because she thinks it's not real, you know it's.

Speaker 1:

It's a super big fiction of sort of his own Way of what? Okay. So, gentlemen, you had fun with it.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, for me 10 out of 10. Henry Cavill unhinged, very sexy, and then Reacher's in it, whatever his name is alan alan richson.

Speaker 1:

Yeah the man, man, man slash wall.

Speaker 2:

So good, yeah, I like it and it's, it's fun, it's big, it's, it's big and fun and flashy. You know it's guy richie, but it's great time. And then I was like, oh, I want to learn more about these guys. Don't make that mistake. They, they're all dead. What do you mean? None of them. So this was like their first mission as this team. Isn't this a World War II thing? It is a World War II. Yes, let me explain what I meant by they're all dead?

Speaker 1:

I would think they were all dead.

Speaker 2:

None of them made it out of the war. Oh, wow, except for the girl, the woman in this movie. She lived. All of the men all died on later missions. Wow, all of them. And I was so depressed that night when I started doing research. Spoiler alert the character that Henry Cavill plays. This was their first mission as a team. He dies on the second mission. It's horrible, wow, so very depressing. Don't pay attention to the real stuff, but enjoy the movie. It's not depressing.

Speaker 1:

So the second one, the sequel's going to be very dark.

Speaker 2:

I doubt it and also it's probably not getting a sequel. I don't think it did very well.

Speaker 1:

That movie was like a movie where you're like in another age. This might have been paid attention to In this age. No one cares yeah, yep, unfortunately correct I mean think about what was the, what was the guy richie, that, uh, iron man did that. They did like 12 of them. Uh, sherlock holmes, oh yeah, those, those are bad. And how many of those did they make?

Speaker 1:

they made like three, like three, I think it was three yeah, like back in the back in 2022, they were just like we gotta make another one of those would have been yeah, would have been perfect, and now you're like oh yeah, your movie, no one cares but I think I like the last two guy richie films a lot and I think they both did terrible.

Speaker 2:

Maybe it's not the last two.

Speaker 1:

We watched the gentleman and both really enjoyed it the gentleman's great um.

Speaker 2:

What was the one with josh hartnett that nobody liked? Because I liked that a lot. Operation gumbo drop, I don't know I made the second word up. It's definitely operation something yeah, I remember the title. I'm looking it up right now Operation Fortune.

Speaker 1:

So gumbo drop Same idea. Did not see it, did not see the gumbo, I enjoyed it I love Josh Hartnett and I'm excited for his new movie.

Speaker 2:

He's doing the new M Night Shumlamla movie. What is it? Something about? A concert? I saw the trailer last week. I don't remember, but it looks great M Night.

Speaker 1:

Send that check to us for promoting the hell out of your show For promoting your movie.

Speaker 2:

Jesus Tony, just go to Josh Hart and it's IMDB, it'll be there.

Speaker 1:

So we're going to do some action, since we're talking about action.

Speaker 2:

Ooh A-C-T-I-O-N Action Boys Action.

Speaker 1:

I wanted to do this one a couple weeks ago, because this one must be directed or written by somebody that did one of the movies we just did. I watched the trailer and I'm like oh yeah, we gotta see this one. It's called Hitman Agent 47.

Speaker 2:

Oh, hell, yeah, Okay, great. I've been wanting to see this for a while. I think it stars someone named Rupert Friend. Oh, so this isn't Timothy Olyphant's hitman.

Speaker 1:

I've seen that one. It's not great, the Timothy Olyphant one his. You know the bald cap problem.

Speaker 2:

Sure Sure.

Speaker 1:

No, this one's some other. I think it's a different 2015. Yeah, that checks out Some other different video game Something around there.

Speaker 2:

You're right, rupert Friend, whoever that is, he's a guy. He's a guy Scandal. Hey, he was in Asteroid City, so he's doing great.

Speaker 1:

Freak train. Freak train.

Speaker 2:

You love that movie, Freak train freak train.

Speaker 1:

You love that movie. Freak train, freak. Did you ever watch it?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we watched it one weekend. I remember that I don't think I hated it right. I think I said it was fine. I don't know, they're weird. He's weird, all right.

Speaker 1:

They're very weird, really weird. It was really pretty. That was one of the most pretty movies I've ever seen. Oh, this guy plays the Grand Inquisitor in Obi-Wan Kenobi for four episodes. I think I made it through the first episode and then I was like, oh, obi-wan's got to protect Princess Leia Jr. And I was like I'm out, I'm out, I'm out. No thanks, make it a story about something you know.

Speaker 2:

it's like the stupid. That's why Obi-Wan is her only hope.

Speaker 1:

You know, the thing they did with Andor that they realized is let's just make a story that doesn't just talk about all the stupid characters that we're all fucking sick of.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it doesn't have to like connect to the main stuff, like I just like stories in this universe. It's an interesting universe.

Speaker 1:

Pick one character and then just tell their story. You could maybe have an occasional person show up If Princess Leia Jr showed up for like a minute, but that can't be the plot. It can't be, the plot. It can't be the plot.

Speaker 2:

Well, it can and was. So you're wrong. It was the plot. Yeah, I don't really full disclosure. I don't really watch the star wars stuff anymore, so I'm out yeah, I gave up.

Speaker 1:

You're not gonna watch the acolyte I don't even know.

Speaker 2:

I don't know what that's about. Uh, I didn't. I haven't watched the last like three or four things they did did you ever watch andor? Nope, never watched. Andor didn't watch. Um, what's her name's? Ahsoka? Oh, it was bad. I believe it. Yeah, so I don't know. We're. We're just kind of out on the whole universe at this point.

Speaker 1:

He's done with that universe. Well, the uh, phil lord and the other guy are taking over all of the sony spider-Man Marvel Universe TV shows. They just took them over.

Speaker 2:

Okay, what shows are those? No clue, Okay, Alright well.

Speaker 1:

I guess we'll see what happens. Having re-watched that latest Spider-Verse movie so many times, definitely my favorite movie. If it came out this year, it's my favorite movie of this year. If it came out last year, my favorite movie of last year came out this year. It's my favorite movie of this year.

Speaker 2:

If it came out last year, my favorite movie of last year I, I mean, it was definitely not this year, right, I don't know? Nah, I don't know. Time is a construct that's for sure.

Speaker 1:

Well, my disc is almost full tony, uh-. Oh, we better get out of here. Then we better get out of here. So, yeah, we'll be back next week talking about Hitman Agent 47.

Speaker 2:

47. Goodbye, everybody no-transcript.